MTL - Urban Young Fairy-Chapter 2 Yu Jie teacher Zhong Shuyu

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"So, just say it."

Lin also nodded to Chen Meng and turned and was preparing to go to his seat.


In front of the seven classes, suddenly there was a huge sound.

The entire seven classes of students all turned to look at the past.

Liu Tianyu!

Someone exclaimed and found Liu Tianyu who didn't know when he appeared in front of the door.

Liu Tianyu is the youngest son of the school's sophomore year. He relies on his brother Liu Tianxia's prestige in the third year of high school. He is arrogant and arrogant. No one in the whole school dares to provoke him easily.

Liu Tianyu has long hair with a shawl. The bangs in front of her forehead are somewhat thick. At this moment, she is staring at Lin Yi with a sullen face. Her eyes are fierce.

Obviously, he saw the scene in which Lin Yi and Chen Meng spoke.

Liu Tianyu’s fist slammed on the door panel, showing the angry mood at the moment.

Lin also quietly looked at Liu Tianyu in front of the door, looking at it without fear.

In the past, every time Chen Meng explained the problem to Lin, Liu Tianyu would bring a special block to Lin Yi, so that Lin would not dare to ask Chen Meng again.

This is a resentment that Lin also suppressed in his heart for a long time. The countless regrets and resentments of this world have also made another world. Jiu Xuan Xianzun has entered the legend of the robbery for three hundred years.

"Lin also, I haven't been jealous of you for a few days. Your courage seems to be getting fatter?"

Liu Tianyu gloomy face, staring at Lin Yi.

"Is this all known to you? You are amazing."

Lin’s light words were exported, and the entire class was stuck in place.

"What did Lin just say?"

"Is he arguing about Liu Tianyu?"

"I rely on, Lin also this guy's head is completely useless!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people around, and it was obvious that Lin’s answer showed enough shock.

In their eyes, Lin is just a rural baby who has no background academic performance and is very poor and very awkward in the countryside.

No one can imagine that Lin will suddenly say such a thing.

Liu Tianyu had some convulsions on his face. He felt that his majesty was provoked. Some of his face could not be hanged. He extended a finger and clicked on Lin: "You kid, Lin Yi, give it to me."

Lin also mouth smiled, he wanted earlier on this beat Liu Tianyu, we are preparing to go out, but this time, the side has not spoken Chen Meng suddenly stood up, look to Liu Tianyu, frowned and said: "You do not trouble enough No, here is the school, it is seven classes! Not your eleventh class! Let me talk to the teacher again!"

Liu Tianyu's pursuit of Chen Meng is already a recognized secret, but Chen Meng is not very cold with Liu Tianyu.

At this moment, Chen Meng stood up and made it clear that Lin also took the lead. Liu Tianyu hated his teeth: "Good! Lin Yi, you are waiting for me today! I promise you can't get out of this school normally!"

After Liu Tianyu slammed the next sentence, he turned away with anger.

"Thank you."

Lin also looked at Liu Tianyu's departure, and he sighed in his heart, wondering that he could only come back later.

Turning to look at Chen Meng, Lin also expressed his heartfelt thanks.

Chen Meng shook her head: "Would you like to take time off now, otherwise, when you leave school, Liu Tianyu must block you."

As a squad leader, Chen Meng is very simply worried about the safety of Lin Yi, and this matter is in the end. Chen Meng feels that she also has a little responsibility, that is, some people do not understand why the whole Lin is now completely changed. same.

Lin also smiled awkwardly: "Thank you for the concern of the squad leader, but don't forget, go school after school. I have never said anything about it."

After speaking, Lin also went to his seat.

The last sentence is to let Chen Meng look at Lin Yi, but I want to come, this is just what Lin said for his face.

In the classroom, because of Lin’s actions, there were many discussions, but Lin was unaware of it, and did not put other people in his eyes.

Back to his seat, Lin also opened the book, fingers rubbed the pages of the book, and could not help but sigh.

When I used to study, I spent a lot of energy and couldn't improve my performance. But now, Lin, who is already Lin Jiuxuan, has returned to the classroom again. When faced with these books, he has already had strong self-confidence.

