MTL - Urban Banished Immortal-Chapter 614 Disciple

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Guo Bad's last sentence fell down, Li Shixin and Qiu Daoyuan rushed towards a pile of magic weapons, and the other old guys didn't look like a master. For a while, a lot of magic weapons on the ground were turned upside down. Taking advantage of the magic weapon Yu Youyou walked out. Bayi Chinese Network W ≠ W = W≈. ≈8 = 1 ≠ Z ≠ W. Com

"Small bad, although there is something going on in the future, if there is a century in the world, if anyone dares to come to the medical museum to make trouble, we will give it to some of our old bones to guarantee you to do things beautifully." Ao Feng went out and did not forget Shouting, Guo Bad couldn't help laughing.

After finishing the matter of Xiao Lingmo, Guo bad mood is a lot better. He picked up the magic weapon on the ground himself, and his magic weapon is enough. These things should be scored. The five demons are all present. If something goes wrong, you should prepare for it now.

Because the Medical Center opened 500 medical centers in Huaxia, the number of people visiting the Medical Center in Huaxia is far fewer than before. Several of the earliest students who are not medical centers are now teachers of the Medical Center and are serious. Teach several new students recruited from the Imperial Medical College.

"Boss, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I haven't seen you come in from the front. You are flying from the air again." Chen Jiadi watched Guo Bad walk in and asked jokingly, with Guo Bad for six years. Now, a few students know their own librarian well, as long as they don't commit to principle problems, they can do anything with Guo Badhei.

"Ji Di, teach newcomers well, I think you two are very destined, and you have a good grasp of yourself." Guo said with a smile, the little girl opposite Chen Jiadi turned red, and Chen Jiadi also looked Sorry.

"You are busy, I go out and go back to the hospital for dinner in the evening. The new classmates do n’t leave today. Since you chose the hospital, you have a meal together at night. You can tell me any opinions at night. "Guo Bad said with a smile. Several new students looked at Guo Bad as if they were idols. After Guo Bad went out, he drove a Bugatti and drove towards Tyrannosaurus. go with.

Guo Gang is still thinking about the Daojia in the Pacific base. The angel council must be related to the big devil, but how many descendants of the big devil are in the world, but it is a mystery to Guo bad. He has met with several big devil several times in recent years. After his hand, Guo Bad was no longer as relaxed as when he had just been demoted.

For about half an hour, Guo Badi drove to the May 31st Army. Several old commanders had retired to the second line. Several new people also knew Guo Bad. When they saw Guo Bad driving to May 31, a group of people were excited. It ’s incredible. As long as Guo bad can give a few pills, several more kings of soldiers will be available on May 31, and several new commanders will be around when they see Guo bad.

"Bad, I have n’t come to the army some days. I ate at noon today at May 31. There are a few recruits in the May 31 army recently. You are the division leader of the May 31 army. You have to give pointers to those recruits." The new army captain said with a smile.

"Commander Chen, you have made me a little embarrassed. I have already told the Dragon King that I will go to Tyrannosaurus for lunch at noon." Guo said with a smile.

"I called the Dragon King. As soon as I let my people go to the Dragon Dragon Mountain to pick up the Dragon King, I must eat in the May 31st Army at noon today. I have already told my men that you are our division leader. If you do n’t eat at your own house, what do you want me to do after I take office? ”Chen Yanzhou said with a smile, Guo nodded badly, agreed to Chen Yanzhou ’s request, and walked towards the playground.

"Xiao Bad, look at the new recruits over there. It's not bad." Chen Yanzhou followed Guo Bad, walked to the playground and pointed at the new recruits who were training and asked with a smile.

A group of recruits who were in competition saw that they were pointing and motivating, and one of the recruits knocked down the three veterans directly, and looked at Guo Bad.

"Yes, this guy's quality is even stronger than that of Yao Yao. If he can be cultivated well, it will definitely be a sharp knife." Guo Bad said with a smile, but his eyes fell on a young man behind the big man.

"Commander Chen, let's go over and take a look together." Guo Bad didn't say much, and quickly walked towards the crowd who was competing.

"Zhang Yang, come here, I will introduce you." Chen Yanzhou said loudly to the big man just now, and the big man quickly ran to Guo Bad and Chen Yanzhou.

"Guo Bad, our division commander of the May 31st Army." Chen Yanzhou didn't have much, just said Guo Bad's name, Zhang Yang's expression became hot.

"I know Master Guo, Master Guo is the curator of the Wucheng Infirmary. The illness of the mother is to be optimistic about the infirmary. At that time, my mother said that I could see Master Guo thank him, but today I can see Arrived. "Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Master Guo, my name is Zhao Jin, and I want to worship you as a teacher." The young man that Guo Bad noticed just now, seeing Guo Bad coming, hurriedly got up and ran to Guo Bad, kneeling directly on the ground.

"We know each other a long time ago, right?" Guo Ai asked softly, pulling Zhao Jin kneeling down.

"Master, do you still remember me, don't you?" Zhao Jin said excitedly, Guo Wei waved his hand to Chen Yanzhou, handed a jade bottle to Chen Yanzhou, and pulled Zhao Jin into the car himself.

When Chen Yanzhou got the jade bottle, naturally he did not participate in the bad things of Zhao Jin and Guo. It seems that they knew. Now what Chen Yanzhou thinks is how to distribute the elixir in front of him and how to make the strength of the May 31st Army a higher level. .

"The jade pen that I left for you that day has been with you." Guo Bad asked softly.

"I keep it all the time, when the master soared to heaven, the chaos was chaotic, and the master pushed me away. Four hundred years later, I could n’t ascend, but at the end I left a trace of remnant in the jade pendant you gave, another four hundred years. I reshaped the body. Two hundred years ago, I met the demons in Huaxia. The body was destroyed. It was not until three years ago that I found this body. I did n’t expect to meet you here. ”Zhao Jin was excited. Said.

Guo Gang was degraded, but one thing that will not change is the soul of Chen Qingyuan. He gave his young apprentice a piece of his own soul soul jade. As long as he didn't die, if the two met again in the future, the soul jade would Lights up, which is why Zhao Jin can recognize Guo bad at a glance.

"At that time, Da Yuan always thought that I favored you the most. Before that ascension, I had figured it out. If I ascended to the heavens, the division would be chaotic. I didn't expect it to be chaotic so soon." Guo Bad said softly, "You two hundred years I encountered a big demon before. Tell me about the situation at the time. There are more than a thousand years of things. It is also a fate that we can see each other.

Zhao Jin nodded, Guo Bad played around the car, and a pair of masters and apprentices who had not seen it for a thousand years began to talk.

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