MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1529 Sea of ​​miracles

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Humans or beasts dying in the real world, or even other living beings, will automatically transmit the seal of life to the Sea of ​​Dirac, which is located deep in the earth after death. No one can reverse this, even if the King of the Beasts who has achieved the realm of the God King can not do the same. He is not unable to pay this price, but no one is worth him to pay such a huge price.

Le Yuan can swim | While walking on the edge of life and death, he can escape after entering the sea of ​​Dirac. Even if it has passed so long, Le Yuan still has a feeling of whether he is dreaming or not.

Can Le Yuan be able to do things that countless people can never think of, and returning from the Sea of ​​Dirac? Is this really a luck and a coincidence?

At the very least, after experiencing so much, he gradually realized the truth: that was not a pure coincidence.

Just as what Le Yuan discovered while exploring the Sea of ​​Dirac a long time ago, the seal of life contained in the Sea of ​​Dirac only accepts the life it bred, in other words it is not the life of the same world. There is also a mark of life, but the ownership is not the sea of ​​Dirac in the same world.

It is clear that after Le Yuan first came to this world, he merged with the individual "Le Yuan" in the real world to form a present self. Although it also fuses the other person ’s mark of life, it is no longer a simple mark of life in this world. In other words, although it automatically flows into the great flow of the Sea of ​​Dirac when it is close to death, it has never been integrated into it. This also gave Le Yuan a chance to get out.

After entering once, Le Yuan felt a lot more relaxed when he entered it again. The Sea of ​​Dirac did not set up a special line of defense. When Le Yuan tried to communicate with the Sea of ​​Dirac in his world, he gained entry. Which permissions.

The azure ocean, the flexible ones that exist in the form of the seal of life, turn into blue soul bodies quietly sleeping in the sea of ​​Dirac.

"Yuan Yi, I hope you guys don't let me down ..."

According to Le Yuan's understanding, even if this Yuanyi has entered the inner world, it is still a real-life life. If he is really dead, then the mark of life should also return to the sea of ​​Dirac. If Yuan Yi's life stamp is found here, there is no doubt that Yuan Yi in the inner world must die; but if no one's life stamp is found here, then there is another possibility, that is, the real world is true. It is only a temporary abandonment of the real world, not a problem with the inner world itself.

The vastness of the entire Dirac Sea is just one person's effort to search the entire Dirac Sea is a waste of life, but when a person who can communicate with the Dirac Sea appears, the search and troubleshooting will change. It's pretty simple.

Using the small-world Sea of ​​Dirac for communication and negotiation, after paying a part of the price, Le Yuan obtained temporary authority to control the Sea of ​​Dirac. Of course, this authority can only be temporary in the hands of Le Yuan. If Le Yuan dares to devour it like in the Douro world, then the biggest possibility is to be hanged by the other party. The real-world Sea of ​​Dirac can be more horrible than the Douro world. The temporary authority obtained by Le Yuan may be deprived of by the other party at any time.

A comprehensive search through temporary permissions is just a short effort. The entire Sea of ​​Dirac has been searched, and the information that Le Yuan wants has been answered.

"Sure enough, is it already here?"

When Yuan Yuan's seal of life was truly transmitted to Le Yuan, Le Yuan was also lost. Yuan Yi, the uncle who once drank together and bragged about his death, died so silently. It really made people feel worthless.

Yuan Yi, the form of the seal of life, has no past marks. This is like drinking the pure white soul of Meng Po who washed away the memories of the past. Now Yuan Yi cannot do it even if he wants to be resurrected. He has not passed after resurrection. Can be viewed as another person.

"Yuan Yi died, so that means that other people in the world may also die together, then ... the world ... is it gone?"

Le Yuan recalled that he did not sense the existence of the inner world in the promotion space. As far as Le Yuan's ability is concerned, he basically did not run in the space of the real dimension, that is, the perception of the different dimensions that are currently attached to reality is in Le Yuan. Below, even the mysterious divine realm, Le Yuan was able to vaguely explore the location, but the world was really disappearing.

As the foundation of the real world, the Sea of ​​Dirac is naturally the top priority. Even if most people can enter here, they will not turn the entire Sea of ​​Dirac into their own guts and abilities. After all, unless they want to endure the Sea of ​​Dirac, it is impossible for them to withstand the rotation of life by the power of God alone. Burden.

Le Yuan now needs strength ~ ~ His small world is a foundation. After experiencing the origin of the promotion space, it is equivalent to repurchasing a large area of ​​homestead, and the room for continued operation has become greater. But now he lacks time, and he lacks the resources to turn this homestead into a high-rise building.

The real-world Dirac Sea is equivalent to an unmanaged natural treasure house. Once in the hands of Le Yuan, it will surely allow him to rebuild a new building in a short time, and once again fill the power of the already elevated realm.

However, the Sea of ​​Dirac is an unattended treasure house, but in fact, if you want to open the treasure house and turn it into your own power, you need to take a lot of risks, and as long as the real world has a rational person, it will not do so.

If there is a problem in the real-world Sea of ​​Dirac, it means that in the future at least one new life will no longer appear. The rules of the cycle of life and death will be broken, and the seal of life after death will not be put back into the cycle. Without the birth of a new seal of life, it is impossible for a new life to emerge.

Before the Sea of ​​Dirac is bred again in the real world, the entire world is equivalent to being abandoned.

Anyone who was born in the real world would not do such a thing, but Le Yuan did it. This "real world" is meaningless to him, even if doing so means slaughtering billions of souls. Just a string of numbers.

Destroy a world with your own hands. This kind of thing is not the first time Yue Yuan did it, but it will never be the last time you want to come.

While Le Yuan was tinkering with the Sea of ​​Dirac, the war between the human side and the other beast began again. After a hundred years of peace between the two sides, the anger of the other beast could no longer be suppressed. The extinction of humankind has become a foregone conclusion. ) Download Free Reader !!