"Learning is nothing more than understanding and memory. The previous achievements cannot be improved because the brain has no way to handle all this information efficiently. But after taking a trip from the world of Xianwu, now for me, it is only a very memorable one. Simple things, and the things in these textbooks are obviously easier to understand than those that are difficult to understand."

The last generation Lin is also a full-tailed crane student. I think that I can still feel the taste of Xueba in this life. Lin also feels a bit fresh.

The class bell rings and the last class in the morning is a biology class.

Lin also sat in his seat and read a book himself.

Lin has turned over the textbooks, and Lin can basically be backed up. However, this kind of study requires systematic questions, and Lin is not very anxious.

After reading the creatures, Lin also took out the language and mathematics and wanted to go through it once.

Didn't think about it, just as Lin was burying his head and flipping through the book, he suddenly heard a squeaking voice approaching, followed by a murderous air.


Lin was shocked and looked up suddenly. He saw what he was facing...


Lin also glimpsed a little, and the heart flashed a word.


Wearing a black professional suit, with black-rimmed glasses, with a short yellow hair on the shoulders, inside is a white shirt, a pleated skirt, black silk with high heels.

The biology teacher Zhong Shuiyu's eyebrows bent, bowed his head and bowed, and gathered in front of Lin Yi, bringing a fragrant wind.

After Lin Yi’s eyes swiftly swept away, he finally landed in a place where he should not fall.

The ups and downs are fascinating.

Lin Yi’s mind recalls the fact that this class is a biology class. When I was in school, Lin also acted as a pure virgin. Naturally, like many boys, I’m thinking about the hot biological teacher Zhong Shuyu. But everything is too long, but at the moment, that feeling suddenly flocked to Lin’s body.

"Lin also, you are driving a desert. This class is a biology class. Do you read Chinese and math? Is your biology good?"

Zhong Shuyu graduated from the Teachers College for two years and was admitted to the No. 2 Middle School of Minghai City as a biology teacher.

The second high school class is the first class of the Zhongshui rain belt, so it is especially important.

The biological performance of the seven classes on weekdays is also good, but this forest in the class also makes Zhong Shuiyu very headache. The poor grades are not defined by the three words.

After talking, Zhong Shuiyu did not wait for the expected picture of Lin’s panic.

In fact, she thinks that Lin Yi is still very interesting, that is, his brain is stupid.

But today's situation seems a bit wrong.

Zhong Shuiyu lowered his head down Lin’s eyes, and then his face was reddish and then annoyed.

"Lin also! Give me a penalty station! Stand up to school!"

Lin also calmly stood up from his seat, and his heart was a bit shameful.

There is not much ups and downs in the state of mind, but it hasn’t really reacted at that time.

On the Sinwu mainland, all kinds of sects and fairy tales, there are many good-looking, but without exception, the chest is basically A, probably the more excellent woman, even the chest must be A.

Lin also walked out under the attention of a group of people in the classroom.

"What is Lin's kid?"

"I don't know, it is estimated that it is a biology teacher."

"I was fined twice a day, and this forest is also very powerful."

There are a lot of whispers underneath, many sneer.

Chen Meng looked at Lin Yi, who was punished. Then he lowered his head and continued to write his own notes. There was not much emotion.

From that angle, no one understands what happened.

Zhong Shuyu adjusted his tone and said seriously: "Now continue to class, don't talk!"

Lin also stood outside the classroom until he was out of school.

After the school bell rang, Zhong Shuiyu walked out of the classroom and stood in front of Lin.

Lin also looked up, this time his eyes only swept the hills roughly, and finally looked at the expressionless face of Zhong Shuiyu, smiled.

"Come with me to the office."

The words in Zhong Shuiyu did not contain any emotions. When I finished speaking, I stepped on her high heels and left.

"Lin is also invited to the office."

"There is his good fruit to eat."

Lin also looked at Zhong Shuiyu's back in front, the perfect S-type, this is simply Yujie Fan.

The Queen of Blacks is the best.

Lin also has countless words in his mind.

