MTL - Villain Rescue System-Chapter 6 first world 6

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Half a month later, the second grade of high school is about to usher in the last exam before the summer vacation.

During this period, Yan Li was completely used to coming to school every morning to help Wen Long clean up the desk, wipe it down with a towel from top to bottom, and then start the day's study.

Of course, he asked Wen Long to reimburse the money for the towels.

In the final exam of this school, the top ten in the grade have bonuses, especially the first place, which has a total of 200 gold.

In the previous three semesters, Yan Li was basically stable in the top ten and could get 50 gold.

The 50 gold bonus is basically enough for all his expenses for a semester. The premise is not to be discovered by his father.

At noon in midsummer, the school's air conditioner was turned on very high, but it didn't feel hot.

This is one point he is quite satisfied with here. A comfortable environment can give him a good learning state.

In addition, the recent meals are good, and his energy is much more abundant than before, including his brain power has also improved a lot.

At the end of this semester, let's work harder to get the first place in the exam. Yan Li thought so.

From the corner of the eye, Yan Li saw the girl next to her put down her chopsticks, and Yan Li also put down the pen in her hand.

Putting down the pen, collecting the book, picking up the lunch box, pulling out a paper towel to wipe the chopsticks, a series of movements are extremely smooth.

Looking at the barely touched food in the two-layer lunch box, he was a little puzzled.

Why would anyone only eat such a small amount?

He looked at the girl beside him who had started to yawn, and thought: Maybe she is always sleeping, and she is lazy and unwilling to use her brain. If there is no consumption, of course you will eat less.

Sensing his gaze, Wen Long looked over with a cold face, "What are you looking at, idiot."

Yan Li then looked away, but silently added a sentence in his heart.

He's not an idiot, she is.

Yan Li was particularly concerned about the terms "idiot" and "idiot", so he peeked at Wen Long's results during the quiz.

...a mess.

Since then, he has put these two titles on Wen Long in retaliation.

"Wen Long, someone is looking for you!" The boy near the back door shouted to her.

Wen Long glanced outside the back door and found that it was someone she had never seen before.

Searching through the body's memory, she matched a name with that face. He was a classmate of the original owner's previous class.

At this moment, the third grader has already passed the college entrance examination, and Wen Long came to see her at this time, without even thinking about it, she knew why.

She gets up and goes out.

After a few minutes.

When Wen Long came back again, he had an extra box of chocolates wrapped in a round iron box in his hand, and a corner of a light green envelope was exposed in the pocket of his school uniform jacket.

She casually stuffed the box of chocolates into the desk pocket.

Yan Li glanced at the iron box, and then stuffed the last mouthful of rice into his mouth.

Today's dinner is chocolate, he likes it very much.

After eating, he washed and dried the lunch box and put it in his handbag. He didn't go to bed and started studying directly.

If he wants to take the first place, he has to spend more time than before.

After lunch and lunch break, students also returned to the classroom from outside one after another.

There are still ten minutes before class starts, but most of the students are already here.


A girl saw someone, she let out an exclamation, and pushed the deskmate next to her, motioning her to look at the front door of the classroom.

Immediately afterwards, other people in the class also noticed something strange, and looked outside the door one after another.

Within a few seconds, the originally quiet classroom became commotion.

"It's Si Yan... why did he suddenly come to our class?"

"I don't know, are you here to find someone?"

Si Yan...

Wen Long heard the name, turned her head, and looked at the source of the commotion.

Outside the door of the classroom, there stood a young man with outstanding looks, the tips of his hair were dyed red like fire, and his brows were full of unresolved hostility.

With one hand in his pocket, he casually looked at a certain place in the classroom.

"Oh my god, it's really him! Si Yan didn't come to beat someone, did he? Did someone offend him?"

"Then who knows, I'm not the one who offended him anyway. But he's really handsome! He's worthy of being recognized by our school..."

"Yeah, he's so handsome when he fights! I watched a video of him beating someone before, that explosive power!"

