MTL - Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel-Chapter 654 Six hundred and fifty-four. what relationship

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654 What is the relationship?

"I don't mean any organization, I just want to know about it." I shook my head.

"That's impossible, the medical records are confidential, I can't help you anything." Zhou Zhiping shook his head.

“Is this ok?” I took out the 50,000 yuan prepared in advance and piled it on the table.

"What do you mean by this?" Zhou Zhiping looked at the money on the table, his face was a little bit worse: "Hurry up, I don't welcome you here!"

"Director Zhou, you are too little, no problem, you say a number! I will give you a check!" I smiled and took out the check folder from my pocket.

"Young man, you are looking for the wrong person!" Zhou Zhiping said coldly: "I know Zhou Zhiping's character, know me! If you don't eat the patient, you don't take the patient, don't even collect the money!"

"This..." I looked at Zhou Zhiping's angry look and some were at a loss. Could it be that I really blame him? He is not that kind of person? But the finance chief just... Suddenly, I suddenly understood the meaning of the chief of the finance department. It turned out that he meant that Zhou Zhiping did not collect the money, and I misunderstood it as a lack of money!

"Director Zhou, I am sorry, I misunderstood you!" I quickly took the money and the checkbook on the table and thought about it: "Director Zhou, I am also in a hurry to go to the hospital, I want to know this registration list. It was you who opened it. I have already found several people up and down and spent a lot of money, so I naturally put you in the ranks of not spending money and doing things. It seems that I got it wrong!"

Zhou Zhiping listened to me saying this, nodded helplessly, and the expression on his face recovered a little normal! He also knows the style of some people in the hospital, these are not what he can manage!

I saw that Director Zhou no longer told me to leave, so I decided to change the tactics to convince him: "Director Zhou, I really have a hard time, and you can tell, I am a relative of this patient, but she does not Tell me the results of the inspection, I am very worried, so I came to see you, telling the patient's family members the results is not a violation of the rules?"

"It turned out to be like this!" Zhou Zhiping said with a sigh of relief: "Then you will say how good it is, make such a big battle, I thought you asked me to kill!"

"Oh, I am not in a hurry! Besides, it is not a big deal to understand a medical record. This thing does not involve anything secret!" I smiled.

"Yes, I am a cardiologist, not a surgery. Some gunshot wound patients are involved in the confidentiality of the case. There is nothing in this subject that deserves to be worthy of others!" Zhou Zhiping also nodded.

"Director Zhou, can you help me with this now?" I asked quickly.

"You tell me the patient's name first. I will see which patient it is. If the patient has asked for confidentiality, we can't tell even if it is a relative!" Zhou Zhiping said.

The name of the patient? I don't know if Yang Mei is treating herself, but I still said: "She is called Yang Mei, and she is almost the same size!" In fact, Yang Mei is older than me.

"Yang Mei, oh, it turned out to be her!" Zhou Zhiping looked at me and said: "Young man, are you lying with me? Who are you from Yang Mei? A middle-aged woman has come and I have learned about it once, you are also her relative, is the woman not telling you?"

"Woman? Are you talking about Li Xiaohong?" I thought about it, probably probably Yang Mei's mother.

"Li Xiaohong? Yes, she is surnamed Li. It is not clear what I am calling. Since you know her, why come to me? Young man, lying is not a good habit!" Zhou Zhiping looked at me, hehe Said.

"This..." Zhou Zhiping's words made me somewhat ignorant of how to answer. People like him are soft and not hard, so I thought about it and decided to exaggerate my relationship with Yang Mei!

"Director Zhou, I don't want you to say, actually, Yang Mei is my girlfriend. I had a bad trip a few days ago. After coming back, Yang Mei disappeared. She has no family at home. I am in her office. , found the clue of this registration list!" I made myself look very depressed.

"You said this, is there any evidence?" Zhou Zhiping is actually not old and stubborn. He doesn't look like a bad person when he sees me. Besides, the case of the bad guy going to Yang Mei can be said to be useless!

"Right, here is the letter she passed to me through others!" I took out the letter that Yang Mei left me. In fact, I did not deliberately bring it to me, but I was not in a good mood at the time. I am lying on my body.

I deliberately placed the end of the letter in front of Zhou Zhiping.

Zhou Zhiping is a man of more than 60 years old. Naturally, he is not good at reading a small and young love letter. He just hurriedly saw the word Yang Mei at the end of the letter. He also believed what I said.

"Well, I believe that your words are! Take the letter away!" Zhou Zhiping stood up and said to me: "You go downstairs with me, the medical record is downstairs!"

"Trouble you, Director Zhou, can you tell me about Yang Mei's condition first?" I followed the director Zhou out of the doctor's duty room and got on the elevator.

"You still don't know anything at all?" Director Zhou looked at me, some silently said.

"Director Zhou, I just guessed if my girlfriend had gotten sick and didn't say anything else. I really don't know." I shook my head.

"Then you have to be mentally prepared." Zhou Zhiping sighed.

"Director Zhou, you can rest assured that I have known that she is looking at the cardiology department already prepared." I nodded.

"The situation is like this. Yang Mei suffers from congenital heart disease. If it is not stimulated, it can live like normal people and has a long life. In theory, patients are prohibited from exercising. And angry, and not recommended to fall in love. Because some small things in love can affect the patient's emotions, leading to a worsening of the disease!" Director Zhou said: "If you say something bad, I don't know what happened between you. What is the matter, whether it is quarreling, but Yang Mei’s condition is only serious in the recent year."

Congenital heart disease? How did Yang Mei never say it! Can't fall in love, can't be excited, can you say that Yang Mei is because I am serious?

Although I don't want to think about it, but listening to Zhou Zhiping, my reasons should be a lot! Especially in the past year, I only met Yang Mei!

"She knew that she had heart disease before?" I was a little angry. If Li Xiaohong knew that Yang Mei was sick and let her stay with me, it was a bit too bad. Is there such a mother?

"She didn't know before. In fact, this disease is no different from normal people when it does not happen!" Zhou Zhiping shook his head: "You said normal people, many people will not go to the hospital for a lifetime." Go check your heart! It's nothing strange!"

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