MTL - Urban Banished Immortal-Chapter 658 Chang'e action

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When Taibai Venus walked over and asked Li Jing, a few other gods who had not spoken in Ling Xiaobao's hall just passed away, and then Li Tianwang winked with the immortals, and several people walked towards Li Tianwang's dojo together. went.八? 中文 Chinese network W ≤ W ≠ W ≈. ≥8≥1ZW. Com

"Prince Li, the third prince has been in the Nether for some days, and I don't know what news there is for Li Tian." Taibai Venus asked softly.

"A few days ago I could still see the situation of Nezha and the world through the magic weapon, but in recent days, the world has been blinded, and I can't know the situation on the world." Li Jing shook his head and said, "But there is one point I can Sure, there must be something wrong with the world. When the third prince went to his dojo Cuipingshan, there were traces of the demons. "

"Master Taibai, you said in the Temple of Ling Xiao that there might be traces of the demons, what news did you get?" Giant Spirit God asked softly.

"When I went to Huaguo Mountain, I had left some Taoism in a few auras in the world. In the last three people, the Taoism in the world has been completely destroyed. In addition, the heavens have been masked recently. I want to come and go. The only people who can do these things are the people of the Demon Clan, so they raised the matter of the Demon Clan, but they did not expect to be rejected by the Jade Emperor. "Taibai Jinsha shook his head and said.

"If you have any news, don't hide it, let's talk about it. If there is a problem in the world, it will sooner or later involve us, we should prepare early." Li Jing said softly.

"Several dojos in my world were destroyed by merit a few days ago. Although it has little effect on me now, I have similar thoughts to those who are too small. The only person who will destroy my merit is Demon." Giant Spirit God said softly.

"All of our human merits have also been destroyed." The words of the giant spirit **** fell, and several other Shangxian also said one after another. Li Jing and Taibaijinxing looked at each other for fear that there was really something big on earth.

"Several people, the fairy invited everyone to meet at the Moon Palace." Just as a few people were chatting, a large man carried a huge axe and entered Li Jing's dojo. The person who came was not Wu Gang and who he was. A few people nodded gently. Although many people in the heavenly court were quite cold about the fairy in the Moon Palace, but Taibaijinxing and Li Jing only knew the fairy's ability.

"Wu Gang, go back and tell the fairy, we will come later." Taibai Jinxing said with a smile, Wu Gang didn't say much, and returned with a big axe.

"Mother, is there really a problem in the world? I think a lot of people seem to be in the hall today." The emperor saw the immortals leaving and looked at the mother and asked.

"What happened? Can you close it?" The mother said coldly, "You can't control this, I can't control it, be an honest emperor, how long you can be an emperor, Anyway, you have been a tens of thousands of years and you are tired of being a jade emperor. "

"From reading Xinzhen was demoted to the lower realm, then to the third prince, some people said in private that the jade rabbit next to Chang'e Fairy was also in the lower realm. Was there someone who made a round?" Yudi asked impassively.

"Well! I said it. You should n’t ask. Do n’t ask. It ’s not good for you if you ask too much. Why do n’t you have a long memory?” The mother's fierce punch hit the emperor, The Jade Emperor flew more than a thousand meters and slammed on the pillar of Ling Xiao Bao Dian.

"Oh, I remember this fist. The things of the Demons have nothing to do with me, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. I won't intervene. You better not to intervene. Don't you think I don't know you're talking to I don't know about that thing about Momo. "After finishing the jade emperor, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and walked out of Ling Xiao Bao Dian.

"Sister, I've informed a few people who are too white and Venus. Sister, you have never been with those people. I don't know what to call them to the Moon Palace today." Wu Gang returned to the Moon Palace and asked Chang'e.

"What else can you do, Xiao Wugang, the world has become a mess recently, but it is an opportunity for you. If you grasp this time, breaking through the twelfth heaven is a trivial matter!" Chang'e said with a smile.

"Hey, how can there be such a good thing, sister, although I am big, but I am not stupid, I still have to practice step by step if I want to break through the twelve days." Wu Gangxi said with a smile.

"I'll tell you the truth, you still don't believe me, my sister was relying on this opportunity to step up to the sky at one time, or else you thought why my sister has the strength I have now," Chang'e was not angry, said with a smile, "Since this opportunity you No, I'll give it to someone else. "

"Don't, don't, my good sister, you also know, I've been trapped in the eleventh day for almost ten thousand years, and I've sent a kick, my sister helps me." Wu Gang looked at Chang'e as if he was lying, Hurriedly shouted.

"There is a catastrophe in the world, it is not too late for you to go down now, my sister will take you a few days off and go around the world." Chang'e said with a smile, "When you reach the Nether, go to Yuer, you should be able to easily find her, everything Obeying the arrangement of Xinzhen Jun, the key to whether you can break through him is haha, interesting, more and more interesting. "Chang'e fairy couldn't help laughing.

"Sister, why do you want to read and read Xin Zhenjun's guy when he arrives in the Nether, he is just a color embryo!" Wu Gang asked, shaking his head.

"He dares to peep at me to take a bath, do you dare?" Chang'e said with amusement, regardless of the wide-eyed Wu Gang, "I ca n’t get out quickly, my sister shows you a way to go. You also asked Dong Wenxi, you have to wait until it is too white Are they ready to leave when Venus comes? "

Wu Gang watched the elder sister who was still good just now suddenly soared, and did not dare to ask any more. She rushed directly from the moon palace to the earth, and a strong wave was pressed down by Chang'e Yu's hand.

"Fairy, I don't know how to call us here in such an anxiety today, what's the matter?" A few people of Taibai Venus didn't leave Wu Gang for a long time, and they appeared together in the Moon Palace.

"Too white, others don't know what I'm calling you guys from, can't you guess what I'm going to do?" Chang'e fairy said with a smile. "There aren't many good days on earth, and some of them should be stricken with the days before The relationship between the reading Xinzhen and the lower realm is very good. I asked you to borrow something. Of course, it was not me, but Chen Qingyuan. "

"Please ask the fairy to make it clear!" Taibai Venus still smiled and said nothing.

"Old man, thanks to the old man who read Xinzheng gave you so much wine, and today came to ask me some questions!" Chang'e said with a smile. "But I can also understand that if I tell some Ming today, I need some Magic weapon, what the heavenly courts don't need, and the ones you stayed in the Nether before, the better! "

"What does the fairy need so many magic weapons for? The things on our bodies don't seem to fit into the fairy eye." Li Jing asked softly.

"There is going to be an accident in the world. I will give you some benefits. If you continue to ask East and West, then I will give this benefit to others. I need millions of magic weapons. I do n’t need those dead things from the cow fork. Just give me something. What Tian Bingtian will use will do. Within three days, you can deliver the best. If not, I will find a way by myself and you can go! "Chang'e finished, and walked towards the palace without looking back.