MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1522 Heaven and Earth 5 Party, 5 Party Heaven Emperor

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In the thirty days of the Void Universe, the small world changes in Le Yuan's body have never stopped.

The world where the circle was close to myth started to reorganize. It is no longer literally the sky is round and the earth is square. The original concrete model of world composition is just a "virtual shell" constructed by Le Yuan in accordance with the mythical world. The true circle of heaven refers to the three of time, cause and effect, and destiny.

On the basis of these three, Le Yuan handed over the time, causality, and destiny of the whole small world to the robes of Yui, Kagura, Thousand Cranes, Kagura, and Warriors.

Place refers to space, vector, law. Rely on a certain principle, make up looks. The three gods symbolized by Yue Yuan were also handed over to the highest achievers in the small world-Hinada limited moon reading, Warriors Lu Qiling and Warriors Nuwa.

The laws of the new world are perfected a little bit, and the rules that unite the entire world to form a "normal" world are a little bit scattered by Le Yuan to the strongest and most suitable people in the small world, so that they have it before they become gods. The power to rule the world.

The three hundred rules are completely integrated. Although it cannot reach the point of one law, it can also make the entire world infinitely close to "real".

With the interweaving of law and reason, the foundation of the entire world has been reorganized, and the civilization formed on the four continents originally located in the small world is also being reconstructed. On this basis, Leyuan transferred the new Douro continent to it. , Thus forming a new five-party continent within the small world.

The eastern continent, the original Wushuang continent, was the first continent formed by the small world in Leyuan, and its cultivating system's unparalleled vindictiveness is a force that can be called a bug to a certain extent. At the same time that Wushuang is turned on, it greatly enhances its own strength and even causes special effects such as time-stop and damage immunity, thus forming a power similar to invincible. As the longest-developed continent in the small world, the Wushuang continent has also combined the cultures of other continents to emerge from a civilization assisted by science and technology. Although comprehensive strength is not the strongest of all continents, it has the largest standing force.

"Dongji Qingdi-Wushuang Mende!"

Cao Mengde, who founded the Wei Kingdom three minutes ago, lived up to expectations and became a figure on the Warriors Continent that was enough to enter the annals of history. In nearly a hundred years, the Warriors continent was united to form a stable situation. Fully developed rune spells, formed a new spirit system, and integrated the ancient practice system with new rune technology. As a result, the Warriors Continent was not as far away as other continents such as the Ninja Continent Far behind.

The southern continent, the original ninja continent, settled here naturally from Naruto limited moon reading this ninja parallel to the main world. Although the ninjas in the limited monthly reading world have not experienced such an oversized war as the Fourth Ninja War, the high-end combat power has not reached that level, but because of long-term peace, Chakra technology in this region has been in high-speed progress. In China, combining science and technology from other continents instead combines individual cultivation and technology.

"Antarctic Red Emperor-Lei Jun Ai!"

As the former shadow of Yunyin Village in the ninja continent, even in the parallel space of limited monthly reading, the power of this shadow is still one of the best among the five shadows of Ninja Village, and even more so after the union of Ninja Village Became the first United Nations Chairman of the Ninja Continent. After he stepped down as chairman, he even actively joined the war spirits and became one of the legions through continuous training. It can be said that the ninja continent is a well-known figure even today.

The western continent, the original fighting continent, was rebuilt from the earth of the King of Fighters. The number of ordinary people is the largest of all continents, but its technological content is also the highest of all continents. Combining nests' biochemical cloning and transformation technology, and Dawn Watcher's genetic enhancement and energy technology, the strongest fighting power of Dooland is quite satisfactory, but it is unique in the use of time, space and energy.

"Xiji Baidi-God of War Zero!"

From the time when Le Yuan was brainwashed into a loyalty by the monster game, to the compilation of the entire earth to form a fighting continent, the loyalty of the zeros nest has become his important helper. Even now, the zero is still a strength. The vulgar strongman, whether in mind or fighting power, is considered to be a superior choice, and he deserves his name as Baiji of the West Pole.

The northern continent, the original demon continent, settled here are not only monsters and successful demons from the fairy sword world, but also ninjas from the ninja world, etc., all the monsters who have been trained to have sufficient wisdom are Can survive here. After the soul beasts of the Doula world joined in, the demon continent can be said to be the one with the highest comprehensive combat power among the five continents.

"Arctic Black Emperor-Doom Day!"

With the order of Yue Yuan ~ ~ Xingtian Zhanhun, who has absorbed too much killing spirit in the magic sword tombstone, finally got rid of the shackles of the magic sword by this world reorganization and re-owned A separate body. The magic sword Xingtian has not been weakened by the loss of Xingtian War Soul. On the contrary, under the baptism of belief on one side of the continent, the magic talent of Xingtian Xingtian built with the mark of Xingtian is no worse than the true God of War.

The central continent is the new Douro continent that has just joined the family of the small world. As the last being added to the small world, the Doula continent is not the strongest, but the one with the highest dimensions and the highest strength. It has almost the entire system from the beginning of cultivation to the ultimate becoming a god, but it is really valued by Le Yuan and even positioned as the central continent, that is because of the positioning of Doulau-the final transformation of the continent was made by many small worlds. Civilization.

"Zhongji Huangdi-God will fly!"

As a former avatar of Le Yuan, he is now a separate individual. God will fly the sedum is nothing else, its overall outlook and strength are very good, of course, its shortcomings are also obvious-lazy, inherited from Leyuan's shortcomings so that he is not far from wanting to take the initiative to bear the task.

Heaven and earth five parties, Wufang heaven emperor.

With the appointment of Le Yuan, the camera was suppressed in this newly reorganized world, so that the world that had just been reinvented and remodeled was finally stabilized, and did not fall apart due to Le Yuan's various actions.

"Dimensional Combat, Phase III! World Upgrade Plan, Start!"

The coordinates of the divine dimension recorded at the beginning were opened by the power of Le Yuan. Le Yuan did not choose to communicate with the world but directly chose to sneak into the **** realm, thus descending on the real world. ...

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