MTL - Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel-Chapter 3 check in

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3 check-in ()

"Lei Lei, get out of bed! Don't be late for the first day of high school today!" A voice of a woman I was familiar with came from my ear.

"Mom, I have to be on the shelf, let me sleep for a while!" I was blindfolded and habitually said.

wrong! I climbed up from the bed, I bought a house in Yanjing, where the company is located, and lived alone? How is my mom coming?

I opened my eyes and looked around. Dilapidated single beds, old red painted desks, scattered bookshelves, everything is familiar and unfamiliar.

My mother turned out to be so young. All of this shows that my old brother did not lie to me, I was born again.

Of course, there is also a possibility that I have had a dream, a long dream. In the dream, I became a 30-year-old president of the m-soft company Huaxia District, participated in the wedding of my dream lover, and then died at her wedding, and then met the elder brother...

At the thought of this, I subconsciously touched my chest, and the "mobile phone" that my brother gave me was still there. It seems that it was really born again.

I am happy to jump from the bed and hug my dear mother.

Mother patted my head and smiled: "Today you are a high school student, that is a big child. Still spoiled in front of my mother?"

I shook my head. In front of me, I was already thirty years old. I met my mom every time I met, and I was famous. In the eyes of my mother, you will always be a child.

I quickly dressed and said to the mother who was packing my bags for me: "Mom, are I the first day of high school today?"

"Of course it is!" My mother looked at me in confusion.

"Ah!" I couldn't help but yell at the impulse of my heart. I am really born again, I actually returned to 1994, the one who is going to high school.

I am so happy because I know that I can never miss Zhao Yanzhen again. I opened the window and took a deep breath of fresh air, shouting out the window: "Beauty, I am coming!"

I turned around and found out that my mom was still standing in the room, looking at me with a wide open mouth.

"Hey!" I laughed, I can still understand my mother's expression. If you see your child just screaming at a high school, I guess you are also in this mood.

My mom touched my forehead: "Lei Lei, you have no fever!"

I smiled and shook my head and went out to the bathroom, looking at the child in the mirror who was not kidding. Was it that I was so embarrassed at this time in my previous life? I rely on, what is this image, no wonder that no girl likes me, this is a world of difference with the handsome and handsome Yushu in college. I decided that the first thing after my rebirth is to get my image.

After a simple wash, I came to the kitchen, my mother was making breakfast, and my dad was sitting at the table reading the newspaper. At this time, there is no wrinkles on the father's face, and the hair is black and black. In his thirties, less than forty is the age of hard work and hard work.

In my memory, my father’s state-owned factory has not closed down at this time. My father is still the most promising technical engineer in their factory. However, it is unpredictable. If there is no past experience, no one can think of the usual and amiable factory manager in his father's factory. After one year, all the funds and workers' wages will be ran away. Later, people arrested, but the funds were all transferred to foreign countries, leaving only a shell factory with hundreds of millions of foreign debts. The factory was forced to be levied by the bank in less than a month.

The laid-off father sighed and sighed all day long, and his hair was also whitened. He supported the family with three rounds of support every day. This situation continued until I graduated from university and worked for m soft company, and the economic problems at home were completely solved.

But the father's body has been dragged down and passed away in a few years.

Now that I am born again, I naturally have to avoid this kind of thing, at least with my current ability, to feed a family is still no problem.

"Dad, I miss you so much!" After the rebirth, I saw the father I thought I could never see in my previous life. I could no longer restrain my feelings and rushed into his arms.

The father put down the newspaper in his hand and strangely stroked my back: "This child, what happened today?"

I didn't want them to doubt anything, so I explained: "Dad, I made a bad dream last night. I dreamed that the factory director of your factory had cheated the money." Anyway, I gave him in advance. I took a dose of vaccination.

"Don't say, Lao Zhang is not such a person!" Father said, letting me down.

I know that this dream I made will not have any predictive effect. It seems that I can only take one step. I am sure I have my own business.

After dinner, my parents accompanied me to report to the school. Originally, I wanted to go alone, but my parents refused. But it's no wonder that I haven't been to a place farther away from home a kilometer away from childhood. My elementary school is just behind the street in my house, less than 500 meters. Junior high school is also near the elementary school. The high school city I am going to report to is more than ten stations away from my home, but because it is the first day of registration, which parents will not be reassured, let alone parents who send their children to college are now everywhere.

The doorway of the four is full of people, filled with students and parents who came to report with us. The fourth middle school is the key high school in Songjiang City. My father at this school spent a lot of money for me. I am a typical poor student in junior high school, and my junior high school is also famous. If it is not because I am introverted and weak, I will probably be unable to hold it down. Only students who have studied in junior high school. Only then did I know how bad the school was, robbing and killing people and violent gambling. Most of the juvenile offenders in Songjiang City came from there. This kind of school can cultivate talents. It is a ghost. When I was in the city, I took a bad score and I had to study at the middle school as a high-priced student.

I looked at a row of good cars parked on the street, I can't help but sigh, there are still many rich people in this era! Based on the experience of past lives, I know that there are not a few cars here. My gaze stayed on an Audi 100. It wasn't this model that caught my attention. It was a license plate. I didn't know the meaning of this license plate at this time.

Song 0 starts with the government agency's car, but this brand is very small, you don't have to think about it, it must be a big leader's car. It seems that our school is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Everything is the same as what I experienced in my previous life. I was assigned to the first and second classes. This is a key class and is the result of my dad’s gift.

Soon I found the teacher who was responsible for receiving me in the first class, a cute little girl who graduated from the teacher's class, which is my future class teacher, Ye Hao. Of course, this is judged by the psychological age of my past 30 years. My parents were very confused when I was alive. The class teacher who took a good price to go to a good class turned out to be a female student who graduated from the normal school.

Later, I gradually learned that my teacher, Ye, was very big. It is said that her father is a big man in the Education Bureau. In addition to her class teacher who teaches English, the class teachers in other subjects are all special. teacher. The arrangement of the school is to intentionally let Ye Hao become a famous teacher after three years of college entrance examination. In fact, Ye Hao did become a famous teacher after we graduated. Our class of 92 people, except for a few borrow students, all admitted to the university.

In my previous life, I didn't like my beautiful class teacher. I believe she is also true to me. Who made me drag the class after the last two years?

"What is the name?" Ye Hao asked me.

"Ye teacher, my name is Liu Lei." I replied without humiliation, and no other students saw the nervous feeling of the teacher.

Ye Hao looked up at me in surprise: "How do you know my name is Ye?"

I didn't I smiled and pointed to the chest card of Ye Hao. I didn’t really find out when I was alive. The head of my class teacher is really not big.

Ye Hao also noticed that I stared at the chest of her eyes, but did not care. She only wants to study her chest sign, no one will believe that a child who just went to high school will stare at the teacher's chest.

Ye Hao took out a form and asked me to fill it out. I looked at it, nothing more than the resume information of which elementary school and middle school graduated from the height nationality. Ye Hao looked at me with amazement and quickly filled out the form. I have to know that other students are afraid that the form is filled in wrong. Basically, they add a question.

Ye Hao took the resume form I filled out, and when she looked at the junior high school and the senior high school entrance exam results, I couldn't help but frown. This is actually what I expected. The junior high school I attended was a recognized garbage school in the city, and I did not pass the two subjects in the city entrance examination. It is estimated that the beauty teacher’s good feelings about me have disappeared immediately.

But this is the best, I don't want to be selected by her class cadres. In my past experience, the class cadres in the middle school are all unwilling roles.

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