MTL - Urban Banished Immortal-Chapter 676 Royal Means

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Guo Gang returned to May 31 and directly dispersed all the 80,000 martial arts in the May 31 Army training ground to more than 6,000 medical halls around the world. The propaganda of the great martial arts was very in place. It took about half a month to reach the martial arts military. The number of apprentices enrolled in the museum has exceeded 40 million, and 25 million have met the minimum requirements of the Great Martial Art Museum. ?? Bayi Chinese Network W = W = W ≤. ≤81ZW. Com

"I saved these people or harmed them. I didn't know until four years later. I hope I did nothing wrong this time." Guo Gang said softly, watching the situation of the big martial arts museum that came back every day.

"Father Wang, that action of reading Xin Zhenjun is not small this time. We don't need to do this at all. Why give him five years to use our current strength to win the world is no problem at all." An old man in black said softly.

"Ameng, if you won the world now, wouldn't you feel boring? Reading Xinzhengjun, there are some things that are not as simple as you think. Now I cannot tell you, there are four years, and after four years, I will talk to Tell me about this guy and me, haha, you want to use the power of the world to deal with my hundreds of millions of magic soldiers, it's really whimsical, I want to see, how can you win me in this life. "The man in black finished , Disappeared in front of the five demon.

"Every father who was born outside knows that, since he knows it, we don't have to worry about it. Four years, but the effort of a blink of an eye passed." Yu Mo said with a smile, "Father Emperor was right, It ’s really boring to deal with ordinary people. If it ’s against martial arts, it ’s a bit of a meaning. ”

The training ground of the May 31st Army was cleared out within a few days, and Mao Tau returned to the medical hall. When Guo Bad saw Mao Tau, he naturally knew what was going on.

"Boss, we're almost done with the things you gave us, but if you take them all to the infirmary, it will be a little trouble." Mao Tau said softly.

"Where are they now?" Guo asked with a grin, and the things given to Mao Tau were doing well this time.

"It's all in the East China Sea, the island we brought before." Mao Tau said with a smile, "I'm not idle, Er Mao watched them practice."

"Okay, we'll be out today. I found them a good instructor, and Baozhun can quickly improve their strength." Guo Bad said with a smile, and went straight to the North House in the backyard of the Infirmary Museum.

In the north courtyard of the backyard of the medical museum, he entered from Yutian and never came out. No one disturbed Yutian. Guo Bad pushed the door open today.

"Mr. Yutian, today we should go out for activities." Guo Bad said with a smile.

Yu Tian slowly opened her eyes, then slowly stood up, and looked at the smiling Guo Guo nodded badly.

"It's been six months. The time has passed so fast. Let's go and take a look. Guo is bad. It's fine. Although the descendants of the six-eared macaque have been found, haha, it looks like this time is interesting." Yutian Out of the room, his eyes fell on his hair and said with a smile.

"Let ’s go, the more interesting things are still behind." Guo Bad said with a smile, and Mao Tian was uncomfortable staring at his hair. Watching Guo Bad and Yu Tian came out without saying anything, the three of them went together. Fly to the East China Sea.

On an isolated island where Guo Gang and Maotou had stayed at that time, the isolated island has completely changed its appearance. The isolated island is now more than three times larger than before. From a distance, the isolated island is very lively, as small as a squirrel fox, There are dozens of tigers and lions, and even African elephants. Guo Bad looked at it, and Yu Tian was taken aback.

Tiger Er Ermao first saw Guo Gangsan falling on the island from the sky. The tiger yelled a stop, and all sorts of birds and beasts that had been lined up in a team suddenly calmed down.

"Bad Lord, we have found all the beasts we are looking for. It is a bit of trouble to say that they are all beasts, but this time we found the guys who can help, after the boss's training, it can definitely come in handy." Tiger said with a big smile. However, the moment his eyes fell on Yu Tian, ​​Tiger almost turned into the original shape, forcibly suppressed the power of his own blood, and ran quickly into a corner.

"Guo Bad, do you want me to train this mess?" Yu Tian said with a smile while watching Guo Bad.

"Hey, Mr. Yutian is not right to say this, nor can it be said to be broken. Although only a small part of them now have spiritual wisdom or blood lineage, but there are hundreds of millions of demon soldiers in order to ensure that they lose. If we don't lose, we should have that momentum more or less. "Guo said with a grin.

"Only by them, how do you want me to train in order to train out the momentum?" Yu Tian looked at the beast that had been scared and trembling because of his existence, shook his head and looked at Guo Bad and asked.

Guo Bad picked up the squirrel from the ground nearby, and the little squirrel looked at Guo Bad pitifully. Between Guo Bad, he passed a small amount of merit into the little squirrel. The little squirrel who had been scared just now had a little spirit, With a look of excitement at Guo Bad, he looked very carefully at Yu Tian hiding behind.

"Using the power of merit to open the wisdom of ordinary birds and beasts, there are at least 80 million types of orcs in front of you. Guo Gang, do you know how much merit power this requires?" Yutian couldn't help asking.

"I don't know if my current merit is not enough, but there is no other good way, merit. If we spend it, we can earn it again. If we can let the people live through this catastrophe, the merit is not as much as we want. Guo said with a grin.

"Haha, you and adults really have some similarities. They both like gambling, and don't care about gains and losses. These little guys give it to me. You will keep the power of merit. I will screen it first. It is necessary for you to pay merit. You are turning on the spiritual wisdom, and some dead trees will be released directly. "Yu Tian's voice fell and came to the front of a dry orc, just with a look, all kinds of birds and beasts who had not dared to move changed even more. Honestly.

"Hey, if the old man wasn't trapped at that time, the orcs wouldn't be what they are now." Yu Tian shook his head and said, and then Yu Tian's Yuan Ying suddenly came out of the flesh, and there was a golden light all over his body. On the body of the orcs, only a moment, a terrible atmosphere appeared on the entire island.

Just when Guo Gang was thinking about what was just born, the six big tigers made a loud roar, and all these six big men became animal monsters. Guo bad was frightened by the situation in front of him. After the personification, the peak of the Chengdan period, but it is not easy for Xuanshou to form Jindan. At this time, Guo Bad naturally hopes that they can break through, because although the use of Dan medicine can make them break through easily, but The future practice will definitely have an impact. I did not expect that today six people broke through together.

"Master Xie is complete." Six big men kneeling in front of Yuan Tian's Yuan Ying shouted loudly, and then 80 million types of birds and beasts bowed in front of Yu Tian in their own way.

"In this way, you can be a mysterious beast, which is what some orcs mean. Forty million, a little less." Yu Tian said with a smile.

Read The Mage of Eternity