MTL - Urban Demon Slayer-Chapter 1051 Wei Zihua's warning

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The boss nodded: "It's okay, you say."

Huo Li opened his mouth and said: "After Siyao disappeared, Commander Song had a heavy workload and decided to promote a new deputy commander. I think I'm qualified. My strength, ability, qualifications, and achievements are all outstanding among the mountain people! But Commander Song didn't consider me, but instead promoted Wang Qianchen... I'm not saying that Wang Qianchen is not good, he is very powerful, young and promising, and has outstanding achievements, but I think I am more qualified! I have no intention to provoke disputes, this is not good for [Monster Slayer] Unity is also not good, but I just want to make a case for myself! Since the position of the deputy commander has not yet been decided... Boss, wait for me to kill Ta Jiuzhou... After returning to Commander Song, I hope you can stand in front of him. Speak for me!"

At the end, Huo Li's eyes were slightly red, and the flesh on his cheeks was shaking slightly.

After these words came out, there were a lot of applause at the scene. Everyone cheered for Huo Li's true feelings. Even Ding Jianjun, Zou Liang, and Lu Qiao who had been standing on Wang Qianchen's side stopped talking.

Not to mention them, even Wang Qianchen himself felt that this deputy commander should belong to Huo Li.

How can I compete with such a loyal and loyal Lao Shanren!

The boss was also slightly moved by Huo Li, nodded and said, "I have never asked about [Monster Slayer], and I believe Song Cepeng can handle it well. Since he chose Wang Qianchen, he must have his reasons... But I am today. I promise you, I will try my best to help you, no matter whether it will be successful or not in the future."

"Thank you, boss! Your words are enough, at least I have done my best! It's not too late, I will kill and step on Kyushu now!" Huo Li bowed his hands solemnly, and turned to leave.

"Brother Huo!" Wang Qianchen couldn't help calling him.

Holly stopped and looked at him.

"How are you going to kill Tajiuzhou?" Wang Qianchen asked.

"What?" Huo Li bared his teeth and laughed, with a strong provocation in his eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of your meritorious deeds, I'm afraid that you will steal the deputy commander's seat... When Commander Song returns, I will take the initiative to resign from the position of deputy commander..." Wang Qianchen said seriously: "But, step on Kyushu is not so easy to kill, but don't take risks for meritorious deeds!"

"Hey, thank you for your concern, but since I dare to speak up, I am sure of it! You don't have to take the initiative to resign, I will compete fairly with you!" Huo Li continued to walk towards the door.

After Huo Li left, there was silence in the Si'an courtyard.

"Then wait for his news. Before Song Chongjian comes back, I will act as his agent first. If you have anything, you can report to me... Of course, I am a layman on many things, and you can discuss it." The boss explained. In a word, he walked into Song Cepeng's office.

The guards he brought with him also all stood guard.

Wang Qianchen, Ding Jianjun and others also retreated.

outside the door.

Ding Jianjun said worriedly: "What the **** is Huo Li doing, can he really kill Ta Jiuzhou?"

Wang Qianchen immediately shook his head: "Impossible!"

He understands the strength of Treading Kyushu too well. He holds two divine weapons and has seventy-two transformations. He is no match for him, not to mention Huo Li, a sensible person who has just been promoted to Transcendence?

Huo Li went to Tread Kyushu, there was only one dead end!

And he still can't tell everyone that stepping on Jiuzhou has actually been brought to his own camp.

——Because strictly speaking, stepping on Kyushu is cooperating with Wei Zihua, not an alliance with [Monster Slayer].

"Drip Bell-"

Wang Qianchen's cell phone rang suddenly.

He took it out and saw that it was Wei Zihua calling.

After Wei Zihua's "resurrection", the old mobile phone naturally came in handy again, and last night in Wang Qianchen's White Dog Cave was also full of electricity.


"Xiaochen, don't, don't, don't be the deputy commander of [Monster Slayer]!"

As soon as Wang Qianchen picked up the phone, Wei Zihua's alert voice came from the other side of the phone.


An hour ago.

Outside the city, on a hillside beside a national road.

Wei Zihua couldn't enter the city, but he didn't take it seriously. He was half lying on the hillside full of flowers, holding a swaying dog's tail grass in his mouth, waiting for Wang Qianchen's news.

Although the task is arduous, but I can steal half a day to spare...

Just then, he suddenly heard very light footsteps.

Wei Zihua stood up abruptly, turned around, and prepared a fighting stance.

Seeing the person coming, he was stunned for a moment, and then said unexpectedly: "Xiaochen, you are coming back so soon..."


Before he finished speaking, Wei Zihua immediately realized that something was wrong. Although the person in front of him looked the same as Wang Qianchen, his clothes and shoes were completely different from before.

Wei Zihua immediately swept out his mental power.

Top notch!

This is the mysterious person that Wang Qianchen keeps mentioning!

Wei Zihua immediately took out the ghost pen.

"Judge Cui, don't you know me?" The mysterious man said suddenly with a smile on his face.

Wei Zihua was stunned, staring at the mysterious man in front of him.

After a long while, he suddenly realized: "You are..."

Read The Duke's Passion