A gleam of clarity flashed across Wen Long's eyes.

It turned out that he was the male protagonist... Judging by this person's temperament, it is estimated that there will be a sadomasochistic relationship with Wen Ruan.

She propped her chin with her left hand, supported herself lazily, and watched the play with great interest. As someone who has read many ancient novels, Wen Long can probably guess what will happen later.

But Yan Li, who was beside her, turned a deaf ear to everything in the classroom and continued to do math.

In the plot, Si Yan's family background is very good, and he is used to being domineering in school, and fighting is the norm.

Afterwards, he met Wen Ruan, the heroine who always liked to meddle in other people's affairs, and was sabotaged by her many times, so he came to trouble her many times.

Later, he discovered the valuable qualities in Wen Ruan, and gradually became attracted to her. Because of Si Yan's violent temper, even though he realized that he had fallen in love with Wen Ruan, it still took a long time for the two of them to establish a relationship.

[The people here are really not normal. 】

The system heard the voices of those students talking. They didn't seem to think that school violence was a terrible thing, but they thought beating people was cool?

In essence, Si Yan's behavior is actually a very bad campus bullying. Only those who don't like it will be dragged out by him and beaten up, and those who are injured will even have sequelae for the rest of their lives.

At this moment, Si Yan's gaze was firmly locked on someone in the classroom.

The corner of his mouth hooked evilly, "You!"

Wen Ruan, who was sitting on the seat, clenched her fists, pursed her lips, stood up and walked to the door.

"Yesterday, you secretly told that kid to escape from the back door of the school, right?"

"It's wrong to hit someone, and that boy didn't do anything wrong..." Wen Ruan's voice trembled, but she still looked directly at him.

"I just can't understand him, what's the matter?"

"Since he ran away, you can pay it back..."

"what are you doing!"

Someone grabbed her wrist suddenly, and that frightening force pulled her out. Wen Ruan screamed in shock, and her other hand hurriedly clasped the classroom wall, trying to resist.

And everyone in the class looked at this scene with sympathetic eyes, and no one was willing to speak out.

Some of the students who had been helped by Wen Ruan hung their heads unbearably.

The Si family has a big business, they can't offend Si Yan.

Perhaps because of being overly frightened, Wen Ruan pawed at the wall so hard that he was not dragged out.

Looking at her beautiful round eyes like a frightened deer, a strange color flashed across Si Yan's face, and the force around her wrist was slowly released.

He raised his hand, pinched her chin lightly, and looked her beautiful features up and down.

What's going on in my mind is obvious.

Wen Long, who originally only planned to watch the fun, was made physically uncomfortable by his wretched appearance.

She narrowed her eyes and asked in her heart: Mr. System, I want to confirm again. My task should be to prevent Yan Li from destroying the relationship between the hero and heroine, right?

[…That’s right, why? 】


Wen Ruan stared blankly at the man with a smile on his lips, that handsome face was slowly suppressed, and suddenly another emotion surged up in his nervous heart, and his face was also stained with a tinge of crimson.

Si Yan was very satisfied with her absent-minded appearance, and was about to bend down to taste the plump and delicious pink lips...


A well-written exercise book was slapped on his face, and there was a loud noise.

Just by hearing the sound, you can know how painful it is to be slapped.


Wen Ruan was taken aback by the sound, and the uncontrollable heat on her face suddenly dissipated.

The exercise booklet slid down Si Yan's face, revealing a face that couldn't be darker, and the hand that was pinching Wen Ruan's chin loosened.


He suddenly looked in the direction of the book flying over.

In the far corner of the classroom, a girl with an arrogant expression crossed her legs and looked disgusted.

She didn't completely take back the action of throwing the book, and she even had a thick math textbook in her hand at some point, as if she was ready to throw it out at any time.

system:【! ? 】

Yan Li, who was beside Wen Long, stopped writing the question at some point.

He looked at the empty table under his hands and pursed his lips.

That's his book...