MTL - Urban Young Fairy-Chapter 2582 Elder

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There are five people here.

They are all in their forties.

Some of them have surging energy.

In addition, Lin even felt the fluctuation of Reiki.

Lin Yi followed his voice and looked over there.

"Good Master Haizhou Lin, you are just relying on the blood of our Shangpin Lin family, you have learned to cultivate yourself, but you are so crazy!"

"In the beginning, I really should have you and your mother, and the so-called Puhai Zheng family, completely eradicated from this world!"

The man headed by it was loud like a bell.

When he spoke, the surrounding air shook with it.

They came from a distance.

Over there, it rained heavily.

But as their words fell, the heavy rain stopped, and a road without rain was broken for them.

These people are extremely fast.

Obviously at first glance, their figures are still in the horizon.

But look at it a second time, it seems to be approaching!

"Meet the five elders from east to west, north and south!"

See someone.

Shangpin Lin's Lin Yan struggled to get up, nodding violently towards the person coming.

His head bumped to the ground.

The sound is harsh.

But the excitement in the discourse was undisguised.


"These are the elders of the Shangpin family!"

"In the Shangpin Lin family, any one of them has extremely powerful strength, and the elders in the Shangpin Lin family, their strength, how terrible will be!"

"It seems that the Shanglin Lin family is really angry this time! This Haizhou Master Lin is too much! How dare he provoke the entire Shanglin Lin family's dignity alone!"

In front of the screen.

Everyone was upset when they heard the words in Lin Yankou.

More people can't help but wonder.

Amazing is the strength of Master Haizhou Lin!

He could even lead the elders of the Shangpin Lin family!

Changing to any one person, I am afraid that this qualification does not exist at all!

Not to mention.

Five of these elders came at once!

The presence of five elders is enough to see the importance of the Pinlin family today.

"You guys really lost our face at Shangpin Lin."

The elder, headed by Shen, opened his mouth and looked at several people from Shangpin Lin's family who had completely lost their fighting power, and saw those people from Shangpin Lin's family who had no sound at all.

He looked at Lin Yi who was standing over there, his eyes could not help a bit colder.

"You, confession!"

When he arrived, he stood still more than ten meters away from Lin and asked with a deep voice.

The sound is awkward.

In just one sentence, everyone felt the rolling power and rushed to the face.

The man just stood there though.

But it feels like a mountain.

The mountains, standing on the ground, are indestructible.

"What's wrong with me?"

Lin also looked at them, narrowed his eyes, and then said indifferently, "What do you call the high-quality Lin family, are you some of the so-called elders?"

"I urge you to ask everyone who can be invited by the Shangpin Lin family to come out in full, lest you have no one at a later time and you will not be defeated by my own hands, lying here again, it may be laughable."

"You Shangpin Lin family thinks of Shangpin people. Isn't that what you want?"

Lin Yi's words were indifferent. As soon as his voice came out, he immediately made those people look more gloomy.

"You Master Haizhou Lin, in the final analysis, is also a member of the Shanglin family, but you were born with sin and you should never have appeared in this world!"

"Now you, the blood-stained guy, see our true Shangpin Lin family, and don't hurry to kneel and give thanks!"

"To this day, you dare to speak up there. You're afraid you really don't understand, you don't understand the real strength of my Shanglin family!"

"The frog at the bottom of the well, although there is a bloodline bonus, the frog at the bottom of the well, at a glance, can only see the sky as large as the wellhead."

Five people, you are talking.

They looked at Lin Yi's gaze and flickered.

Especially when they saw Lin Beixun, who was completely defeated and lost his combat power, there were more weird emotions in the hearts of several of them.

Lin Beixun's blood is the strongest of his peers.

So his strength is also the strongest!

But what about this Haizhou Master Lin?

Although he is in the family of Shangpin Lin, the blood lineage inheritance, but his mother is just a mortal!

Puhai Zheng family, the kind of woman who came out of the Maliu family who was not even a fart in the eyes of the Shangpinlin family.

What kind of **** is the blood from her body!

But this Haizhou Master Lin defeated Lin Beixun!

The five exchanged glances with each other, and they were quite puzzled in their expressions.

This is simply incredible.

"Gossip is irrelevant. If you want to fight today, fight."

Lin Yi was going forward.

"You have the blood of my Shanglin family, and it looks like a good talent."

"The five of me are the elders from the southeast, northwest, and northeast of the Shangpin Lin family. They can be the masters of their own. If you capture it and hand that girl to us, today we can save your life after we abandon your cultivation."

A man's voice was deep.

Suddenly they wanted to study it and study the blood lineage of Master Haizhou Lin.

"Not as good as I do."

Lin also looked at them. "You all kneel down, and you have a thousand slaps. I can let you go safely."

"Spinner is crazy!"

Hearing Lin Yi's words, one person was furious. "Since you are stubborn, then you will die!"

"In any case, no one can stop what the Shanglin family does today!"

He stopped drinking.

The five were moving forward almost simultaneously.

Their shape disappeared instantly in front of everyone.

That speed is too late to see clearly.


"Where did those five go?"

"Fast ... I can't see it at all!"

In front of the TV, everyone's face changed dramatically.

This has completely exceeded their visual limits.

"The five elders of Shangpin Lin actually shot at the same time? This is too unfair to Master Haizhou Lin!"

"It seems that the people of the Shangpin Lin family are really killing their hearts and intend to end the life of this Haizhou Master Lin in the shortest time. He is afraid that there will be less fierce evil ..."

Many people lamented.

That is, at the next moment, I saw the lights around Master Haizhou Lin.

The light is dazzling.

In each ray of light, there is extremely arrogant energy.

Lin Yishen didn't understand ~ ~ All over his body, his clothes fluttered and his black hair was crazy.

The aura was boiling in his body.

In the surrounding space, every inch of the position is filled with Ling Jian's sword and murder!

Kill the tide!

Read The Duke's Passion