MTL - Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel-Chapter 676 Six hundred and seventy-six. Liu dark flower Ming and 1 village

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676 柳暗花明村

"Forget it, this is not bad!" Yang Mei smiled again: "I have gotten the one I got, and there is nothing that can make me excited again."

"Oh, rest assured, wait for me to go back and discuss this problem with my friend!" I think there may be a solution to Jiaozuo?

"The only way to do this, but the result is now very good!" Yang Mei shrugged indifferently.

"Just a month later, the doctor Zhou Zhiping saw that you were safe, would you be shocked?" I was afraid that Yang Mei thought too much, and quickly transferred the topic and said something interesting.

"Yeah, huh, huh, indeed, the world is impermanent, Dr. Zhou will not think that my boyfriend is such a supernatural person... Yes, according to your estimation, my heart is unable to perform surgery because of lack of motivation. But now, can I have surgery?" Yang Mei suddenly asked.

correct! I screamed at the thigh: "Yes, my previous practice is nothing more than wanting your heart structure to become normal. And these, Dr. Zhou can also achieve this by means of surgery! In this way, get The result is exactly the same!"

"Oh, I didn't expect me to talk about it casually, but I have hope again!" Yang Mei is also very happy, although Yang Mei has seen a lot less, but who wants to be better?

"It’s really another village!" I am also very happy: "Well, then we will have a good time to play, and then solve this after returning home!"

At noon, my mother-in-law Li Xiaohong always looked at me and Yang Mei with a very embarrassed look. I know that the "Do Not Disturb" sign made her misunderstand! However, my relationship with Yang Mei was originally a boyfriend and a girl, even if I doubted it!

Philip and Sanlika are nothing. They don't think that I have anything wrong with hanging this brand.

Philip's condition is better, so we have an appointment to go for a walk in the afternoon.

However, what I did not expect was that an unexpected thing happened!

In the afternoon, I and Yang Mei were ready, and then walked to Philip's room. I hadn't walked to the front. I saw a few black people pushing the door into Philip's room!

The first reaction between me and Yang Mei is that there are robbers coming! So I and Yang Mei quickly ran to the door of the room, there is me, Yang Mei is not worried about any danger!

However, just when I wanted to shoot, what happened in the house made me stunned!

This really makes it difficult for me to intervene! Because, I heard Philip's somewhat disgusting voice: "Canton, how are you? Hey, I didn't expect you to find it here so soon!"

"Master Philip, the master asked me to pick you up!" Keton said plainly.

It’s just two conversations that let me know immediately. This is definitely the person inside the Phillips family. He came here to catch Philippe back!

Although I am very sympathetic to Philip's experience, I am still ready to take a look at it. After all, friends who meet each other are not in a hurry, or do not just intervene.

"I won't go back. Keton, you go to my grandfather and say, I won't give up!" Phillips frowned and listened to Korton's words, some unhappy.

"Sorry, Master Philip, you have to go back!" Korton said without hesitation: "The owner and the lord have all explained it, and this time I will ask you to go back anyway."

Although the tone of Keton is still very respectful, the word "please" is very heavy. After listening to it, I feel a little reluctant.

I was heard by this outsider. As a party, Philippe naturally heard the words of Korton. I couldn’t help but say ironically: "You can trust the housekeeper. Since you still call me a young master, then you should know that you Identity! You are just a housekeeper and have no right to interfere with my affairs!"

"Indeed, I don't have the right to take care of the young master, but the order of the owner must obey. The main thing is to let me bring you back!" Button said with a blank expression: "When you have to, don't blame me." This old thing is offended!"

"Hey!" Phillips sneered after listening: "Okay, very good! Since you said so, then I will go out! You go back and tell my grandfather, from today, I have nothing to do with the family! I miss me. As an adult, there is still this right! The law also stipulates that no one can force another person to do something he does not like to do!"

"Don't tell me what law, I don't understand, don't want to understand, maybe the law is effective for ordinary people, but it is not effective for you! You were born in the Philip family, a member of the Phillips family, this is eternal life. Can't change, this is fate!" Canton was unmoved.

"Philippe, don't talk, you can say yes, you are the Philip family, and this can't be changed!" Sallyka saw Philip very excited, so he advised.

"Miss Sangka, no need to fake it again, I know what you mean!" Keton listened to Sangika's words and immediately replied: "You persuade Philip to return to the family, for yourself? You still Fantasy, be the mistress of the future of the Phillips family? Imagine that we will recognize you? Dreaming of you!"

"I..." Sangika listened to the words of The face became pale.

"What? Nothing to say?" Keton thought he had said Sangika's thoughts, so he continued: "I really admire you very much. You can actually live so long with Philip. Time, you are very deep! But I tell you, don't think about it, as long as you continue to entangle Philip Master, the Philip family will not make him better in the day! I think, you are fed up on this poor day. Now, I have investigated, your family is ordinary compared to our Philips family, but among the civilians, it is a little bit of money! So, I will give you one million! Leave Phillips Master, how?"

Sang Lika was grievances and anger, but because Keton was a Philip family, Sang Lika did not want to make his boyfriend difficult to do in the middle, and had to swallow.

But Philip couldn't help it!

Pointing at the food, I can't get angry: "Korton, I respect you more than me, I never care about you, but today, you are too much! I and Sanlika really love each other, why do you always want to Do you want to dismantle us? Do you want to be a family to exchange for profit? How much benefit can I get in my marriage? One billion or five billion? Haha, I really didn’t think that I could not escape this fate! Don, I know what your words mean by my father and grandfather. Go back and tell them, I will report to them and get rid of them tomorrow!"

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