MTL - Urban Young Fairy-Chapter 2565 Causal fate

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The red hijab landed slowly.

Zhe Lin also looked at the woman's face in front of her, and suddenly she was still in place.

晌 He didn't move for a long while.

Because ...

The woman in front of me had no face at all.

Faceless woman.

Faceless woman still looked up at this moment, facing Lin Yi's gaze.

"What did you see?" She asked curiously.

"What about your face?" Lin Yi frowned.

"My face was ruined by her, as if I had been killed in your memory." She sighed, feeling a little sad.

Su Lin also suddenly didn't know what to say.

The woman in front of me reminded him of the faceless woman in Jiangnan Jianzong.

Isn't it Liuli?

Qi Lin also felt numb and numb, and suddenly had no idea.

"it's OK."

She said: "There is‘ Flower in the Mirror, Moon in the Water ’in the Guanghan Palace. This is the avenue of heaven and earth. It contains the principle of causality. You can see me there.

嗯 "Well, I must be the one who likes you the most."

After she had spoken, she stepped aside and exposed a white jade ladder hidden behind her.

The white jade ladder goes all the way up, and then up, there is a lake of water at the top, and there is a white water mist above it.

"Go up from here, it's all right."

声音 Her voice became weaker and her figure began to loosen.

"Do you need help?"

Qi Lin also looked at her and hesitated.

Because Lin Yi felt her condition was very bad, it seemed that she might disappear at any time.

This is a sign after the Aura has completely dispersed.

不需要 "No need, because I'm tired of it, I can look at you again before it dissipates, and I'm very satisfied."

声音 A little joy in her voice: "I've been here for many years, many years, many years, so much that I can't remember how many years I've been here."

"It should have disappeared long ago, but because I still want to say a word to you in person."

She was talking, looking at Lin Yi without her facial features.

"You say, I listen."

Yuan Lin was not in a hurry to climb the white jade ladder.

Her time is running out.

"I want to tell you."

"No matter what happens, I will guard you."

"If the sky does not tolerate you, I will fight with you."

"If the ground does not tolerate you, I will dig the ground with you."

"You must never feel lonely."

声音 Her voice was crunchy, she slowly reached out her hand, trying to touch Lin Yi's face.

But she is too weak.

At the moment when her palm has not touched Lin Yi's face.

Her body began to disintegrate, turning into a little bit of light, dissipating in this empty temple.

Zhe Lin also stood in place, looking at him, and remained silent for a long time.


"Is that a fairy?"

"What the **** happened."

Over there, groups of people looked at the scene in front of them, completely wondering what was going on.

They dare not step forward to ask.

Xiao Beiyu held the camera, hesitated, and reached Lin Yi beside him.

"What did she tell you?" Xiao Beiyu asked curiously.

"It's nothing."

Qi Lin also shook his head, not wanting to answer more.

Wu Mingming was born in a strange life, but why did she say Zhao Liuli was a bad person?

Zhe Lin also turned her head to look at the white jade stairs behind her.

You can see the cause and effect above.

He raised his foot and stepped on the first step.

Pick up the ranks.

Step by step, climb the ladder.

I climbed all the way.

Until ...

I stood in front of the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water.

This is a clear lake.

Zhe Lin was also a little silent by the lake, taking a step forward.

He bowed his head and looked at the lake in front of him,

The water surface was originally clear, but gradually, it condensed into a person's face.


how come?

Lin Lin also stunned God for a moment.


Guanghan Palace outside the gate.

A figure stood with an axe and stood there!


Xupu Sea.

Zheng family.

Today, Zheng Jiayun is uneasy all day.

婵 Zheng Qiuyu didn't go out, he was always playing chess with Zheng Jiayun.

His Majesty is Go.

The first game is not finished yet.

I heard a loud noise.

The iron gate of the Zheng family was kicked open from outside.

"Who dares to break into my Zheng family!"

连 Zheng Liancheng in the living room heard the sound and went out quickly.

The other members of the Zheng family went downstairs and went out.

林 Since Lin also poses as Haizhou Master Lin, he crosses the Puhai Sea.

The Zheng family is now the first-line family in the land of Puhai.

For ordinary people, they dare not come to find fault at this time.

A young man came in through the door.

I look like I'm in my twenties.

"I'm looking for someone."

He looked around, skipping the faces of Zheng Liancheng in turn.

"Who are you!" Zheng Liancheng frowned.

"Who am I? It's not your turn to ask."

The caller laughed and shook his head: "I'm looking for a woman from your Zheng family."

"Now, immediately, immediately."

"Call me all the women up and down your Zheng family!"

声音 His voice was full of pride.

"Our Zheng family can't tolerate you to come to the wild!"

内 In the Zheng family villa, Bi Mohai stopped drinking and kicked forward. In an instant, he had reached the man.

He used the realm of fingers to condense countless vigor and headed for the man.



The man raised a brow and slammed.

He didn't even start at all.

With just one word, Bi Mohai rushed up, his face changed wildly.

When Bi Mohai was severely hit, he spit out blood, and his body looked like a kite with a broken line, and flew directly behind him.

"Master Bi!"

Zheng Liancheng's face changed.

老 Everyone from the Zheng family, Mrs. Zheng family, and Zheng Fuyi, etc., heard the news ~ ~ one by one.

"I don't know where I am Zheng family. I offend you somewhere."

Elderly Zheng family glanced at Bi Mohai, startled.

He has never seen Bi Mohai lose so simply.

林 Since Lin Yi has pointed out Bi Mohai, his repairs have made rapid progress!

right now……

Facing the young man in front of her, she didn't even have the strength to fight it!

恐怖 How terrible the strength of this young man is!

"Your Zheng family is not qualified to offend me."

The man shook his head, and then said coldly: "A group of inferior people who tried to cling to my Shangpin Lin family was originally delusional."

"If it wasn't for the superior nature of my upper-class Lin family, I would have broken down all of you as a class, and killed them all!"

"You know what great sins your humble fellows have defiled the bloodline of my Shanglin family!"

The man's voice is like thunder.

As soon as the words came out, Zheng's family went up and down, and his expression changed.

"You are ... the Shangpinlin family!"

Father Zheng's face slammed and said: "My Zheng family and yours from the top Lin family have nothing to do with it!"

"Don't bully too much!"


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: book guest house

Read The Duke's Passion