MTL - Urban Young Fairy-Chapter 2540 You're rich

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The tea is overflowing.

Liu Tangguo took a sip of tea.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Liu Tangguo looked at Lin Yi and considered what he was about to say: "It stands to reason that at this age, you have achieved what you have achieved now, far beyond the average person."

When Liu Tangguo was talking, he was a little excited.

No matter who it is, it is inevitable that he will have a special feeling in his heart when he sees a young man with a halo in front of him at a young age.

Master Haizhou Lin.

From God Moon.

These are the haloes hanging over the boy's head in front of his eyes.

However, Liu Tangguo found that the young man in front of him did not seem to be proud or proud at all.

Seems to have achieved everything today, to him, it is the simplest thing.

Not worth mentioning.

This made Liu Tangguo's emotions slow down involuntarily.

"Nothing special, just take a step and look."

Lin Yi shook his head: "Thank you for the things over here."

"Dazhuang told me that you have helped a lot. If you need help in the future, you can tell me directly."

Lin Yi's words were flat.

Chen Linyan sitting there didn't understand Liu Tangguo's specific identity.

However, Chen Linyan did not understand Liu Tangguo's specific identity, which did not indicate that she did not know the status of Liu Tangguo in Bainan County.

In just a few words, plus Liu Tangguo's calm temperament, Chen Linyan knew that his identity might not be so simple.

Lin Yi's response to Liu Tangguo is more like the same status. Even people above his rank say such things.

Liu Tangguo nodded his head over it.

"Next year, next year, I may be transferred back to Yanjing. At that time, there may really be some places that need your help."

Liu Tangguo briefly talked.

He did not ask about the relationship between Chen Linyan and Lin Yi.

Taking this opportunity, Feng Jian and Liu Tangguo severely pulled a wave of relationships.

Liu Tangguo also showed his attitude. If Feng Jian's father encounters any difficulties in the future, he can come to him directly, which makes Feng Jian put a stone down in his heart.

As long as there is Liu Tangguo sitting here, Feng Jian's business is naturally not bad.

Lin Yi and his party were sent away.

Liu Tangguo paced back and forth in the living room, but finally couldn't help but picked up his cell phone and called Wu Shilan.

Wu Shilan, who answered the phone, was playing golf with her friends.

She swung it out with a stick, and the golf ball made an arc in the air, directly into the hole several hundred meters away.

One shot into the hole.

"Shi Lan, I didn't mean to call you on this phone. I just saw it today, that Lin Yi, he seems to have a girl beside him, looks very beautiful, and it looks like they have a good relationship . "

"So I, as an elder, want to remind you."

Liu Tangguo considered the tone.

His identity is not easy to say.

Liu Tangguo was an elder living in Xing'an, but there was no kinship with Wu Shilan's Wu family.

"What beautiful girl are you talking about?"

Wu Shilan picked up the phone, lowered her golf club to the ground, and walked to the chair not far away, talking on the phone.

"which one?"

Liu Tangguo froze.

"There are more beautiful girls around him."

Wu Shilan smiled: "If it is small, it is not normal."

Wu Shilan stretched his waist.

She received the news from Ju Xing'an a few days ago, and knew that Lin also went to Yanjing, but Wu Shilan left Yanjing ahead of time, and she took the initiative to avoid it, leaving enough space between her and Lin Yi. .

"That's right."

Liu Tangguo nodded and groaned for a moment: "But you are not bad, if you want to pursue it, you can try it."

"Listen to me, I have lived for so many years, and I have seen many people. There are many young talents, but he is as good and powerful as Lin Yi. I am afraid he is the only one."

"Up and down your Wu family, grandfather Wu family, including your father, are counting on the Wu family to become prosperous and thrive on you. If you can come together with Lin Yi, I believe you can relax a lot.

Liu Tangguo said something, and then remained silent for a while, and then continued to speak: "Of course, the energy of your martial arts is there, and it can also be enough to help Lin Yi's growth and future."

"Uncle Liu, I know what you mean, but it is useless to persuade me."

Wu Shilan said softly: "You don't know what kind of character I am. I like it, but I haven't reached it."

"People like him, it's good to be a friend. One step forward is extravagant hope. People who want too much extravagance will be tired. Those who seek but not just others will feel tired physically and mentally.

"It's fine now. If I have any trouble, if I really look for him, according to his personality, I will definitely not stand idly by, but if I come together, I may feel relaxed, happy, and happy, but I will Feeling tired. "

"I'm so lazy, it's good to let it go."

Wu Shilan yawned, lying on a chair, lazily.

Although it didn't rain in Puhai, the temperature dropped quickly, and the outdoor cool wind blew on his face, which caused a kind of pain from scratching his face.

After Wu Shilan said a few words, when she hung up the phone, she looked at the sky for a while, then shook her head, and patted her cheek twice.

"Thinking is useless."

"Suddenly wanted to eat hot pot."

Wu Shilan muttered, yawned again, simply stopped playing, took out her mobile phone, found a store, and went to eat alone.

Throughout the day, Lin Yi and Feng Jian and Chu Han walked around Bainan County to take a look. Chen Linyan and Jing Yan were always with them, not too tired.

In the evening, when going to the Internet cafe, several people from Lin Yi also opened a hack.

I didn't return home until night.

When I came home, I saw Chen Qiangshan who had just been picked up by Da Zhuang.

Chen Qiangshan was a bit embarrassed.

When he came out of the Minghai high-speed rail station, he was still thinking about how big Lin Yi's new villa in Bainan County would look like.

Before going out, I saw a group of men in black suits waiting at the exit of the high-speed rail.

Rows of luxury cars are there, full of momentum.

Chen Qiangshan was still wondering which big man was able to have such a big leader and draw so many people, but it was unthinkable that such a big battle was waiting for him.

He was so aggressively invited to get on the car ~ ~ Then he aggressively arrived at Bai Nan, and then entered the villa aggressively, and saw two townhouses. Villa combination.

When he sat down in the villa, Chen Qiangshan couldn't tell whether it was real or unreal.

Just the words of the villa.

Not too surprised Chen Qiangshan.

It's mainly people.

Men in black suits, luxury cars like rain.

This feels like being the hero of a movie!

After waiting for Lin Yi to return home, Chen Qiangshan saw Chen Linyan, and then went back slightly.

"Xiao Yi, are you ... making a fortune?"

Chen Qiangshan looked at Lin Yi and sighed for a long time before sighing.