MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 3 Entering the New Territories

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99:39 on September 1 ...

Bian Yueyuan carefully checked the water, electricity, and gas in his home before he felt relieved. Who would want to end his life before finishing the game? Then hurriedly lay into the game warehouse, waiting quietly for the moment the game started.

As soon as the vision was dark, Le Yuan's entire person instantly entered a state of half-sleep and half-wake, but this state did not last long. Almost in a blink of an eye, he recovered his vision and found himself suspended in a void. A countdown wafts in front of him--

"Ten seconds before the game starts!"

"Nine seconds before the game starts!"


"One second before the game starts!

"The game has already been launched. Do you enter the game? Yes or no"

How could I have given up at this point, Le Yuan pointed his finger at "is a little lighter, and then the whole person's consciousness has turned into a light world, warm and comfortable but not dazzling at all.

Suddenly, a colorful light was shining on Le Yuan, and all over him was bathed in the colorful light. The light had dissipated before Le Yuan responded. If it wasn't from the ear that "the player's personal qualities have been collected and the data is being generated", Le Yuan thought that the light just now was an illusion.

"Players can meditate on their personal attributes to see their own attributes." Le Yuan heard a cue from somewhere.

"Personal Attributes" Le Yuan followed the prompts to check his attributes immediately.

I saw on the properties panel——

渊 Yuan Yuan

No. 6510


Strength: 7 (10)

Agile: 12 (10)

Spirit: 16 (10)

Physical strength: 8 (10)

Strength determines the basic strength, weight-bearing capacity, explosive power, and ability to withstand injuries of the body.

Agility, determine your dynamic vision, reaction speed, coordination of movement, balance and other abilities.

Physical strength determines your health, disease resistance, viral immunity, and recovery after injury. Each point's physical strength value is equivalent to ten physical strength values. If the physical strength value is zero, the character enters a collapsed state.

Spirit, determines the strength of spell attacks of your magic skills, as well as resistance to mental attacks. Each point of mental power is equal to ten points of energy. When the energy value is zero, the character will enter a coma.

Remarks (the world average in the real world 20-40 years old in parentheses)

Level 0

Health: 100%

Physical value: 80

Energy value: 160

Talent: None

Skills: None (initial 5 skill bar)

Equipment: None

Props bar:

药剂 Novice Elixir * 3

Level: D

Quality: Excellent Priority 19

Effect: Instantly recover 20% health and 20 physical value in combat status, and then restore 10% health / point for 10s / s

Note: This potion can only be used in the novice world (initial 10-block prop bar)

After watching Yue Leyuan, she greatly breathed a sigh of relief, and the attribute value was still within her own estimation range.

Strength and physical strength is still a 16-year-old teenager. At this age, he still loves to exercise. Although the attribute value does not reach the average level, it is also stronger than some adult women and is acceptable.

Agility is higher than the average person. It can be understood as agile thinking and quick response, but the spirit is a little bit higher than the average, and it is a little sudden. Does the crossing person have a mental mutation? Or have you swallowed your own soul, why not inherit the memory?

Just when Le Yuan wanted to understand the reason for the attribute value generation, a sound came from his ears. "The player must enter the independent novice plot before entering the formal adventure, and the formal entry into the inner world after completing the mission, otherwise the mission fails to kill the current generation Character, you can only enter the watch world for three months. You can regenerate the attributes and test again after the time expires. "

Wu Leyuan scratched his head and said, "The death penalty is really serious. I don't know how many novices will be killed in this independent plot?"

When Le Yuan thought that he was about to enter the novice plot, he received a new reminder—destiny choice (choose one)

One, novice plot attribute value increased by 50%

2. Participate in unknown trials and get special rewards

"Choose the second trial." Without much thought, Le Yuan quickly made a choice.

The novice story does not have to fight. Moreover, strengthening the 50% attribute can make his agility surpass the average person's escape and escape faster. It is really useless when there is so much mental power and no skills. As for strength and physique, there are so few more than ordinary people, there is really no advantage in the story world.

The unknown rewards of the second **** have much more to do. In order for this otaku to rise in this place, he must surpass his opponent from the starting point, and then he can step by step.

