MTL - Urban Young Fairy-Chapter 2594 Lend you Jindan 1 for

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With Lin Yi stepping forward.

The invincible sword field erupted into a dazzling sword awn.

Jianguang flickered in everyone's eyes.

At this moment, the sword field and the owner of the Shangpin Lin banged into each other.

The terrible coercion of terror, like the tsunami of the mountain, went towards the owner of the Shangpin Lin family.

Shangpin Lin's body is golden and bright, and his aura surrounds his side. The countless lines gathered in the air touch the sword.

Massive and terrifying coercion erupted there.

Lin Yi's black hair flew up. He stretched out his hands, pointed his fingers, and revealed countless words.

The owner of the top grade Lin family never regressed, his face was dull, the Jindan boiling in his body, the horrifying aura, condensed into countless magical techniques, roasted the surrounding world into a sea of ​​fire.

Others could only see that side, Jianmang and Reiki intertwined with each other, and a lot of horror and murderous intentions were intertwined, making the whole world change for it.

The thunderous sound blew in everyone's ears.

The sound was endless.

"too terrifying……"

"Even if you just look here and there, you can feel the ruinous atmosphere."

"Master Haizhou Lin could have been supported by the owner of the Shangpin Lin family to the present? And it seems that he doesn't seem to show much slump."

Before the screen.

The strong players everywhere are paying attention to this scene.

They were all frightened by this scene.

The superior posture of the owner of the top grade Lin Jindan period gives an unrivalled feeling.

But now, the fighting power revealed by Master Haizhou Lin once again broke everyone's imagination.

Within the sword domain, killing has been done step by step.

All kinds of horror swords surging out.

"Too arrogant."

The owner of Shangpin Lin gave a snorting sound and reached out with one hand. Under the palm of his hand, he split openly the layers of swords in front of his eyes.

The Jin Dan in his body was burning like fire, bringing up a wave of turbulent aura.

Those condensed auras seemed to overflow at any time.

Lin Yi's face was sullen, with a seven-inch sword condensed in his hand, and he swindled away. The sword in his hand was incomparable, cutting everything in front of him.

The horrible coercion that has gathered together is even more emerged by the seven-inch sword in the hands of Lin Yi.

However, while continuing to move forward, the sword body of the 7-inch sword is also disappearing.

A wave of terrible auras swept through.

After entering Jindan, the aura that can be condensed is far more pure and thorough than the aura that builds the base period.

The owner of the Shangpin Lin family waved it at will, which was a series of techniques. Each of those cohesive techniques was filled with horrible killings that could not be ignored.

The situation is changing rapidly.

On one side is the invincible sword domain.

On one side is the glorious light above Jin Dan.

The sky was falling apart, and dust was rising.

Everyone was scared, watching Master Haizhou Lin over there, all silent.

This son is too strong.

To the point where it feels scary.

Even in the face of the owner of the top grade Lin and the masters of the Jindan period, they can still support it to this day.

"Instead, I might have been lying down."

Xuan Wu looked over there, his voice was a little stuffy.

"Instead of you, you are dead."

Xuanwu sighed when the white tiger on the side spoke coldly.

He is the basalt in the Four Dragons of the Hidden Dragon. Xuanwu is good at guarding him, but even if he is looking at the two fighting in front of him, he feels that the crisis is heavy.

"What exactly is Master Haizhou Lin doing?"

Bai Hu asked, looking at Suzaku on the other side.

Suzaku and Qinglong are among the four holy dragons of the Hidden Dragon, and the only one who has touched the master Haizhou Lin.

"I don't know the specific strength."

Suzaku shook his head, his expression sighed, and then sighed, "I had done something with him at the beginning, but it was far from the level of fighting each other today."

"I thought there was a tie in that match, but it was because I kept it, but it now seems clear that he saved my life."

"This Haizhou Master Lin ... is really too evil."

Too evil!

These three words were spoken from Suzaku's mouth, and the others became quiet at once.

Hazuki's look reached the limit.

From her standpoint, there is simply no right to stop the fighting over there.

In addition, to a certain extent, Ye Yue should stand on the opposite side of Lin Yi.

But in her heart, there was always an unwillingness.

She didn't want to stand on the opposite side of the boy named Master Haizhou Lin.

