MTL - Urban Demon Slayer-Chapter 1112 the fourth general

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Step on Kyushu and die!

In theory, Wang Qianchen and him don't have a deep friendship. One person and one demon have even fought several times, and they both want to kill each other. They came together not long ago because of "common interests".

But at this moment, Wang Qianchen was still distraught, and everyone around was silent, and several of them had red eyes.

Brick also flew out, lying on the map and sobbing softly, this was its only sworn eldest brother in this world.

"Can my eldest brother really become a god?" Banzhuan cried for a while, then turned to Song Anping and asked.

"Yes, of course!" Song Anping gritted his teeth and eliminated the Dapeng Dharma protector who had caused harm to the world. If this kind of achievement can't become a god, then who can become a god?

"Treading the strength of Kyushu, it's not an exaggeration to call him the 'Number One Demon in the World'?" Chen Wanhe suddenly said quietly.

The title of "the best demon in the world" has been used for many times since ancient times, and the Great Sage Monkey King deserves to be ranked first, but his old man later became a Buddha in battle, and it is a bit inappropriate to say that demon is a bit inappropriate. There is also talk of six-eared macaques.

The "Monster Ancestor" set foot on Kyushu to create the [Wan Yaohui], which can be called the strongest monster in Daxia.

Just today, he used the [national power] trick, recruited the Five Mountains and the two mother rivers, and killed the Dapeng Garuda, the protector of the Tathagata Buddha, on the spot. So strong, after breaking through the super dust realm, is it still good?

Whether out of selfishness or recognition of his strength, everyone at the scene nodded, thinking that even if he is not the number one monster in the world now, he will be able to compete for this title in the future.

"What kind of thing is he, also worthy of being the number one demon in the world?"

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly sounded, and the breath of the super dusty realm also filled the air.

Another superhero has appeared!

Everyone looked at the source of the sound in surprise and amazement. Next to the corpse of the Dapeng protector floating on the sea, another man in black robe stood.

The black robe and the previous blue lion, white elephant, and Dapeng were also three to five times the size of ordinary people. They were covered by black robes and could not see his face, but he could feel his powerful aura. .

There is no doubt that another **** will appear!

Bai Feiyang had said before that the evil spirit had four generals, Wei Zihua took one away, they seriously injured one, stepped on Kyushu to kill one, and now another one came out.

This is the fourth one!

Seeing this person, Wang Qianchen immediately put the corpse of Jiuzhou-the map into the Qiankun bag, and at the same time took out the map of the mountains and rivers.

"Who?" Song Anping's face sank.

"Hey, your old acquaintance." The black-robed man said while taking off the hat on his head. It was a majestic square face with a yellow beard covering almost half of his cheeks. The wind blows.

"Jiuling Yuansheng..." Song Anping's voice became deeper and deeper.

Hearing this name, everyone's heart was stunned, it was actually the mount of the Emperor Qinghua of the East Jiuling Yuansheng!

This Jiuling Yuansheng is actually a nine-headed lion. When the four masters and apprentices of Tang Dynasty took the Western Sutra, they also met him and suffered a lot. No wonder he dared to scold what kind of thing stepping on Jiuzhou is, and he is also qualified to be called the number one monster in the world. As the mount of Emperor Qinghua of Dongji, he can also compete for this title in the hearts of many people!

"Even you have betrayed the heavenly realm and are in sympathy with the evil god? Jiuling Yuansheng, you are really crazy!" Song Anping took a step forward and glared at him fiercely.

"Why, do you want to break through the super-dust realm and fight with me?" Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng smiled sadly.

Song Anping clenched the Immortal Slashing Sword tightly, his cheek muscles trembling slightly, obviously furious.

——When the Seven Killing Formation was formed before, the Sword of Immortal Slaying was held by Xia Toutuo. Later, Xia Toutuo was seriously injured and fell into a coma. After being sent back by Wang Qianchen, the Sword of Immortal Slaying was in Song Anping's hands.

"Calm down, you still have to implement the Tianpo plan... Daxia is not far away, let's find a way to go back!" Wang Qianchen reminded in a low voice.

Song Anping glanced back at Da Xia's direction, then estimated the distance of Jiuling Yuansheng, and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid I won't be able to go back!"

"Come on, if you don't make a breakthrough, don't blame me for being rude!" Jiuling Yuansheng said as he slowly walked towards everyone in the sky, and the breath of the super dust realm rushed over in an instant, pressing everyone to barely lift their heads.

And every time he took a step, a head grew, and after eight steps, eight heads grew, plus the one he already had, a total of nine heads, all gathered around his neck, cluster after cluster, looking at Very disgusting, intensive phobia is about to commit.

"Try, let's try, maybe we can run!" Wang Qianchen is still the main escape faction, the Seven Killing Formation can't be used, and he will die in Jiuzhou. The rest of these people can't be the opponents of Jiuling Yuansheng!

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of "huhu" in the air, dark clouds rolled, strong winds blew, and a vortex of air slowly formed.

At the same time, the breath of another super-dust world quickly permeated the entire sea.

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