MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1546 Gods retreat

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# 1546 retreat from the gods

Thor's Hammer Myer Neal, although this thing looks different, Le Yuan is very difficult to recognize mistakes. After all, the "speciality" of My Er Neil is for Le Yuan who can already look directly at the rules. It is impossible to admit it, and coupled with the law of Thunder on the person holding Mourneil, it is even more impossible to admit it. .:.

Thor, Thor.

Unlike the rebellious Thor, who is still rebellious in the Marvel world, the Thor in front of him does not know how many times he surpassed the Marvel Thor, but the whole person is like a stone that has been flattened by the years. The self-confidence of Marvel Thor's edgy 'Lu' is probably only self-knowledge. Marvel Thor is a gimmick, and the Thor in front of him is more like a perfect prince who has been tuned by Odin. Odin's default next-generation **** king is just that Odin, who is in the kingdom of God, will not die. I can only be a prince forever.

Thor Thor becomes a horse pawn, and not far away, although a man with silver hair but full of endless vitality rides on the eight-footed horse, followed by many people in the heavenly realm, holding a golden 'color' spear containing the necessary rule, then Who can be the only **** king in front of him besides Odin?

"What's this? People sit at home, and disasters fall from the sky? I don't go to the trouble to find the trouble, but the trouble is to find the door!"

Looking at the uncrowned king of the Nordic deities, Odin took such a large group of people to surround himself, Le Yuan really didn't know what kind of mind he should have.

with pleasure? Or maybe, anger!

Facing Thor ’s question, Le Yuan said nothing, but swept away from the Nordic gods who surrounded him in front of him, and finally stayed on God Odin.

One **** king, eleven master gods (Tianjin Realm is higher), of which Thor and Rocky are significantly stronger than others. Although other people did not reveal the ‘door’ household, this lineup reminded Le Yuan of the twelve main gods in Nordic mythology, including the joint **** king Odin, which is the strongest fighting force among the Nordic gods.

"What does this mean? Do you want to stay with me?"

Le Yuan ignored the questioning Sol, but instead faced God Odin directly.


Sol had no chance to say the remaining word "bold", and he flew upside down and planted it on the ground, and the whole person bumped it into the ground.

"Adults speak, what do the children‘ plug in ’! Let me look up at you, do n’t you know what is polite?”

Le Yuan's words came to the ears of the Nordic gods lightly, which led Rocky and others to "pump" at the corners of their mouths. Even Odin, the father, couldn't help watching Sol's luck. His face was eccentric, as if holding back a smile.

No one is worried that Saul will be injured by this upside-down onion. The body of God is no matter how hard it is. The land of the divine world is different from the earth, but it will not hurt Saul because of this impact. At best, it's ashamed. Among the Nordic gods, some people are eager to see Sol's unlucky appearance. Whoever makes even a deity is not monolithic, and the interests are entangled everywhere.

Sol didn't fall into a coma, he naturally "sees" the change of his man's face by the power of the soul. Although his head is buried in the soil, his brain is constantly thinking, what should he do now? This awkward situation.


The place where Saul was buried in the ground half-exploded, and at the same time a thunder sky thundered 'plug' into the sky, accompanied by the sky's purple 'color' thunder light thunder thor appeared in front of everyone like a god, It's not that he just planted it in the soil before, I'm afraid that this majesty can be even more majestic.

The thunderbolt converged, and Thor's gaze turned to Le Yuan's eyes became much calmer, and he did not dare to show any disrespect.

"I can't beat you, but ... now you are facing Odin, the **** king of the Asa protoss, and you are so silent, isn't it too impolite?"

However, Le Yuan could not be beaten. Combined with Le Yuan's strength, it is likely to be another master of God's realm. Thor could not help lowering his attitude and believing in reason.

"Polite? It should be you who aren't polite. I'm on my way, but you're blocking my way for no reason. Don't you feel a bit rude?"

It ’s okay for Saul to say nothing. Le Yuan is really angry when he talks about it. He is very busy now, and he does n’t have the spare time to deal with them.

"Sor! Come back!" Odin, who had not spoken, opened his mouth with irrefutable coercion, making Sol unable to refute a sentence, and obediently returned to his side.

"Exotic god, you suddenly appeared in the **** realm of my Asa protoss. Shouldn't I be the one who is the local master?"

Odin is Odin. Unlike Saul, who has not been able to grasp the point, Le Yuan was suddenly placed as a trespasser.

However, Odin's words are not nonsense. Le Yuan, who entered the realm of the gods, appeared in the territory of the Nordic deities. As a local master, Odin really can't ignore it, especially Le Yuan is not a cat or a dog like a **** of gods and stars , God of God Realm can be regarded as one of the strongest in the world of God, and God of King Realm is even more famous one, such a character suddenly appeared in his own home, if Odin regardless of how big his heart should be?

"You said this? Then I said it straight, I just happened to be here with you, UU reading Don't you think I already want to leave? Is this reason, satisfied?"

Odin wanted a reason, so Le Yuan fulfilled his request, without talking nonsense, he just hid a little fact. Le Yuan did happen to reach the site of the Nordic theology, but it was not a way but a breakthrough.

"Please leave your name!"

"Name? Well ... if you really want to call it, call it Mr. Le! Then, bye!"

Leaving three words of dream chaser, Le Yuan was directly in the almost ghostly expressions of the Nordic gods, and suddenly disappeared into the great **** god domain of Odin. The blockade of the **** domain could not stop Le Yuan from leaving, This ability allows the gods to reconfirm that the strength of Leyuan surrounded by them is definitely no longer under Odin.

"Mr. Le? When did such a powerful man appear in the divine realm? Father God, would you say the name is ..."

Sol asked himself that he had never heard of the name of a dream chaser, and guessed that the name Le Yuan said was simply false.

"Nature is not true. There are so many powerful gods in the world, and no one knows what it would look like if the name is mastered by the other party. It is only natural that he has this precaution. It seems that his identity is very questionable ... Rocky, next You focus on the news from the outside world, I am afraid that the tranquility of this divine world has been ignored for a long time ... Without the great **** above, the ambitionist will never be extinct, and it will be a troubled event ... "

Chasing Le Yuan can't do things like Odin. I don't know if he will cause Le Yuan's bad feelings. Let's just say that a kingdom of gods wants to kill people. All of them have to die. Such a cost is too great. It is not worth it at all. On the contrary, Le Yuan's performance did not seem to come to find fault on purpose. In the light of more things than less things, Odin no longer cares.

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