However, Lin Yi's decisiveness now far exceeds Ye Yue's cognition.


Li Hanbin stood with his arms around his arms, looked at the scene in front of him, narrowed his eyes, his voice was cold, but a little more fun: "With the strength of the foundation period, the guy who stiffly and Jin Danjing played this way Long."

"Although his invincible sword domain does not have high requirements for practice, he also has a limit. How difficult is it for him to kill the master of the Jindan period?"

"Just didn't expect that he hadn't fallen down yet."

"Is this guy with fake Jindan too weak, or is that guy named Master Haizhou Lin too strong?"

Li Hanbin teased his tone.

These words fell to the ears of Jiang He and Qin Qifan, making them both look back at Li Hanbin.

Li Hanbin's feelings of strangeness grew stronger and stronger.

If it weren't for Li Hanbin's face, Qin Qifan and Jiang He would think that Li Hanbin might be a fake.

"Han Bin ... what the **** are you doing?"

Jiang He grew more worried and looked at him.

"I'm fine now. I've never felt so good today."

Li Hanbin smiled, "It might be better later."

He stood there and laughed. The laughter echoed between the ears of many people present, attracting everyone's eyes.

But the others just frowned, and looked at Li Hanbin in a puzzling way. After not understanding why he was so happy, he just turned his eyes away and didn't look any more.

The current protagonist is Master Haizhou Lin, the owner of Shangpin Lin!

Master Haizhou Lin, who has created miracles again and again, does not know today whether he can continue this miracle.

In the air, women's portraits from different directions are all suspended there.

They are in a position that surrounds Lin Yi in the center, blocking Lin Yi in all directions.

Those women's portraits, one with a stern face and one without a face, are all there, facing Lin Yi and the owner of Shangpin Lin over there.

They do not move, if it is not because they are suspended in the air and are particularly eye-catching, they will not even feel their presence.

"Yiyin said it turned upside down!"

Lin Yi burst into the defensive technique gathered around the owner of Shangpin Lin's family. His hands were woven into handprints, and then he patted them with one palm.

This palm is called the Heavenly Seal.

The palm of his hand was suddenly startled, and the owner of Shangpin Lin was startled. He frowned slightly, his aura was running crazy, and then he stepped up on one foot.

He coagulated in front of him with aura, and hit Lin Yi over there with a rolling aura.

However, the Jindanqi Reiki technique that has just been done is still unfavorable, but this time it is very difficult.

Just came into contact.

The owner of Shangpin Lin's face suddenly changed.

He only felt an outrageous and terrifying coercion, revealed from Lin Yi's palm.

This is no longer a sword.

But the breath of heaven!

A seemingly ordinary palm, but it really has the power of terror to split everything.

The owner of Shangpin Lin didn't even have time to retreat.

Under this palm, the owner of the top grade Lin family, who had been fighting with Lin Yi in the sword territory, suddenly retreated.

There were layers of red awns on his face, and then he moaned and spit out blood from the corner of his mouth.

"how is this possible!"

"How could the owner of Shangpin Lin be injured?"

"Has he just been injured by Master Haizhou Lin with one palm!"

Seeing this scene, countless people's faces changed.

From just now. For a long time, the owner of the top grade Lin family has taken the lead.

He has Jin Dan in his body, vast aura, immense power, and countless terrible skills, overlapping layers, even the invincible sword domain never let him retreat.

But just because of the palm of Lin Yi, the owner of Shangpin Lin had to step back.

That means, countless people around the face turned wild.

They didn't even understand what was going on.

After retreating, the owner of Shangpin Lin's face was cloudy and uncertain. What surprised him most was that under the palm of his hand, Jin Dan in his body was almost broken by the earthquake!

He spent a lot of effort, which gradually made Jin Dan in his body become stable again.

"What do you mean?"

The owner of the top grade Lin asked Shen Sheng.

His eyes flickered.

I originally thought that Master Haizhou Lin was nothing more than Kendo's transcendental understanding, so he realized the existence of sword territory.

From this point of view, it is already a peerless monster.

There was Qinglong in front and Master Haizhou Lin in the back. Both of them realized the sword domain.

But in the face of absolute strength, Jian Yu still couldn't make up for those strength gaps.

