MTL - Urban Young Fairy-Chapter 2601 Eater

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"how is this possible!"

"How did you do it!"

Forget the eyes of the ancient fairy statue.

He only saw the might of Tiancai falling on Lin Yi's body.

The purple electric arc completely wrapped Lin Yi.

What I expected was that the image of Lin also being penetrated by this arc did not appear.

On the contrary, the purple Tianjie full of murderous intentions, after a few laps around Lin Yi's body, was actually directly integrated into Lin Yi's body!


The purple arc, the ray of heaven, was fused under Lin Guxian ’s eyelids, towards Lin Yi ’s body.

I should have been full of murderous intentions, and the scourge of Lin Yi who should have been strangled by the whole person did not show a little power on Lin Yi's body!

不是 If it wasn't for forgetting that Gu Xianzun himself had just felt the terrible coercion of that calamity, he would have suspected that this calamity was false!

I was too incredible.

I am too incredible!

Even if you forget the ancient fairy, you ca n’t understand what just happened!


Forgetful ancient fairy respect did not feel even a little aura in Lin Yi's body.

It was as if Lin Yi was in a state of complete defenselessness.

He didn't try to counter it with aura.

Did not use any other means.

This is all about putting yourself under the sky robbery and letting the sky robbery kill!

If ordinary people do this.

It's been a long time since now!

But now.

Lin Yi over there is as good as ever.

By contrast.

At this moment, Wang Guxun, who had carried the first Tianjie, had his hair standing up.

Lin Yi over there, black hair, black eyes, calm face, a calm look, has not been affected at all!

"Are you surprised?"

Lin Lin also looked at him with a light tone.

After the thunder of the thunder body, he was completely incorporated into the dragon body by the left-handed dragon in one breath after entering the body.

之后 Since the last disaster on Hong Kong Island.

Zhe Lin also thought that day, he would be seriously injured or even die directly under the disaster.

But the final result was that Lin Yi walked out of the disaster.


Zhe Lin also investigated the left-hand dragon.

I just found out.

Even if the left-handed dragon is in a state of rest, it is still tough inside its dragon body.

This is definitely not an ordinary dragon.

龙 The dragon's body is like a huge cistern.

It is to incorporate the entire power of the scourge of the scourge into the dragon body, and then slowly refine it!

In the dragon's body, it always seemed to be filled with dissatisfaction.

Today, Lin also chose to take Jin Dan from the owner of the top grade Lin family. In fact, he has long considered the danger of this calamity.

But he still wanted to try it.

Let's try to see if this left-handed dragon is really what he thinks, and he can swallow the whole sky directly.

right now.

The first disaster.

Zhe Lin was also unprepared, leaving the sky to trespass.

Then, as expected, they were all swallowed by the left-handed dragon.

No shadow.

Tian Tianjie is like he has never been.

Not only that.

After baptism.

He Lin also felt that his physical constitution had been strengthened a little unknowingly.

At least before, because of the battle with Wangguxianzun, the cracked tiger's mouth had begun to gradually recover at this moment.

Even this discovery, even Lin Yi, could not bear the horror in his heart.

what does this mean?

This means that the next time Lin also crosses the sky again.

Can completely rely on the left-handed dragon, intact to cross the sky, go to the ladder, open the heavenly gate!

It stands to reason.

Even if it is a real dragon, it is absolutely impossible to be so scary!

But the left-handed dragon did it!

"What just happened."

"That forgotten fairy **** looks very embarrassed, but that master Haizhou Lin, now look, how do you feel that he is not affected at all?"

"Did I read it wrong? I clearly saw another lightning strike directly into Master Haizhou Lin!"

一群 A group of people looked horrified.

The scene in front of me was beyond their imagination.

However, the first day of the calamity is gone.

But in the air, the killing intentions left by the sky robbery have not decreased at all.

Martial arts intentions accumulate in the air.

The chill in everyone's heart is unabated.

But in my eyes, it is more confused and inexplicable.

"Homeowner ... what the **** is all this about?"

Someone who saw the Shangpin Lin family looked at the owner of the Shangpin Lin family who was seriously injured.

I was forced to take Jin Dan by Lin Yi.

The owner of the Shangpinlin family suffered a great deal of trauma when his strength fell.

看着 Looking at everything right now.

