MTL - Venerated Venomous Consort-Chapter 3057 Finale 22

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In a critical situation, it is still very reliable. It opened its shell: "All come in! Come in! How do we get there!"

Long Si night pulled the flower and jumped in. The candle dragon blew a black meal and jumped in. Lu Wu was no exception.

As for Gu Xizhen and Emperor Yi, the two people probably went after the chasing of the Fan, and there was no shadow in the early run.

The big cockroach just closed the shell, and the crust underneath broke open. It fell down -


The desert is still the desert, but it is only a hurricane. The hurricane is wrapped in the grievances of the claws and claws. See what to swallow and see what to tear.

After the big cockroaches fell on the ground, he saw the hurricane that had been thrown at a glance, scared the souls and screamed, and snorted: "Why are you still in this hell?!"

Also don't care about the shell pain, and dig into the ground!

But just burrowing into the ground is like a fire, and I’m busy!

Burned to death! The sand below is like a magma, almost scalding its shell!

On the sand is the whistling spirit of the roaring, the underground of the sand is like a magma, and there is no way to go! I don’t know where to drill safer. There are suddenly two figures in the hurricane...

Daxie is going to tears and exchanges: "Master!" In spite of life and death, he even crawled over.

The two men were Emperor Yi and Gu Xiyu. Gu Xiyu raised his hand and set up an enchantment. He also circled Daxie and asked: "What about other people?"

"It's all here!"

Long Si night, Hua Yan, candle dragon black, Lu Wu ... are all inside, a lot.

Everyone reunited, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

Dad looked up at Gu Xi’s eyes: "Master, are you crying?!"

Gu Xi’s eyes were reddish, and there were still a few teardrops on his cheeks that could not be wiped out.

After listening to the big question, she paused and wiped one: "No, the sand is too big, and I am blind."

I didn’t know what was going on just now. In the moment when the forbidden land of God fell, she suddenly felt so sad that it was something important to leave her, but she couldn’t remember what it was, and she burst into tears inexplicably. , how to wipe the kind that can not be wiped, landing is still crying.

She thinks that she was probably influenced by the emotions of previous life in the illusion, so she will cry like this, and she doesn't think much.

It was the Emperor's robes. He seemed to have felt something. In the moment when the illusion collapsed, his face changed and he looked up and seemed to see who was through the collapsed illusion.

"Hey!" He whispered, his voice was dull, he was shocked and sad.

Fortunately, at the time, Gu Xizhen was tearing down, and he did not see the abnormality of the emperor’s clothes. In addition, the surrounding wind was too loud, and naturally he did not hear his whisper, and he did not see the emperor’s eyes. a tear...

When they landed, Emperor Yu and Gu Xiyu were restored to normal. When they landed, they found that the place was not good. They immediately searched for them, but they met in time, and there were no casualties. It was a great fortune.

The grievances outside the enchantment roar like the tide, and the heavens and the earth are dark as if they are going to be reversed, like the end of the world.

They are still in the desert and have not escaped from this cage.

"What about Brahman?" asked the big man, this big disaster was made by the man. Now people are running? !

"He should also fall in this desert, perhaps thinking of stopping the expansion of the desert..."

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