MTL - Urban Demon Slayer-Chapter 1044 How many seniors came

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"I didn't catch Song Cepeng's family, but I caught another big fish!" The Capricorn envoy said excitedly.

"Do you want to catch me just because of you?" Chen Wanhe looked left and right with disdain in his hand, holding the Tiangang Knife.

This is how he is, no matter how good or bad he is, he is always unwilling to admit defeat.

"Where's the room goddess envoy?" The Taurus goddess envoy said solemnly.

"Is that foreign girl? Dead! My head is still here." Chen Wanhe said, grabbing in the air, and sure enough he pulled out a head with fluttering long hair and fair skin. It was the goddess of the house who had taken off her hat. Make.

These divine envoys were selected from various countries, and they had no feelings for each other, but seeing this tragic scene, everyone was still very indignant, and they raised the golden cicada lanterns one after another.

A fierce battle has finally begun!


Settling the two children at a friend's house, Bi Lin immediately called Song Chongjian.

- After all, Chen Wanhe is involved in this matter, and Bi Lin does not dare to call the shots without authorization, let alone contact the headquarters of [Monster Slayer]. Of course, she must tell Song Cepian right away!

At that time, Song Chongjian was on his way back to Beijing, and was surprised when he received Bi Lin's call.

"People in black robes? Chen Wanhe led them away?"


"How many people in black robes are there?" Song Chongjian didn't have time to wonder why those people in black robes were able to enter Shangjing, and it was impossible for Bi Lin to know. He could only care about the most crucial issues.

"I didn't see it clearly, there were at least four or five!" Bi Lin said according to her memory.

"Which direction did they go?" Song Chongjian asked again.

"South!" Bi Lin said again.

"Okay, you take good care of the two children, if you can't do it, go to Ding's house to hide!" Song Chongjian hung up the phone, thinking about the position in his heart, and sped out again.

In the wild, somewhere.

After a big battle, the surroundings were in a mess, countless trees and rocks were broken, and one big hole after another was blown out on the ground.

In the middle of a large pit that was several meters wide, Chen Wanhe was lying in it covered in blood. His posture was no longer dashing, his face was bloodless, his face was exhausted, his hair was mixed in the mud, and he didn't even have the strength to move.

But his pale right hand still held the Tiangang knife tightly.


Several figures landed one after another, and it was the only five angels left.

"That's it?" Chen Wanhe's expression was still contemptuous, as if he didn't care about these people at all.

"You are indeed very strong." The Taurus God Envoy crouched on the edge of the pit and said with great emotion: "No matter which of us faces you alone, it can't be your opponent... Fortunately, we have a lot of people, not bad!"

The Taurus God Envoy once again felt that it was a wise thing to decide not to disperse actions before.

"What if there are too many people? Lao Tzu... Lao Tzu..." Chen Wanhe said, trying to raise his hand, trying to raise the Tiangang knife.

But he couldn't, really couldn't.

"Take him away and put away the artifact!" The Taurus God Envoy waved his hand.

The angel of Libra and the angel of Capricorn were about to jump into the pit when they heard a strange sound of "click" and "click" all around.

"What's the matter?!" The Taurus God Envoy turned his head abruptly.

The other four gods also looked around.

I saw that in the desolate wilderness, many openings were suddenly opened in all directions, and one after another ragged figures crawled out of the ground. The only thing they had in common was that they were all dead, like corpses.

No, not like, they are corpses!

I don't know how long these corpses have been dead, there are hundreds of them at least. At this moment, they all crawled out of the ground and limped towards a few divine envoys. Under the pale moonlight, countless Horrible and terrifying.

"What are these things?!" The Taurus God Envoy asked calmly.

"The number of corpse control techniques is still quite large. It should be an expert from Maoshan." Bai Feiyang said with a frown.

"What kind of masters are there in Maoshan? The ancestor is dead, and the leader is also missing..."


Before the Taurus God Envoy finished speaking, there was another explosion of thunder in the sky. Everyone looked up and saw the bright moon in the sky, and no dark clouds were rolling, but there were a lot of thunder and lightning flashing in the air, terrifying blue electric lights like stripes The thick python seemed to smash to the ground at any time.

"Longhu Mountain's magic? The people from Longhu Mountain are here too?" Bai Feiyang's voice was a little puzzled.


At this moment, several fireballs suddenly fell from the sky and smashed into several angels beside the pit!

"The magic of Putuo Mountain!" Bai Feiyang shouted again.

"Be careful!" The Taurus God Envoy shouted, avoiding it first.

Several other divine envoys also retreated, avoiding those fireballs dangerously and dangerously.

At the same time, the surrounding corpses rushed up with their claws and claws, and the thunder and fireballs from the sky continued to smash down, causing several divine envoys to jump up and down one after another.

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