The heart of the owner of the Shanglin Pinlin family was also shocked.

He resisted the shock in his heart at this moment, staring at Lin Yi over the blink of an eye, frowning frantically: "Ancestral family instruction."

"If you take Jindan for your own use, you can only use Jindan for one hour. After one hour, you must return Jindan to its original location."

"I want to come because Jin Dan will bring out such heaven and earth visions."

"The lightning that was just now, if it's split on me, I'm afraid it's ashes."

The owner of the Shangpin Lin coughed, and there was a little bit of fear in his words.

Zu Lin's family ancestors passed on for so many years.

I haven't seen anyone who actually took Jin Dan and used it for more than an hour, so up to now, the owner of the Shangpin Lin family saw Tianjie for the first time.

Zhe Lin also robbed him of Jin Dan, and led to the calamity. Such heaven and earth visions are too shocking.

I have already made everyone in the top grade Lin family startled.

"Why does this Haizhou Master Lin have Jin Dan, but is so powerful? Is it because of his talent? Is it because he is strong? Is it because his bloodline inheritance about our Shanglin Lin family is too profound?

One after another, the owner of the Shangpin Family came out in a puzzle.

He didn't understand himself, he didn't understand what was going on.

同样 He also could n’t understand. He could n’t understand how Master Haizhou Lin did it. He was struck by lightning and without any defense, he could still be intact.

This is theoretically impossible.

"Would you like to ask that person out?"

I was proposed.

The words came out.

A group of people from the Shangpin Lin family all looked at the Shangpin Lin owner there.

自然 They naturally know the weight of the Lin family.

Sting in the entire Lin family.

The status of that person is even higher than that of the superior Lin family.

Xun just because the one who moved everyone ’s heart and gave birth to Lin Yi with Zheng Jiayun, when this happened, the one who violated the ancestral teachings sealed himself.

除 In addition to leaving a part of the Four Seasons Law Array to protect the Shangpin Lin family, more consciousness was sealed in the ancestral temple of the Shangpin Lin family.

All these years.

The Shanglin Lin family barely heard foreign affairs.

He gave up all the rights in the Shangpin Lin family. In the past, it was just that Bao Linyi and Zheng Jiayun mother and son were safe.

This is also the reason why the people of the Shangpin Lin family haven't really pursued it for so many years.

if not.

Given the energy of the above Pinlin family, it is too easy to find a Zheng Jiaying and a Lin Yi.

I ca n’t.

一方面 On the one hand, they are dissatisfied with the Lin family, on the other hand, they are really awesome.

That is the real hole card of the top grade Lin family.

At least the real hole cards of the Shangpin Lin family today.

让 "Let him come forward?"

Lin Shangpin's owner changed his face slightly and looked at the man who spoke.

The man knew that he had said something wrong, and immediately lowered his head.

Many people look at other things as well.

Everyone knows his temperament.

要 If he really knew his son was besieged.

He is righteous on one side and his son on the other.

I really don't know what choice he will make.

At first, for the sake of Zheng Jiayun and Lin Yi, they did not hesitate to shed their souls for punishment. Now really speaking, since the Shangpin Lin family accepted the self punishment, it means that they must give up on Lin Yi and Zheng Jiayun. Accountability.

if not.

不是 Isn't that self-punishment totally useless?

This responsibility.

None of the people present was able to afford it.

"If he knows what we do at the Shanglin family, even if he knows what we do is right, I'm afraid he will leave a little bit of rustle in his heart."

"Moreover, he has sealed himself in the ancestral temple for so many years. So far, there has been no movement. Who knows whether he is dead or alive now."

After the owner of the Shangpin Lin family's face changed several times, he took a deep breath.

He turned his head and looked at Lin Yi and Wangu Xianzun in the distance: "The origin of these two people makes me feel weird."

虽然 "Although it is clear that if the Tao reopens, there will be all sorts of incredible things and all kinds of talents and strangers, and there will be super powers."

"But these two people, these two people have subverted my views on the word strong!"

"Too strong, terrible!"

"This strength, how could this strength be so hidden?"

Talking to the owner of the family of Shangpin Lin, he silenced everyone present.

They actually understand.

Maybe even if the owner of Shangpin Lin wants to ask that person to come in, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Because that person may not give face.

The presence of the Lin Family.

I was too strong.