"Beginning of the trial" Accompanying this sound, Le Yuan has come to a black gallery from the world of light, behind it is a deep darkness, and there are flashing pictures on both sides of the front gallery. Le Yuan just glanced at the picture that was closest to him, just because the character appeared above was Spider-Man, and yes, it was Spider-Man in the old Spider-Man trilogy. Why is it an old version? Inside is the first final clip of a decisive battle with the boss.

When Le Yuan was wondering what this trial was testing, the system explanation started.

"The trial is limited to 30 minutes. Players can choose screen fragments in this world corridor. After 30 minutes, players will analyze the characters, abilities, words, and other aspects of the designated characters in the screen. The higher the description is, the richer the reward will be." Immediately after practicing the rules, a timer appeared, and the time began to count down.

"I didn't say that I can choose several pictures, that is, can the number be one?" Le Yuan's first response was not whether he could complete the trial, but the hidden rules during the trial. "Yes, for this world, one picture is enough for them to speculate for a long time, and I will want to choose more."

Le Yuan walked forward while observing both sides. Although the footage is incomplete, it can also be seen that this section is a movie series. For the movie, Le Yuan quickly walked forward and walked for 5 minutes. It wasn't a movie picture. It wasn't until Le Yuan recognized that it was the game "Treatment of the Prototype" and he found out that he had come to the game series.

When I was about to be dazzled by these tens of thousands of pictures, Le Yuan sounded the old saying "two birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in hand". After selecting four pictures, he left the game picture.

动漫 After the game is anime, after picking and choosing the ninth clip, when I want to choose, I find that there is no more.

There is still a limit to the number. Nine is the extreme number. Le Yuan, who can no longer choose, has to continue to move forward quietly what is the end of the animation, but unfortunately he does not know one.

30 minutes soon ended, "The end of the selection period, the second phase of the detailed character description, one time limit for each picture" said Le Yuan appeared in front of a still picture of the first selected picture, Le Yuan pointed at the picture The ancient man in a blue windbreaker said, holding a Chinese sword in his hand.

"Fengpeng, the **** general who guards the" well of the gods and demons ". He is lonely, combative, tough, deep in emotion and does not understand tenderness. He does not care what others think of him. Because he keeps a door, he is very lonely, so he occasionally Find the same person Xi Yao who cares for the **** tree that nourishes the gods, and talk about his favorite fights, kills, immortals, swordsmanship, etc. In the battle with Zhonglou, the two love each other. In the end, Feipeng follows Zhong Lou agreed, and duel in a newly discovered fairyland (new fairyland) ... Since then, the gods have learned about the private battles of Feipeng, and have not fulfilled their responsibility to guard the well of the demon, so they sent Shuibi and other heavenly soldiers The sky will catch the flying canopy.

神 When Shenbingtian will find the flying canopy, because of the distraction, the flying canopy is defeated in the battle, and the saber also falls to the world and becomes the demon sword of Shushan Town. "

Xi Leyuan's first recognition was not the flying cape, but his opponent Chonglou, who made Xianjian Yige look like that so well. Besides, the strength of the two is between the middle and the middle, but Feipeng is just right, with a protagonist in his face.

Wu Leyuan felt like when he returned to the college entrance examination, he had never answered the question so seriously.

Until the picture was described, while UU reading book was waiting for the grade, Le Yuan's heart did not calm down for a moment.

"The player 6510 trial results are as follows-

Feipeng-85% completeness

Jinyun Tianhe-88% completeness

Virgil-92% completeness

Safiros-78% completeness

Lulu Xiu-89% completeness

Feng Bo Feng Shui Gate-95% completeness

Yu Yuzhi's spot-72% completeness

Yu Zhibo with soil-71% integrity

Tianma-90% completeness

奖励 The completeness reward according to the character description is as follows-

0-10% weakened version

10%-30% attribute value growth

30%-50% full version skills

50%-70% of a certain talent

50%-90% incomplete bloodlines

95%-100% special fusion

恭 "Congratulations to the player 6510 for reaching the hidden condition. One person is more than 95% complete and the rest of the characters are more than 50% complete, triggering hidden rewards-super fusion

Re-creation of qualifications to recreate characters. "

Immediately after the speech, Le Yuan was forced to execute the reward before waiting for Le Yuan to accept it. When Le Yuan regained his consciousness and was about to check his property panel, his body was covered with white light. Then he heard the system prompting "End of reward distribution, start Novice plot trial. "

靠 "Fuck, what is the reward!" Before the complaint, Le Yuan's figure disappeared into the trial space.

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