MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1555 The end of the world, a variable?

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The change in the Marvel world can only be described as an episode. The death of the planet is worthless compared to the change in the entire Marvel world. Even the tyrant itself is a small character. The infinite gem is because of Leyuan For three reasons, three gems of space, time, and power are taken directly from the Marvel world. Even if the tyrant has collected all three other infinite gems, it is also a miscellaneous fish.

Although the infinite gems each use the power to communicate the laws of the world's origins, but want to use this power to the extreme. Except for people who can be recognized by gems, such as Le Yuan, they can only collect all six gems. . Unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to destroy the tyrant.

If Exterminator really got six infinite gems, then maybe he still has the opportunity to complete the transcendence. He may break through the limits of the world and come to Divine Realm, but unfortunately because of Yue Yuan, he will only be trapped in the A pole.

The Marvel world has been observed, and Le Yuan continues to march toward the upper stage of the sacrifice altar.

Once, twice, three times ...

There are more and more worlds appearing in front of Le Yuan. Of course, these worlds are, without exception, all the worlds that Le Yuan has been to.

It may be possible to explain it by coincidence twice, but every world that Leyuan sees that is still in operation is connected with Leyuan all the way, which cannot be made by coincidence.

"Sure enough, intuition! Is this **** intuition really my own hunch? Or ... he?"

When a person finds that everything around him is full of mysteries that are unclear and unclear, then his outlook on life is either collapsed or questioned, and there are only a handful of people who can persist in this environment.

Le Yuan didn't have a mental breakdown, but he wasn't so big-hearted that he didn't take all the anomalies discovered now to his heart. Obviously, everything he experienced long ago had some special power to monitor, maybe this power. It is also the fundamental reason to bring him into the twelve-dimensional real world, and he is getting closer and closer to the so-called truth.

Moving forward from the entrance to the altar of sacrifice all the way, although Le Yuan will record the number of layers that he advances, but as the number of layers that accompany it progresses higher and higher, remembering these has become meaningless.

"Now, three years have passed in the divine realm. I didn't expect that just entering the world of projection actually made me spend such a long time ..." Le Yuan has come to the 9999th floor of the heavenly altar. For a building In terms of such layers, it is definitely very high, but it has no meaning to the altar for sacrifice to heaven. This building is not built by manpower at all. The so-called limit does not exist at all. "... the world I have experienced , Have seen it all, so speed up! "

In three years, it has advanced nearly 10,000 layers, and the mission world that Le Yuan has experienced can all be viewed through the machines in the altar. It seems that the entire altar has left these world-care machines still working, just for Le Yuan Come here to fulfill your wishes.

The next floor was as expected by Le Yuan. There were no machines in the tens of thousands of rooms at work, everything seemed to be abandoned, and it was a ruin here.

On the 18th, 832nd floor, Le Yuan was able to feel that he was nearing the end. From the third floor onwards, each floor would no longer be separated from the many rooms before, even on the previous floor. The screen machines used to monitor the mission world are gone, as if the entire floor has become an empty parking lot from the third floor before, leaving nothing and nothing else.


Le Yuan, who stepped on this floor, quickly locked his eyes almost a kilometer away from him. However, life should have appeared for the first time on an empty floor, and it was not ordinary people. This breath even concealed and concealed. After all, Le Yuan could not be concealed.

God King Realm, but not one or two, seven people!

God King Realm is a leader of the **** world. Its status is even more important than the heads and leaders of the earth. In the super continent, which is so vast that ordinary people cannot pass through, only the strongest in the kingdom of God can build a stable **** realm, so that the gods have a pure land for survival.

Generally speaking, the masters of the **** king realm will not leave their **** realm, which means that in theory, there will only be three local masters of the **** king realm in the **** realm. If other people come here rashly, it is no different. In a provocative act.

And now there are seven God King Realm in front of Le Yuan, three of them are the masters of Zhongdu God Realm, named broken army, greedy wolf, seven kills.

Zi Weidou counts the three most fierce stars of the fourteen main stars, and the three controllers of Zhongdu God Realm use this to call themselves, the fundamental reason is that the power they control is the three evil stars .

And one of the remaining four people, Le Yuan, also knew that it was Odin, the **** king of the Asa Protoss. As for the remaining three people, even if they did not expose the portal themselves ~ ~ Le Yuan could also learn Recognize them in appearance.

One of them was wearing white sackcloth. His golden hair was more dazzling than gold. Although he did not make an expression on purpose, he always revealed a compassionate look. The wooden palm in his hand contained the law of creation, and he was even more light. The aggregate of laws is more like the light of destruction of the other beast king, but this person's light brings life and hope.

The name of God—Jehovah, the **** king of the western angel deities, is also the strongest in the heavenly gods.

One of them has a special head, which is called the top meat flesh. This is the hairstyle of the Lingshan Buddhas that people generally see in temples. In fact, it is not hair but flesh flesh, which is part of the body. A person who can possess such characteristics is naturally a Buddha, and the combination of his cultivation is not under Jehovah at all, even if such a person is in the spiritual mountain, there is only one—Sakya Muni.

And the last one is a bit hard to guess. Its immortality is small, like a real person. Although there is no divine power, it directly reaches the unity of heaven and man, as if every move is peaceful. This piece of divine realm fits. Taoism is a real person. From the eyes of the Taoist people, Leyuan determined that he was not the emperor of the jade emperor who was above Gaotang. Then the master who can reach the realm of the gods can only be the Taoist Sanqing. There is nothing to do. Only Yuqing pays attention to conforming to the Tao of Heaven and conforms to the laws of heaven and earth with his body. In front of him, this person may only be Yuqing Yuanshi.

However, knowing the identity of the seven people in front of him, Le Yuan was even more uncertain about how such a big man suddenly appeared in the altar of this sacrifice. It looked like he was blocking him, as if he had been expected to come. Here it is.

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