Is really special.

I was just that guy who felt good a decade ago.

Although strong.

But it's easy to talk.

He knows the rules too.

Even if there are some rules, it is obviously against him.

But he also said nothing because of his ancestral teachings.

But the mud Buddha may have anger.

No one has been in charge of him for more than a decade now, and now I ask people to come out and deal with their own son?

They dare not think about it.

Over there.

The second calamity has fallen.

It is too late to forget about the ancient fairy statue.

He has accumulated aura.

The long sword in his hand waved again. This time, when a sword went out, Wandao sword shadow was condensed into a wall in front of him.


The power of the second scourge is far greater than the first one.

The horrific killings surged like waves.

Forgetful ancient Xianzun issued a burst of roaring sounds, mixed with those horrible waves, it was horrifying.

I can look back at Lin Yi.

He is still standing there.

No defense.

There is no reiki.

He left Tianjie to smash him, and allowed those Tianjie with the intention of killing with terror to walk on him.

Is then absorbed by the body.

Then completely merge.

Then disappeared, as if never before.

This feeling.

Some crispy.

I was pretty comfortable.

Two days of disaster.

Zhe Lin is still the same, Yingzi refreshing.

还是 He is still the young man in the eyes of others, with a calm face, not tired, but more energetic.

And there is the ancient immortal statue.

一层 A scorching layer of black had already appeared on his head.

That is the trace left after the thunder and lightning.

The long sword that had condensed in his hand was already an inch short.

Even if he is immortal.

Alas, he is now just a twin.

I'm a double.

Where can I be strong again?

What's more, this avatar is fighting against Heaven!

"Why exactly, why exactly!"

He shook his breath for a moment and forgotten the second God of Heaven.

He stared at Lin Yi over there.

He didn't even think about running away.

Because I ca n’t escape at all.

I'm here for real life, maybe there is still a way to escape.

But the strength of the clone is not allowed.

Wu Tianjie locked him up, and he must be able to hit him where he is.

"No why."

Qi Lin also shook his head and looked at him: "Xian Zun forgets the ancients.

"It's kind of interesting that you are struck by lightning."

Zhe Lin also has a flat tone.

This words make Wang Guxianzun mad.

He struck his sword and flew towards Lin Yi over there.

"Why can't God do you, then I will chop you off myself!"

He was crazed, his face was crazy.

I forgot about the ancient fairy statue before starting.

Zhe Lin just shook her head: "The third way is here."


Forget the ancient immortal statue.

But Tianjie is faster.

三 These three scourges condense directly in the air around Wangu Xianzun.

He condensed into countless groups of terror mines containing thunder and lightning, appearing directly next to him.

Hold that horrible killing intention.

Let the scalp numb for a while.

He waved his sword away, and beat a series of golden lines one after another, and once again resisted the calamity.

As for Lin Yi.

He can't be jealous!

At the moment Lin also opened his mouth and took a big mouthful.

无 The numerous thunderbolts around him were directly sucked into his mouth!

This scene saw everyone's heart terrified.

"What is this Haizhou Master Lin doing?"

"Does he think he is eating candied fruit !!!"

"Isn't that a thunderbolt? Isn't that a thunderbolt! Why did he eat it all!"

的 Everyone in front of the screen, looking at this scene, is all dumbfounded.

too terrifying!


Too powerful!

能 Is this thing edible?

反 But looking back at the Forgotten Fairy over there ~ ~ He has been blown up with his ashen face, where is the original chic posture?

With this scene, everyone has a new look at the strength of Master Haizhou Lin.

This guy is simply a super demon.

I'm still the unspeakable demon!

That ’s a godsend!

Zhe Lin also ate the thunder and lightning around the 888th group, and the surrounding air was empty.

It was empty.

No thunder, no electricity.

On the contrary, there is more thunder and lightning in the position beside Wang Guxian.

I want to come is also Tianjie feel something wrong.

Therefore, the thunderbolt condensed next to Lin Yi was transferred to the side of Wang Guxianzun.

It's afraid it's not enough for that lunatic to eat!

"It's gone, it's a bit overwhelming."

Qi Lin shook his head, sighed, and looked at Wangu again: "Are you okay?"

"Forget the old, if you can't, you shout and tell me."

"Although I won't help you, I can help you out."

:. :

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