"Lin Yi, you should run from the back door of the school first, otherwise you will definitely be blocked by Liu Tianyu later. I can help you with Mr. Zhong."

Chen Meng came out at this time and looked at Lin Yi. The tone was calm.

"It's okay, I can only trouble you waiting for me here."

Lin also looked at Chen Mengxiu's eyebrows with a smile on his face and a flat smile. He felt that Lin in front of him was broken and had some unreasonable feelings.

This guy is too abnormal.

Are you going to be beaten and laughed so happy?

"Then I will go to the teacher's office first, and I will see you later."

Lin also waved his hand toward Chen Meng. In the school, even Liu Tianyu did not dare to make too much things for Chen Meng.

Lin also feels that things have to be done step by step. The current imperative is to solve the problem of the black silk sister bio teacher.

With his hands on his head, Lin is also going to the biological office.

The stunned gesture fell into the eyes of others, but it was extraordinarily funny.

The second high school class is on the second floor.

The school teacher's office is concentrated on the fifth floor.

It’s time to go to school, and students come and go in the aisle.

In the biological office, Zhong Shuiyu just placed the courseware on the desk and saw a man in a short-sleeved t-shirt coming over with a smile in the sun.

"Mr. Zhong, are you free tonight? I heard that a movie "Titanic" is going to be released tonight. It is a very good love movie. You will probably like it. Would you like us to go see it? ”

"Sorry, Teacher Zhang, I have something tonight, I won't read it."

"So, do you want to eat a meal? There is a new western restaurant outside the school. The grades are fine. The taste is not bad. I always want to eat, but one person always feels a little weird. Otherwise, have a meal together? It won't take you long."

Zhang Jian smiled and looked at Zhong Shuiyu in front of him.

He is a physical education teacher in the school. After graduating from the sports academy, the school that entered the relationship with the family has a very sunny smile on the weekdays. Because he played a good basketball, he was secretly discussed by many female teachers, even many female students. I like him.

"Really not needed."

"You don't need to take up too much of your time."

Zhang Jian’s face was smiling, and his eyes looked deep into the body of Zhong Shuiyu, flashing a few words that men understood.

When he entered the school from this Zhongshuiyu, he had already made up his mind to make a decision to conquer the little fox who had just entered the school with the man's glory in the bed.

The enchanting body, white and tender skin, smiles and brows the eyes of the eyebrows and the mouth-watering mountains.

No matter what point is enough to make Zhang Jian motivated.

The other teachers in the office have already gone out, leaving only Zhang Jian and Zhong Shuiyu.

"No, Teacher Zhang."

When Zhong Shuiyu finished speaking, Zhang Jian was stepping forward and reached out and wanted to grab the wrist of Zhong Shuiyu: "It doesn't matter, Teacher Zhong, just eat a meal."

When he saw that he was trying to grasp the wrist he had dreamed of, Zhang Jian suddenly found that his palm was being held.

A palm that doesn't know when it comes from.

"Ah, Teacher Zhang, hello, hello, today, Mr. Zhong is going to give me a homework. Teacher Zhong may not have time to accompany you to dinner."

Zhang Jian turned his head and saw Lin Yi.

The first impression was a bit lean, dull, and even malnourished.

Lin is also full of smiles.

"who are you?"

Zhang Jian is obviously a glimpse.

"I am a student of Zhong's teacher, Gao Erqi Ban Lin also."

Zhang Jian does not take the high twenty-seven classes, so I don't know Lin Yi.

However, being so spoiled, Zhang Jian’s face is naturally not good to look at.

Then Zhang Jian smiled and said: "Oh, Lin is also, learning is the most important, um."

Zhang Jian’s eyes were slightly stunned, and he was disturbed by the natural mood. So he held Lin’s left hand and made a secret effort.

Zhang Jianpi smiled and looked at Lin Yi without smile. The power of the palm is getting bigger and bigger.

I thought, don't let your stupid students suffer a bit, how can you go to build socialism?

However, although Lin was slightly thinner, Lin’s hand extended was his left hand.

The left hand is a dragon.

The dragon symbolizes strength.

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