MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1534 I am no longer my shadow

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The King of the Beasts wanted to win Le Yuan, but he did not know that Le Yuan's appearance at this time had proved that he had already mastered the Sea of ​​Dirac, and at this moment not only did he rise to a point where he could not be regained, Even his own divine power became so full because he had just absorbed the Super Earth's Sea of ​​Dirac. At this time, he was trying to vent his power. [Read the latest chapter]


The King of the Beasts thinks of himself too much, and today the two parties are not at the same level at all!

Light as a sword, light as a shield, light as a boat

The battle of the King of the Beast is based on light, and the Law of Light spurred by its divine power can launch super-high-speed battles. The attack range is also super-strength. No matter from which aspect, the beast The King is an enhanced version of the Sun God.

"Become nothing, sinner!"

The King of the Beast, standing in the void, took a step forward, and at the same time his entire body completed a change of form, from the original material state to the energy state. Although the condensed form is only the size of an adult tiger, the energy intensity under that figure is scaryly high. Just the energy exuded from the surface is not weaker than the energy of the sun, and even its intensity is above the sun. If the King of the Beast had deliberately condensed his power and did not let it leak out, I'm afraid he would be able to turn more than half of Asia into a purgatory on earth without even having to do anything.

"Sure enough, I can't make you guys mess around. Come in!"

With Le Yuan's open arms, the King of the Beast and the beasts around him suddenly realized that everything around him seemed to be transformed, the scenery turned into snow and ice in an instant, and everything around them was rendered in black and white. They A group of people seemed to be transferred to a splash of ink.

"God Realm !?" "Space Move?" "Illusion?"

The beasts who were also transferred into this space are all guessing what tricks Le Yuan has done. I have to say that the current black and white environment really makes a group of people feel extremely depressed, plus the strength of Le Yuan seems unfathomable. , So that the strange animals have no sense of security in this strange place.

The only one who can still stay calm on the other side of the beast is probably the king of the beast. After being drawn into this unknown world by Le Yuan, the light on the king of the beast becomes more dazzling, and the law of light follows The spread of light spread to any corner of this black and white space, and in a short time, the black and white world was thoroughly explored.

It is very large, although it is impossible to detect the size of the entire black and white world just from where they are, but using the law of light to detect, the size of the entire world has been completely explored by the King of the Beast. Nowadays, the world under their feet is very wonderful. It is completely different from a spherical star like a super-earth. The celestial circle is round and integrated, and the size even exceeds the surface area of ​​the old earth.

Shadow World!

Now the place where Le Yuan pulled the King of the Beast into the shadow world of the small world, everything here is like a mirror world and a small world projected into each other. Everything that the small world has can be found here. Place, but the shadow world is not complete. Compared with the small world that has been fully bred, this shadow world is just the tip of the iceberg.

The shadow world has no life, and even as a projection of the small world, even if everything here is completely destroyed, it will not cause any damage to the small world. If this place is turned into a battlefield, the loss can be minimized.

"Irrelevant people, etc. can disappear now!"

For Le Yuan, there was only one enemy from beginning to end in this battle. The other super alien beasts are powerful, but they are undoubtedly trying to kill the two, and they are not for Le Yuan. With the slightest use, one wave of these super alien beasts was dragged into the shadow by the shadow in the shadow world.

And just as Le Yuan started, as the boss of the Super Beasts, the King of the Beasts had no other actions, and still only looked at Le Yuan with a pair of eyes, as if the super beasts that Le Yuan had dealt with. It was just a cat and a dog that had nothing to do with him.

"So is this your capital? A shadow world that is very close to the whole world, and you can manipulate it and do whatever you want."

Although it was only time for Le Yuan to deal with the Super Beast, the King of Beasts as the God King understood the composition of the Shadow World from the bits and pieces of the Shadow World.

Shadow, this is the root of the shadow world.

With this in mind, for the King of the Beasts, he thinks he has already won the game. Isn't his best light a shadow nemesis? What else can stop him in this shadow world?

"Dead, bastard!"

Knowing the composition of the shadow world, the King of the Beasts thinks he has control of everything, and Le Yuan's hole card has been understood by him. As everyone knows, this shadow world is just a little bit of Le Yuan's hole card. Compared to everything in the shadow world, the existence of a small world is truly terrible. It is not a world close to the whole, but a reality that has even surpassed reality Super world.


The King of the Beasts transformed into light is extremely fast, like an arrow of light, traveling through the void. And the shadow world controlled by Le Yuan's right hand, the black shadow surrounds all groups from all directions, can't stop his left and right rush, any black shadow is like the snow and ice melted by the flame after touching the white light, and automatically dissipates Retreat ~ ~ Useless, I am your nemesis! How can shadow overcome light? "

Traveling in the world of shadows, the King of the Beasts transformed into light has instantly surrounded Le Yuan's body for more than a thousand circles, constantly surrounding, constantly looking for opportunities to attack, and at the same time thousands of swords of light Passed through Le Yuan's body.


After hitting Le Yuan's body, the sword of light that can penetrate the general **** god body is like a sharp sword chopping the mist. How can a tangible blade chop an intangible thing?

So these tens of thousands of attacks are terrible, but after all they can only hit the air and generally do nothing.

Although these attacks seem to have no effect, the King of the Beasts did not stop, just as Le Yuan was still controlling the shadows and wanted to pull the King of the Beasts into the shadows. Both sides only used such superficial tricks. The basic point is that they are still testing, such an attack is not even a formal confrontation.

"Brilliant Sun!"

The first to break out is the King of the Beast. He stopped in mid-air and shone with horrific energy enough to destroy the world. Light and heat gathered around his body, just like the name of this trick. The king turned himself into the sun,

The air is burned, the space is incinerated, and the moment when everything is shrouded in glory, it means death.

Sublime in glory, wither in glory!

Although it is a move created by light, it symbolizes death. This is the understanding of the law of light by the King of Beasts in countless epochs. Light is never light. The so-called light is just a prejudice that humans attach to light. Pure light is power, and pure light is also destruction and death!

The splendid day is expanding indefinitely, and in an instant it has expanded to the point of most of the shadow world.

Read The Duke's Passion