MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1517 Douro Rebirth

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The Doulian calendar was 2665. This year was also the fifth year since Le Yuan held the feast of the gods.

According to the original agreement, Le Yuan, like Tang San, was willing to hand over the life stamps of Haotianzong and Tang San's relatives to him, although they did not say that they could be reborn immediately, they also had hope for rebirth. In the same year, Tang San finally ushered in the last moment of life in Douluo mainland.

Ascension, Divine Realm!

Although Tang San still didn't really want to go to the divine realm, but the call from the divine realm became more and more urgent, and it was even the time when Tang San could not refuse.

Five years and five years after the union of the Chuangyuan Federation and the Wuhun Federation, the changes in the entire Doulau continent can be described as a year-to-year change, and the entire five-year period is sufficient to bring about drastic changes in Doulau and five years ago.

The soul beast has become a rather rare existence in the current Douro continent. In contrast, the souls controlled by the Chuangyuan Federation spread throughout the Douro continent, completely covering the Douro continent with the soul system. The practice of Doula mainland has entered a new era, and the number of soul masters has doubled in the past five years. Although the number of soul masters is still relatively small compared with ordinary people, its growth rate has risen at any time in the past hundred years. Thankfully.

Douala Tiandou City, although the Shrek Academy ’s school has moved to the Chuangyuan Continent, but as a monster college, if the monster-level colleges close to the original source waste the resources of Shrek Academy, plus Shrek College needs a steady stream of fresh blood. Therefore, after the school moved out of Sky Dojo, it re-established the Shrek College Sky Doll affiliated college. This arrangement is now located in Chuangyuan. It is very common to see the top ten colleges on the mainland.

The top ten colleges can only be said to be the top and highest-ranking colleges. The conditions for entering the top ten colleges are extremely high. It is difficult to enter the top ten colleges immediately because of their talents. Therefore, the affiliated colleges established in Douro mainland have begun their studies. Second-level training.

The soul and soul of Star City is probably a place that is always lively in the whole Star City. People who can become soul masters probably spend more than 10% of their time on soul and soul.

The strength of the soul master is no longer confined to family status or even social status. In today's Doula mainland, as long as it has talent and perseverance, it can become a strong person.

In the past, hunting the soul hunting ring, if the original soul master did not have a good background and was even regarded as a student by a powerful soul master, I am afraid that the first and second soul rings can only blame for getting garbage, and even use the ten year soul ring to make up the number. Even if the future shows a certain potential, it will eventually be completely abolished because of the foundation.

But now it is very different. Anyone who wants to have excellent soul ring skills can only rely on himself. The existence of the soul and soul is like a change of heart. Here is the only thing that wants to get the best and most suitable souls. It is our own effort and strength.

When most people reach the thresholds of level 10, 20, and 30, they will go to the soul to accept the test of the promotion of the additional soul. Of course, they need to pay a fee when they participate in the entrance examination.

The cost of additional souls is huge. Of course, this huge amount depends on the level you want to upgrade. Like the 10 souls who just started, if they want to become the first soul ring required by the soul master, the cost is only 100 gold. Soul coins, this is definitely not very difficult for the current price level of Doula mainland. Even people of equal level have never born a soul master. They only have to work hard for three years to have a chance to survive.

The fee required for each additional level will increase by an order of magnitude. The second soul ring is 2,000 gold soul coins, the third soul ring is 50,000 gold soul coins, and the fourth soul ring is 200,000 gold soul coins. Soul Ring will even need 100 million gold soul coins.

Of course, this algorithm is calculated according to the worst algorithm. The number of soul rings that souls can attach depends on the grade. Some people can continue to grow even if they add souls once. Arranged the eighth and ninth soul ring skills, which saved a lot of money. Of course, the lack of talent can only be filled with huge amounts of money. In order to ensure that those who cannot pay the huge expenses can continue to practice, the Wuhun Federation provides another method of paying off debts, which is to enter the jobs arranged by the Wuhun Federation to work. .

Labor export to pay off debts, this is the idea of ​​the Wuhun Federation. Any soul master is a high-level talent, ranging from the grinding and manufacturing of various materials, to the manufacture of soul guide props, and even the drawing of symbols, all need to be studied by soul masters ~ ~ Where can ordinary people sink? Take care to complete such work. Only those soul masters who cannot afford debts can enter the positions arranged by the Wuhun Federation for more than ten years after signing a "sale contract", so that they can continue to complete the healthy development of the Wuhun Federation.

Of course, this way of life is also much better than that of sword dancing in the past. Without killing | killing or even dying, you can get a hundred times better life than before.

The exchange of labor for the improvement of the quality of life, although to a certain extent the gap between the former high-level soul master and ordinary people is further narrowed, the original identity of the fairy who swallowed the cloud gradually entered the world, and became ordinary People also need to worry about the existence of soy sauce, vinegar, and so on.

"It's close, it's finally done!"

After suppressing the step that has not been passed for more than two decades, with the end of Tang San's ascension to the realm of God, Le Yuan actively crossed the past. For countless people, the difference between humans and gods that may never be surpassed throughout their lives, but now Le Yuan is easy to leapfrog the past, like people can walk, birds can fly, and fish can become almost instinctual power.

"The godhead of God is finally completed, but the embodied godhead is still the last step and needs to be completed with that plan ..."

The double gods are never just the patent of Tang Sanyi. The double gods of Le Yuan are still comprehensive in a certain degree. However, the strong godhead means that it takes more to complete the godhead. However, Le Yuan can only fill the shortcomings of the modernized godhead with the first-line opportunity of destruction and rebirth. Destruction means the end of the Douro world, and rebirth means that Le Yuan brings the small world to break through That moment.

Only by grasping the opportunity of that moment and making the moment of ascension to be eternal can we make up for the shortcomings of modernization.

This book comes from Pinshu