MTL - Urban Demon Slayer-Chapter 1065 Track down the mysterious man

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Of course, Wang Qianchen doesn't believe in any visions from heaven or the reincarnation of gods. He has studied history. After many great people have achieved great things, they always like to talk about when they were born. It's like, in fact, it's all nonsense and nonsense. What does thunder and rain have to do with you?

"You? These two children?" But Wang Qianchen sensitively caught two key words from Wang De's words!

"Yes, when you were born, you were twins. Because of the thousand pieces of auspicious colors and the vision of the sky, your mother and I are still ambitious to cultivate you into a pillar of strength... It's a pity that not long after, your mother will After I passed away, I couldn't sustain myself and couldn't take care of my two children at all, so I sent one of them out... As I expected, the child who looks just like you is your brother! He came to the door , but I don't want to admit my identity, so I pretended to be you to do my filial piety... Alas, it's obviously because I'm sorry for him, he doesn't care about the past, my old face..." Wang De said, his eyes were slightly slightly reddened.

The mother passed away shortly after giving birth to herself. Wang Qianchen knew about this, but there was also a twin brother, which was really the first time he heard of it!

As if struck by a thunderbolt, Wang Qianchen froze in place.

"It's fortunate that you both look very capable. I knew that your mother and I were not wrong at the beginning... Xiaochen, when I see your brother again, if you want to be nice to him, you should make it up for your father..." Wang De Still muttering.

"What's his name? Where was he sent to?" Wang Qianchen asked suddenly.

Although Wang De said so, Wang Qianchen was still not sure that the mysterious man was really his twin brother.

If so, why didn't he say it directly, why did he repeatedly get in trouble with him, and even tied He Jun and others?

He still wanted to go back to the source and find out the truth.

"When I sent him out, I hadn't given him a name yet. And he went to a new family, so he would definitely have a new name. When I sent him out, I thought about finding a good family for him, and the news spread. Later, I contacted a few, and finally chose a family from another place. The family is from the south, the husband and wife are both in business, and they seem to be very friendly. After a few inspections, I gave it to them..."

"Do you have a phone number and address?"

"In those days, there was no phone, but I remember the address of their house clearly. After all, I have to give my son to others, right... But why do you ask this, we will send it without regret or recognition. Dear!" Wang De shook his head, obviously quite honest.

"It's okay, I'll find out, I'm really curious! Besides, if he can find us, it proves that the family has told him about his life experience, so don't worry about hurting anyone! I'll go quietly and promise not to disturb anyone, don't you? Don't you want to know his situation?" Wang Qianchen followed suit.

After all, he is his own son, and he has not been with him since he was a child. It is impossible for Wang De not to miss him.

The secret that has been buried in his heart for more than 20 years, because of the sudden appearance of this second child, he brought back many memories and past events. In the end, he couldn't hold back his concern, and still said, "Okay, you can ask in private, don't affect the normal life of others! The address of that family is in a small county town in Zhouhe, Jiangsu, Zhejiang..."

Wang Qianchen wrote down the address carefully, nodded and said, "Okay, I remember it, I'll go ask now! Dad, you can continue to recuperate."

After Wang De said this, Wang Qianchen was basically sure that the mysterious man was his twin brother, otherwise he wouldn't have eaten one by one before, and even came here to wash his father's feet.

Therefore, Wang De shouldn't be in any danger, and he doesn't need to change places for the time being.

But what the younger brother wanted to do, Wang Qianchen hadn't figured it out yet, so he decided to check it secretly.

"Aren't you going to see Qi Yan?" Seeing Wang Qianchen preparing to leave, Wang De quickly asked.

"No, I'll talk about it later..." Wang Qianchen still left the window. After all, Wang De's acceptance was quite high, and he had already assumed that he was "the reincarnation of an immortal".

"When will I be able to hug my grandson..." Seeing that Wang Qianchen "disappeared" again, Wang De sighed deeply.


After coming out of the hospital, Wang Qianchen went straight to the address provided by Wang De.

He knew that after he became the deputy commander of [Monster Slayer], he would definitely become a thorn in the eyes of those divine envoys. In fact, he also intends to use this to attract those guys to show up, just to counter the generals.

But it may be the mysterious person of his twin brother. The words he said before disappearing really worried him. He always felt that the guy would make a mess. If he didn't figure it out and dig it out, he wouldn't dare to implement the next plan. !

In order to avoid being targeted prematurely by the mysterious person, Wang Qianchen walked all the way in stealth. After arriving at a small county town under the Zhouhe River in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, he went to the local household registration department to turn around and turned into a staff member.

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