MTL - Urban Demon Slayer-Chapter 1115 have you changed your mind

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Wang Qianchen looked towards Qi Yan.

Qi Yan, who has transformed into a nine-day fairy, is still standing under the huge bright moon, holding a yin-yang mirror, and attacking Jiuling Yuansheng intently, but has not noticed any movements or changes here.

Her face was cold and immortal, and her every move was full of immortal energy. No matter how much Ren Jiuling Yuansheng wailed and roared, her expression did not change in any way, she looked so high and unattainable.

Wang Qianchen really wanted to ask for clarity, but he also knew that the time was not right, so he could only swallow what he wanted to say back in his stomach, and continued to attack with Shanhe Shejitu.

"Boom boom-"

Violent explosions continued to sound, and under the joint attack of Qi Yan and everyone, even Jiuling Yuansheng, who was strong enough to compete for the title of "the best monster in the world", couldn't hold it.

Of the nine heads, eight have been lost, and only the last one is left!

Just keep fighting!

In order to refine these nine heads, Jiuling Yuansheng spent many years, and now he has destroyed eight of them in one battle, which makes him feel distressed and annoyed. The Evil God figured out that Qingshi Zhenren was in trouble, so he asked Dapeng to come to help, and he figured out that Dapeng was troublesome, so he asked him to help...

If you don't calculate it, will you be in trouble?

Jiuling Yuansheng gritted his teeth, gave up the plan to fight, turned around and flew to the other side.

He wants to escape, escape back to his own territory!

After going down to the realm, he followed the evil spirits with Qingshi, Baixiang, and Dapeng. To show their loyalty, they signed a deep soul contract with the evil god. This kind of soul contract is different from the method used by the Heretic God to control other divine envoys. Although the language and behavior are not controlled, the Heretic God will kill them at any time!

Because of this deep binding, the evil gods could not enter the big summer, so they could not enter the big summer either.

Jiuling Yuansheng, who had only one head left, rushed back frantically, so that Wang Qianchen and Song Anping couldn't catch up with him at all, but Qi Yan would not let him go.

Qi Yan, who was high above and standing under the moon, just turned her body slightly, and the Yin-Yang mirror in her hand took a look at it again.


A white light lased out and hit the last head of Jiuling Yuansheng.

The flesh exploded, blood splattered, and the black smoke of "Zi La La" rose, Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng quickly showed his true appearance, a huge lion body without a head, quickly fell towards the sea.

Even so, Qi Yan still did not intend to let him go.


Another white light blazed out, and the only remaining body of Jiuling Yuansheng disappeared.

Ruthless, ruthless, icy, without hesitation.

After killing Jiuling Yuansheng, Qi Yanhao put away the Yin-Yang mirror in a leisurely manner.

At the same time, the light cast by the vortex in the sky completely enveloped her, and her body flew into the sky uncontrollably.

"Fairy Yuhuan, leave something behind!" Song Anping immediately took a step forward and shouted loudly.

Just like Wei Zihua was sucked away, he must give full play to his value!

Qi Yan obviously knew the whole process. After all, he had been spying on Wang Qianchen in the Yin-Yang mirror before. She was in the shroud of the [Heavenly Prison], raised her hand slightly, and aimed at Wang Qianchen.

Immortals like them, it is not difficult for ordinary people to rise to the top of the world.

"Don't give me a promotion! I'm not the one chosen by heaven!" Wang Qianchen immediately shouted.

[Tianpo] The plan requires seven peaks of the top realm, which are commonly known as the seven heavenly chosen people, and Wang Qianchen is not among them.

Qi Yan also seemed to remember this, and then turned a little in a direction, aiming at Du Hong beside Wang Qianchen.

"call out--"

A spiritual light flashed quickly, and at the same time as it poured into Du Hong, the aura of the peak of the realm burst out from him in an instant.

"Hahaha, thank you brother and sister!" Du Hong danced with joy, raising his arms and shouting.

"Who the **** are you calling your brother and sister, don't climb relatives!" Wang Qianchen couldn't help but slapped him with his elbow.

"You are my younger brother, of course he is my younger brother and sister!" Du Hong looked aggrieved.

"Who is your brother, I'm almost your father!" Wang Qianchen laughed angrily.

"Fairy Yuhuan, the yin-yang mirror, leave the yin-yang mirror too!" Seeing Qi Yan flying higher and higher, Song Anping shouted again.

"The Yin-Yang Mirror is my exclusive magic weapon, it's useless if you take it..." Qi Yan shook her head, and after helping Du Hong rise to the top of the world, she looked a lot weaker.

Immediately, her eyes fell on Wang Qianchen again.

"Xiaochen, have you changed your mind?" Qi Yan asked softly. Unlike the coldness before, her tone was a little softer.

Wang Qianchen was taken aback.

This question should have been raised by him, but the scene and timing were not suitable, and he was a little hypocritical in front of everyone, so he kept his mouth shut.

Who knows, Qi Yan took the initiative to ask.

"No! I haven't changed my mind!" Wang Qianchen replied without hesitation.

"Neither do I." Fairy Yuhuan, who was aloof and cold-faced, finally showed the same warm smile as Qi Yan, "When the affairs in the sky are finished, I will come down to find you..."

"Good! Good! Goodbye wife!" Wang Qianchen grinned and waved his hands vigorously.

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