Therefore, the owner of the top grade Lin family had enough confidence to plan to completely subdue this Haizhou master.

When the battle begins.

Everything is as expected by the owner of the Shangpin Lin family.

When Jin Dan meets a monk who has not condensed Jin Dan, it is basically a crushing of strength.

Even if his understanding of the sword is far stronger than this Haizhou Master Lin, but it has no effect.

Until Lin Yi's palm came out.

Just for a moment, he was allowed to collapse based on the various magical spells that Jin Dan had condensed, and even Jin Dan almost exploded.

This scene made him startled and panicked.

Even the look that led him to Lin Yi changed again.

"One of the seals of the heavens and the earth, called the sky."

Lin also withdrew his hand and took a deep breath. When looking at the owner of the Shangpin Lin over there, he was also building a foundation of the road quickly, making up for the lost aura.

The gap between Jindan and Zhuji is still too big.

And the aura required to use it once is really too big.

Just the palm of his hand, he almost emptied the aura in Lin Yi's body.

Fortunately, when the owner of the top grade Lin family attacked, the surrounding aura boiled, leading to the foundation of Lin Yi's avenue. When it was in operation, it also gained great benefits.

Otherwise, just because of the earth-shaking mark just now, Lin Yi has completely lost his combat effectiveness.

"Unfortunately, this palm did not shatter your Jin Dan."

Lin Yi shook his head and sighed.

Shattered Jindan!

Hearing Lin Yi's words, the others suddenly returned to God.

They sounded all kinds of means just under the electric light flint, and they have countless killings. Then look at the owner of the top grade Lin family who is standing there now, looking uncertain, and the whole body's aura has become a little unstable. All of a sudden, he understands everything. How dangerous.

The goal of this Haizhou master Lin is not the owner of the top grade Lin family, but the Jindan in his body.

Once Jin Dan breaks, he can stand invincible.

Just a pity.

Slightly worse.

"I underestimated you."

The owner of Shangpin Lin said Shen Sheng, he wanted to move forward, but although Jin Dan was stable in his body, but his aura disintegrated, he had to stop his pace and stop in place, looking at Lin Yi over there.

"But you never succeeded in one hit, and you won't have such a chance in the future."

"You should understand, understand that I have Jin Dan, there is no need to be near you, you can be crushed completely!"

The owner of the top grade Lin kept whispering.

There he accelerated the recovery of the aura lost by Jin Dan.

"What's more, your situation is very sad. I won't believe that you can use it in a short period of time.

"I have Jin Dan, and I will recover faster than you."

"Your sword domain is almost collapsing, and you don't have the same chance to deal with me. What should you ... do?"

The owner of Shangpin Lin finished his speech.

Only then did others find that the indestructible golden sword hovering above Lin Yi's head, at this moment the sword body revealed the truth.

Numerous cracks condense here. At a glance, the entire golden sword looks like it may break into pieces at any time.

"Whatever, whatever."

Lin also shook his head, indifferent.

"But if I don't mind, I have an idea."

Lin Yi's voice slowly.

As soon as this word came out, everyone heard it immediately.

Afterwards, many people responded.

"Master Haizhou Lin, want to lose?"

"Maybe he feels that he really has no hope of winning, so he intends to mention the conditions first."

"I think it's almost the same. Master Haizhou Lin can fight to the top of the family of Shangpin Lin to such an extent that it is already commendable. Even if he loses at this time, there is nothing to shame on."

Many people started talking.

Having said that, they looked at Lin Yi, who was about to concede, and it was inevitable that there was some unspeakable disappointment.

I thought Master Haizhou Lin could really go against the sky.

But now it seems that Master Haizhou Lin is just an ordinary person.

"Do you want to lose?"

The owner of Shangpin Lin looked at him ~ ~ and then nodded: "Now kneeling on the ground, scratching your head three times, you should recognize your ancestors and return to their ancestors."

"Then hand over the girl and I will spare you what you did before."

"how is it?"

He spoke.

This is already a side of the net.


His voice dropped, but he did not see the sign of Master Haizhou Lin kneeling.

Everyone saw Lin Yi shaking his head.

Then, a faint voice sounded from the boy's mouth.

"I mean."

"Let you use Jin Dan for a while."

Read The Duke's Passion