MTL - Urban Demon Slayer-~ 1093 Male unmarried chapter female unmarried

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Compared with the depression in the nurse's station before, Qi Yan seems to be a different person now, smiling and radiant. Obviously, because of the safe return of Wang Qianchen and others, she was completely relieved, and her mood became happy again.

Recently, she has been observing Wang Qianchen's movements through the small mirror.

Wang De still didn't understand why the guards came to salute his son and called him the deputy commander-in-chief, but when he heard Qi Yan say this, his eyebrows immediately twitched: "He dare! I must marry you home! I will recognize you as a daughter-in-law!"

"Okay, then I'll wait!" Qi Yan tucked the small mirror into her trouser pocket and walked to the window to admire Wang Qianchen's heroic appearance.

Song Chongjian was sent to the emergency room, and various high-tech instruments and practitioners from the medical department took turns to fight, and finally saved his life.

But he was seriously injured, his body was pierced through at least a thousand holes by the golden light of the golden cicada lamp, so he still didn't wake up and needed a good rest.

In the ward, Wang Qianchen stood beside the bed, looking at Song Chongjian, who was covered in bandages, even his head. It would be a lie if he didn't feel bad.

"Dong dong dong." At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." Wang Qianchen didn't look back.

When the door was pushed open, the man walked in, and the familiar smell drifted in. Wang Qianchen turned around and saw Qi Yan standing at the door.


Wang Qianchen waved at her, and then pointed to a certain direction outside the door.

Qi Yan nodded and turned to leave.

Five minutes later, in the fire escape at the end of the corridor.

"It's obvious that the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried, how can it be like having an affair..." Qi Yan, who was wearing a nurse's uniform, sighed softly.

"I'm sorry... I still can't protect you!" Although the two had not even confirmed their relationship as a couple, Wang Qianchen still held her hand.

Even Song Epee's family was in trouble...

Before the [Guangfuhui] was completely destroyed, Wang Qianchen really did not dare to take this step.

"It's alright, I understand!" Qi Yan raised her head with a bright smile.

Facing such an understanding girl, Wang Qianchen really couldn't hold back, and opened his arms to hug her tightly.

As time went by, Wang Qianchen not only did not forget the feelings that had been blocked just after germination, but he liked her more and more and fell in love with her more and more.

The two of them hugged each other quietly, no matter how many storms and storms the outside world was, but at this moment it only belonged to the two of them.

Half an hour later, the two separated, one continued to work and the other returned to Song Cepeng's ward.

Wang Qianchen opened the door and found that Song Chongjian had woken up, and there were two more people beside the bed.

Song Anping and Chen Wanhe.

"Where have you been..." Song Anping asked casually.

"Brother!" Wang Qianchen's face sank.

"...Brother." Song Anping was speechless, but did not resist.

Before that, he had some feelings for Wang Qianchen. After all, he came out of a mother's womb, but not many. After all, they didn't grow up together. But later, after seeing Wang Qianchen's outstanding ability, he gradually developed some admiration for this human brother.

"Commander Song, how are you?" After saying hello to Chen Wanhe again, Wang Qianchen immediately ran to Song Cepeng's side.

"It's... good..." Song Chongjian was still extremely weak, but he still struggled to say a few words.

"You better rest..." Wang Qianchen sighed, then turned around and asked Song Anping, "Everyone went back?"

"Everyone went back..." Song Anping talked about the previous situation.

After Wang Qianchen left, Song Anping talked about the Tianpo plan with Chen Wanhe and Ta Jiuzhou. Ta Jiuzhou is a monster and does not meet the requirements of the "chosen person", but he is willing to help in other matters, so the Taiji seal is temporarily left to him and can be returned in the future.

Of course, Song Anping also made the same promise as Wei Zihua. In the future, he will help Jiuzhou to talk and see if he can give him a divine position.

The Tiangang knife is still held by Chen Wanhe. He was originally chosen by heaven, so it is reasonable.

The Qingyun Sword is held by He Jun, who is also the chosen one. With the help of Wei Zihua, He Jun has reached the peak of the top realm, but the identity information has not been added to the defense system of Shangjing. This matter still needs to be handled by Wang Qianchen, the deputy commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer].

In addition, other artifacts are in Song Anping's place.

Du Hong and others went back to a certain place to continue their cultivation, and they needed to rise to the peak of the peak as soon as possible.

Song Cepeng, Chen Wanhe, He Jun, Du Hong, Tan Zuo, and Siyao were already six people who were chosen by heaven, and there was only one left to implement the Tianpo plan.

"Is the seventh chosen person..."

"It's Bai Feiyang."

Before Wang Qianchen could point to his nose, Song Anping interrupted him.

"Although you pretended to be Bai Feiyang and became the head of Longhu Mountain before, all the real identity information pointed to him, so he was right. Next, we need to kill the evil **** and rescue him." Song Anping said seriously.

"Bai Feiyang must be saved..." Wang Qianchen said suspiciously, "But I think I'm also the one chosen by heaven, right?"

Wei Zihua said before that the chosen people are those who have reached the pinnacle of the realm and have the qualifications to become gods. The so-called aptitude to become a **** is basically locked in the high-level of [Monster Slayer], after all, it is known as the Whampoa Military Academy in the heaven.

Read The Duke's Passion