MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1507 Crazy party

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The Doulian July 7, 2660, which had already been prepared for the final opening of the feast of the feast for half a year.

Three days before the start of Fengshen Banquet, all the 100 people who had been invited to the event had arrived in the capital Riel as the venue.

Ning Rongrong, who has been to Riel earlier, has the same feelings at the beginning. I am afraid that people who come here for the first time will be completely different from life in Douluo, even confused and amazing.

Although there are many high-level aristocrats who came to the feast of Fengshen, they used to have a nourishing life around a group of people who turn around every day, but if you really want to say the quality of life, then in Riel in just a few days Definitely completely exploded for decades.

Some people who have changed to business are constantly seeking business opportunities to cooperate in these days when they come to Riel. If you bring some "daily" objects in Riel to the mainland of Doulau and start selling them, then you can definitely set off a frenzy, even It directly drives the upgrading of the entire Doula mainland. Everything here has too much and too much attraction for people who have gradually become accustomed to soul-guiding appliances.

It is a pity that everything in Riel was not created for money. Although everything here needs to spread out after all, it is not now. Therefore, although there are many people in Riel constantly inquiring about how to start cooperation, but not one dares to give a clear answer.

Fengshen feast began on the evening of July 7th. One hour after the sun set over the horizon, the entire land has been completely reduced to the embrace of the night, but in the emerging city of Riel, darkness can never rule everything, soul guide The power transforms the soul into light and heat and turns the entire Real into a city that never sleeps.

With the various fireworks rising from the sky, the sky was covered with various patterns and patterns, which finally made the long-awaited feast of feasting God.

The guests' seats are arranged on both sides of the east and west. The east side arranges the seat sequence based on their strength and intimacy. It is not Tang San who is the closest person to sit on the main seat. His strength is worthy of the entire Doula continent At that time, although Tang Sancheng ’s intelligence was not advertised, when Tang San and Qian Yuxue fought in outer space, the vision had been blocked, so the rumor of the **** These years have never subsided. When Tang San sat in the first seat, almost everyone knew from Tang San's unpredictable breath that the strength of the other party had surpassed everyone's imagination.

Sitting with Tang San is naturally a small dance. Of course, in addition to the small dance that has become Tang San's wife, Tang Tang's parents also sat on the first seat. This is the first person of strength. Privileged, one person can get chickens and dogs to heaven.

The second seat was Oscar, Ning Rongrong and her father Ning Fengzhi. The three people who counted as a family were also very prominent in the banquet. Maybe Ning Rongrong and Ning Fengzhi have a good reputation on the Doula mainland, but no one thinks that with their strength and status, they can achieve the second seat. The eyes of a group of people seem quite young. Oscar constantly looked at him, and seemed to be observing what kind of strength Oscar possessed.

The third seat that immediately followed the Oscar naturally fell on Zhu Zhuqing, another disciple of Le Yuan, but there was no family around her. Maybe it was related to Zhu Zhuqing's personality. She and her parents said that the relationship was natural. Yes, but it is not enough to let Zhu Zhuqing break the rules for this. Her parents are not as famous as Ning Fengzhi, and are worthy of being invited by Le Yuan.

Starting from the fourth seat, it is the competition between the major players in Douro mainland. After the three extreme Douro (Posessi, Tang Chen, Qiandao Liu) passed away, the real mainland powerhouses need to break through. To 97-level Super Douro level sword Douro dust heart, the next is the title Douluo competition, one by one in the eyes of ordinary people who are beyond the reach of the title Douluo can only according to the creation of the Federation Arrange seating.

"Wait, why should I be after this guy!"

Of course, not everyone will be satisfied with their seats, especially some people who have been dissatisfied with each other before. At this moment, it is because the issue of this seat is disputed. If it is not for the impact, I am afraid that it is not just now The quarrel was performed directly by martial arts.

"be quiet!"

Obviously it belongs to a little girl's voice, but the voice without ordinary emotions makes people who hear it close their mouths, especially the two conflicting title Douro, they are even hearing the voice At that moment, he instinctively perceived the danger that threatened his life.

A phantom appeared in front of everyone like this, and only a few of them were able to see how this phantom appeared ~ ~ Huh? It's not a real life, illusion? Not quite right, right? "

Tang San looked at the little girl who appeared between the two titled Douluo, but did not despise the slightest. Although he could clearly see the essence of the other party, he was even more confused because of this.

No. 3, Jie Yi, is also the general system of the Chuangyuan Federation. Her presence helps the daily operation of the Chuangyuan Federation. At this very important banquet, she is also responsible for the coordination of various links.

"The seat of the inviter for this banquet is my conclusion after careful analysis based on your strengths. Your strength is 113,000, and his strength is 124,000. If both parties are Deathmatch, you have more than 76% chance of death! "

No. 3, Jie Yi, raised his hand and pointed at the lower seat. That was to say his conclusion without any concealment.

The virtual reality deduction system uses the huge computing power to perform deduction based on the obtained real information. Even the deduction ability of Jieyi No. 3 can even predict the future to a certain extent. The strength of the two titles Douro is simply not enough. Become a problem.

Although it was a bit unconvincing to say No. 3 in Yui Yi, but when the two Douros wanted to refute, they closed their mouths instinctively, wondering if their instincts worked. They I just feel that if I move around casually, I am afraid that both of them will be killed here in an instant.

"Are there any questions? Then please continue to order, and the feast of the gods will begin soon ..."

The figure of Jieyi No. 3 disappeared from the public's vision once again. When a group of people on the east side clicked to enter the venue, the seats that appeared somewhat sparse on the west side finally began to have invitees.

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