MTL - Urban Demon Slayer-Chapter 1097 Emperor Yan appeared

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"Emperor Yan?!"

At the same time as this face appeared, Tathagata, Jade Emperor, and Sanqing burst into a surprised look at the same time, and the gods on the Daxia side also raised their heads one after another, and their eyes full of admiration were projected over.

If Pangu, Fuxi, Nuwa, etc. are considered to be the first generation of saints, then Emperor Yan is considered to be the second generation of saints, and the Tathagata and others naturally respect him very much.

Zeus, Odin and other **** kings were all horrified, and the gods and gods from all over the world were so overwhelmed that they couldn't even lift their heads up!

"Emperor Yan, you're still alive! It's really good..." The Tathagata, who had seen countless storms, couldn't help but whispered Amitabha.

"I'm not alive..." Emperor Yan, who had only a phantom, said solemnly: "My body has long since turned into a part of the Heavenly Dao, leaving only a wisp of divine soul roaming between heaven and earth... Heavenly Dao is broken, my last ray of divine soul, It finally comes in handy..."

Emperor Yan's ethereal voice echoed in everyone's ears.

"The last ray of divine soul... It turned out that you filled the cracks in the heavens! But if you did this, didn't you completely..." Didn't you completely "disappear"? The Jade Emperor's voice trembled slightly, obviously unable to accept this fact.

"I should have disappeared a long time ago. Pangu, Fuxi, Nuwa, and others, have long been one step ahead of me, and have completely integrated the body and soul into the heaven! It is not like the creation gods in certain regions, who have occupied that place for tens of thousands of years. He refuses to take his seat, and at the same time he has to oppress the gods below and the people below! Such gods are simply arrogant, not as good as pigs and dogs!" Emperor Yan originally had a kind and kind face, but in the end he gradually turned cold.

Zeus, Odin and other **** kings clearly know that he is talking about himself, and he is not necessarily worse than him in terms of seniority. not open.

Even if it was just a ray of divine soul, the terrifying coercion still made them tremble with fear!

This is because Emperor Yan has completely integrated into the heavens and has become an existence that can surpass them!

"In addition, I disappeared, I died. I am in the way of heaven, and I will still pay attention to you... Tathagata, Jade Emperor, Sanqing... and various bodhisattvas, true monarchs, Arhats, gods... you are all It's hard work, hold on for a while... those children will succeed!" Speaking of the last sentence, Emperor Yan became kind-hearted again, thinking of the young faces of those young people, he couldn't help but soften his heart.

Daxia, there are people who have successors.

Always, someone!

"If you want to hold on, you must hold on..." After saying this, Emperor Yan's phantom gradually dissipated, completely becoming a part of "the way of heaven".

The whole heaven was silent, only the whistling of spiritual power, and the sound of Tianshu and Tianwang banging against each other.

"Come on, we can have a good fight!"

The words of Emperor Yan were shocking, and the laughter of the Tathagata resounded throughout the 33rd Heaven...


As Emperor Yan's spirit receded, the huge crack in the sky disappeared, and the practitioners all over the world also let out a long breath.

No one knows exactly what happened, but they do know that the catastrophe is temporarily over.

The world, Shangjing, outside the city, on Linglong Mountain.

Song Anping, Chen Wanhe and others looked at Wang Qianchen in astonishment.

"No, what are you doing..." Wang Qianchen felt a little creepy.

"...What did you do just now?" Song Anping asked in horror.

Of course, they couldn't see the scene in the 33rd layer of heaven, but they could see a ray of golden light shot out from Wang Qianchen's body, and then the crack in the sky disappeared.

What a miracle this is!

This is too scary!

That kind of crack, even Tianzun can't smooth it!

"I said I didn't do it, do you believe it..." Wang Qianchen scratched his head.

"Don't come!" Song Anping gritted his teeth and said: "You were still at the peak of the top realm just now, and with a golden light shooting out, you became the early stage of the top realm... Tell the truth, have you spent some cultivation level to heal the sky? The rift? Tell the truth, which ancient **** is you reincarnated?"

Song Anping is a **** himself, and his words have natural credibility.

When he said this, everyone believed this rhetoric, and everyone showed a look of surprise and reverence.

Du Hong walked directly behind Wang Qianchen, pinched his shoulders and thumped his back, and said flatteringly: "Xiaochen, I used to have low emotional intelligence. If there is anything offensive in your words and actions, I hope you will have a lot of them. , don't blame me ha..."



He Jun and Tan Zuo scolded each other, but they ran to Wang Qianchen's sides, one helped him squeeze his arm, and the other helped him wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Oh, look, we are tired of Xiaochen..."

"That's right, in order to fill the gap in the heavenly way, I was stunned to consume a lot of spiritual power..."

Seeing this scene, Chen Wanhe, Blind Tuo, and Siyao couldn't help laughing, but they didn't dare to laugh, for fear of colliding with the ancient **** Wang Qianchen.

"Tell me, who are you?!" Song Anping stood directly in front of Wang Qianchen and asked solemnly.