MTL - Urban Demon Slayer-Chapter 1110 Step on the true strength of Kyushu

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"It's a bit of an exaggeration to say it's stronger, let's keep pace." The Dapeng Protector suddenly changed his rhetoric and said lightly.

Able to keep pace with Tathagata Buddha, one hand can count, who is it?

"Then you don't need to betray anymore..." Ta Jiuzhou frowned.

"Hehe, what do you think the Tathagata is a good person? On the surface, he called me uncle, but in reality he imprisoned me on Lingshan, where I couldn't eat meat or drink. It was more painful than going to jail! He said he was protecting the Dharma, but in fact he was not even as good as an Arhat, and there was no one at all. Take me seriously! But Lord Heretic God is different, he promised me that in the future I can eat people at will, and even make me a Bodhisattva..." Having said this, Dapeng Dharma Protector paused, "How about you? , are you willing to come with me? With your aptitude, as long as the Heretic God gives a little help, breaking through the super-dust realm is not a problem at all! In the future, if you want to be the master of the heavens, whether you want to be a true monarch, a bodhisattva, or a heavenly emperor, it’s up to you to choose…”

"After becoming a god, can you eat people casually?" Ta Jiuzhou sighed softly: "Although I like to eat human flesh, but such a god... I still don't like it very much."

Dapeng Protector raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The Heretic God is the master of the heavens, I'm afraid the world will be in chaos, right?" Ta Jiuzhou said again.

"You are a monster, don't care if he is messy or not, is it okay if you live a happy life?" Dapeng Protector said in a puzzled way: "We are both monsters, that's why I told you these words... Look at the others. , did I glance at them?"

"Over the years, I have worshipped the Tao, worshipped the Buddha, ate fast food, and recited sutras. I dare not say how noble I am, but I have received some education, so I am ashamed to be in the company of people like you." Ta Jiuzhou still looked calm.

"I'm telling you this because you have some aptitude... As a result, you're stubborn, so you're going to die!" Dapeng said, raising the painting pole Fang Tianji in his hand.

"Master Yaozu!" Wang Qianchen couldn't help crying.

Although before stepping on Kyushu, he swore that he could kill the Dapeng Protector, but the difference between the two is too great.

Treading Kyushu slowly turned around, but did not look at anyone, but looked at the Daxia border not far away.

It is very close to the Daxia border here, and you can even see the mountains over there, the water over there, and the land full of details over there.

That side of the country, although it has suffered for thousands of years, still stands firmly, never falling, never dissipating.

Because there are the most simple and hard-working people there, no matter how many times they are defeated, they can still be reborn from the ashes!

"Xiaochen, do you still remember my story? I told you." Ta Jiuzhou said lightly.

Wang Qianchen nodded, of course he remembered.

The true picture of stepping on Kyushu is a map of Daxia. It has been through countless dynasties since the Qin Dynasty, and it has been more than 2,000 years.

His strength also follows the development of national strength, which is stronger or weaker, higher or lower.

He has witnessed the fall of Daxia and the glory of Daxia.

"You once asked me, when I was the strongest, was it in the Yuan Dynasty. I said no, the time when I was the strongest was now, the economy was prosperous, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, the people were united, and the country was picturesque... You must be thinking, you haven't seen how strong I am, right?" Ta Jiuzhou raised his hands and looked at it calmly.

Wang Qianchen was silent, he really thought so in the past.

Compared with lifespan, humans are inferior to monsters; but compared with cultivation, humans are a lot stronger than monsters. After cultivating in Kyushu for more than 2,000 years, he is only slightly more powerful than Song Epee and Chen Wanhe...

And after Song Epee received the inheritance of the five ancestors, it is really hard to say who is stronger or weaker, not to mention Chen Wanhe, a super genius who is constantly improving.

"Now, I'll let you see, let me step on the true strength of Kyushu!"

When the voice fell, stepping on the exposed skin of Kyushu, such as the neck, face, and hands, even more dense lines, thick or thin lines of different colors gradually appeared.

Looking closely, it turned out to be part of the map of Daxia!

The red five-pointed star represents Shangjing, the black circles represent provincial cities, the smaller circles represent prefecture-level cities, and lines of different shapes and colors represent towns, villages, swamps, deserts, mountains, railways, highways, Rivers, lakes, seas...

"Great and mysterious country, please be the source of my strength..."

Treading Kyushu raised his hands and shouted in the direction of the Daxia border.

His face was sincere and firm.

On him, those complicated lines suddenly lit up and flickered, as if calling for something.


Several black shadows whistled from the direction of Daxia, and when I looked closely, there were actually several tall and majestic mountain peaks, surrounded by two big rivers, one clear and the other turbid!

"What?!" Chen Wanhe exclaimed in surprise.

Everyone was dumbfounded by this scene!

Even Dapeng's Dharma Protector's eyes widened in disbelief.

Read The Duke's Passion