MTL - Urban Demon Slayer-Chapter 1123 he sacrificed

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This time, Qing Shi Zhenren's mouth also seeped blood.

The blood on the head mixed with the blood in the mouth, turning the whole face into a garland.

"Where did you come from?" Qingshi Zhenren roared, while holding the Seven Killing Formation with a big sword, he opened his black hole-like mouth and bit frantically. This time, he learned better and no longer tried to chew , but to swallow the bricks raw.

The action of the bricks is extremely flexible, going around his head left and right, and smashing them a few times from time to time.

"I'm a little yakusan? I'm a little yakusan? My master is an ordinary person, think I'm a little monster too? I tell you, I have a great background!" Although Banzhuan still can't remember who he is, he I always feel that I must be unusual, so my tone is full of arrogance.

"If you **** shoot him, shoot him. What are you doing when you step on me, I invite you to mess with you?!" Wang Qianchen yelled in the "Seven Killing Array" team, if it wasn't for the bricks who were helping, he wanted to use his soul suppressed.

"Clap clap-"

After a few more consecutive shots, Qingshi Zhenren was so dizzy that his body was almost unsteady.

"Bai Feiyang! Bai Feiyang!" Qing Shi Zhenren shouted.

"Yes!" Bai Feiyang, who was fighting Song Anping with the other two envoys in the air, agreed immediately.

"Come here and kill this brick!"

"it is good!"

Bai Feiyang got out immediately, holding the golden cicada lantern and attacking the brick.


Several golden lights burst out, all of which hit the bricks, but the bricks were safe and sound, and not even a single crack appeared. Moreover, compared to the previous time when he fainted when he was hit by the golden light, he has obviously improved again, and he is still jumping up and down happily.

Bai Feiyang shot out several golden lights, but still couldn't hurt the bricks.

"Hahaha, I told you earlier, I'm not an ordinary monster!" Banzhuan laughed and continued to attack Qingshi real person from all directions.

"Forget it, don't hit it, hit those guys on the opposite side! Be careful, don't kill them, just get seriously injured, it's still useful to keep it!" Qing Shi Zhenren ordered again.

He originally wanted to see if he could defeat the Seven Killing Array. He was disturbed by Ta Kyushu and others in the East China Sea before, and now he was disturbed by the bricks. He simply stopped playing and gave the ultimate order directly.

Of the sixteen divine envoys, only three were slaughtered. Qingshi Master could call the other two to do this, but he only knew Bai Feiyang.

Seriously hurt those guys on the opposite side?

Bai Feiyang immediately looked at Wang Qianchen and others who were concentrating on the "Seven Killing Array".

Indeed, when they used the Seven Killing Formation, they couldn't do anything else at all, and Song Anping faced the two divine envoys alone. Although he had a slight upper hand, it would take some time to win immediately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, if Bai Feiyang shoots, they will not have any power to fight back.

Kill if you want to kill, hurt badly if you want, like a lamb on his chopping board to be slaughtered.

But, are you going to get started?

As one of the divine envoys casted by the evil god, although Bai Feiyang has his own thoughts, his behavior and language are out of control, otherwise he will be met with extremely painful backlash.

It stands to reason that he should unconditionally execute the orders of his superiors.

But he also knew that it was not easy for Wang Qianchen and others to reach this point.

After finally killing a bunch of divine envoys and three divine generals, they traveled through the borders and coastlines of various countries and came to the gate of the Evil God’s Cave Mansion. It would be a pity to fall here...

Otherwise, just fight?

Since the undercover [Guangfuhui], Bai Feiyang has hardly lived for himself for a moment, either to complete the instructions given by the evil god, or to provide information to Song Epee.

As for the demon slayer team members in Xichang City, such as Ouyang Ping, Wu Zi and others, in order to rescue him from the court, they also became wanted criminals in Daxia, so Song Chongjian simply arranged everyone to go abroad.

And they have already been sacrificed in battles time and time again.

Now only Bai Feiyang is left, and he has become a puppet who cannot control his own words and actions!

But Bai Feiyang never complained. As a member of Longhushan and [Monster Slayer], this is what he should do, and it is also his duty.

He never felt how noble he was, but he knew what was right and what was wrong.

"Boom boom-"

Song Anping was still fighting with the other two divine envoys, and the Seven Killing Array formed by Wang Qianchen and others was also torn apart with Qingshi Zhenren, and even Brick was doing his bit.

Who is not afraid of death?

Who is afraid?

Bai Feiyang took a long breath, and then raised the golden cicada lantern in his hand.

With difficulty, he turned his head and aimed at Qingshi Daoist.

"What the **** are you doing?!" Qingshi Reality's eyes widened instantly.

"Ah—" Bai Feiyang howled in pain, because of his abnormal behavior, he was already attacked by the secret method.

But he did not change anything, and still stimulated the spiritual power in his body.


Several streaks of golden light roared towards Qing Shi Zhenren.

"Fuck you! Traitor!"

The real Qingshi roared, turned the big sword sharply, and slashed towards Bai Feiyang.


Jin Guang was the first to attack, directly blasting a blood hole in Qing Shi Zhenren's chest.

Immediately afterwards, the cold sword gang also slashed at Bai Feiyang.


Bai Feiyang's body went from top to bottom, from the shoulders to the waist, and was broken into two pieces diagonally.

Read The Duke's Passion