MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1086 Helm Alliance

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The moon is clear and bright.

In the quiet moonlight forest, the night birds return home, everything is still, and the sound of the tiny insects in the bushes makes the night look even more peaceful.

There was a rumbling sound of horseshoes in the distance. Soon after, a team of powerful human cavalry galloped away. They were all black war horses. The knights were wearing cloaks of black paint. A faint red light floated over everyone's shoulders, the guild emblem of a black warhorse.

Soon after, the Black Wind Cavalry came to the glade not far away, and rolled over one by one, holding the sword proudly, with a calm expression, full of respect and calm.

In front of the Black Wind Cavalry, a young girl wearing leather armor frowned her long hair, then opened her long bow, and a sharp arrow flew away!


With a humming sound, a wild bear fell suddenly, and the huge figure collapsed like a hill. After the figure, a little warrior wearing a tattered armor smiled slightly, reached out and picked up the booty, and laughed: "Level 75 dark gold Leather armor, plus 7% long-range attack, boss, you just use it! "

"Hee, come on, right?" The girl chuckled.

Behind, a group of black wind cavalry laughed: "Boss, you and dust gradually leveling, we are here to protect you, here, no one dares to move us!"

It ’s so cute and easy to laugh at: “I ’m not worried, do n’t forget that this is the apple county ’s site. On the iced tea site, no one has ever dared to enlist in a private field to level up.”

At this time, a black wind iron rode forward and said, "Boss, Heifengzhai has been established. What are our next steps?"


Very cute and blinked, and smiled, "There is no next step. When the dust and I reach level 150 in the sanctuary, I will say that everyone in the guild must act in a low-key manner. The lunar temple, the battle spirit, and the autumn rain years are all powerful alliances. At present, we are developing our strength under the snowy wings, and do not cause unnecessary trouble to scholars. "

Heifeng Tieqi nodded his head slightly, and said, "Understand, I will. What else does the boss ask? Nothing to do, our brothers are too busy."

Very cute and very easy to laugh at and could not help but chuckled: "Send 500 people to stay in the Black Wind Mountains all year round, as long as the Black Wind War Horse is refreshed, keep it secret, and keep secrets in addition, in Baiyun City, Ice Wolf City, Qingfeng City, The new Tigers and the Scarlet Fortress recruit new members. As long as they are level 255 and have good warrior players, one day, I will let the Black Wind Iron ride to the world! "

"Haha, boss Mingming, I'll arrange someone to do it!"

"Go, dust and I do not need to take care of leveling here. We can solve even if we encounter the enemy. Don't forget, dust and I are both players in the sanctuary. I am not an ordinary person at level 255. , Unless it is a high-level Sanctuary player, but a high-level Sanctuary player will not be bored to embarrass two rookies less than 100 levels? "

"Okay, so, let's go first!"


With the clutter of horseshoes, the Black Wind Iron Rider disappeared into the night, very cute and leaning against a birch, and laughed: "Dust, kill the bear first, I will rest for a few minutes, how much Can a bear ear be assigned? "

"Seven, Boss," a dusty whispered.

"Well, come on!"

The moonlight became more and more charming. In the lush forest, the pair of men and women moved inseparably. A wild bear was killed under the sword and bow. Everything seemed so peaceful.


Key City.

In the conference hall, a group of high-level players surrounded the stone table, all of them were quite silent.

This is a joint meeting, the high-level meeting of the CGL Alliance, the top leaders of the alliances including Qixing Lantern, Lonely Grave, Iced Tea, Red Lotus Dance, Lin Shuang, and God's Wish.

"Is the news reliable?" Gu Fen frowned, "This is a bit exaggerated ..."

Lin Shuang nodded: "Absolutely reliable! The eyeliner arranged by my friend Xueye was inquired about in the dark howler, and the current situation in the Lingding mainland is indeed about to develop into this situation."

"Holy Helmet City, Fire Dragon City, Windwind City, Beast Soul City, Flash City, Triumph City, Hero City ... what is this Rushman Saint Helmet Alliance, will the seven main cities jointly attack Tianyao City?"

The lone tomb took a deep breath and said, "Once the Tian Key City falls, we will no longer be able to rely on the barren land. I am afraid that none of the Earth Tooth City, Silver Gun City, and Xuan Yu City can be maintained. Therefore, we have no way to retreat and can only do our best. Keep Tianya City in order to have the opportunity to compete in the barren land. "

Lin Shuang smiled uncritically.

"What are you laughing at?" Gu Fen looked surprised at Lin Shuang.

Lin Shuang: "I am cheerful and like to laugh."


Qixing Deng shook his fist and said, "Fight with the girls!"

"Put a hair together!"

Hellfire Road: "Seven main cities, one unit, even if they swept the Chinese area, if we are not careful, I am afraid that it will be Baiyun City and Qingfeng City."

Hung Hom dance set her eyes on me and asked, "Scholar, what do you think? The maximum time is no more than three days. The coalition forces of the Holy Helm City and the City of the Beast Souls will definitely come to Tian Key City, leaving us little time. Now, Uncle Gufen proposed to defend Tian Key City with all his strength, what do you think? "

I took a deep breath and said, "I'm not good at defense, I'm just good at attacking."

"Offensive?" The lone grave shuddered: "We are now in an absolutely disadvantaged position, do we still want to attack?"

I nodded: "Yes! It is to attack, to disrupt the opponent's rhythm with the fastest attack. The Chinese area has been too strong recently, forcing the Holy Helm City and the City of the Beast Soul to unite, but there is no true alliance between them. I just want to divide the benefits of the barren land, so I suggest that since they are aligned, then we are connected. "

Qixing lamp was shocked: "What is Lianheng?"

Iced tea chuckled: "The book was read ..."

"Rely on ..." Qixing Lamp was blushing.

I said, "A simple analysis is that the United States, India, the United Kingdom, and Canada joined together to suppress China. Among them, the United States is the strongest. Then we might as well unite the United Kingdom and Canada. We may focus on the benefits and focus on destroying the United States. Then Xu Tu made a plan. "

Lin Shuang nodded and said: "Now, the world's servers are divided into three major factions, Baiyun City, Holy Helmet City, and Beast Soul City. Server, the barbaric throne of the city of beast souls is a bit unwise. The Quartet invaded and had few friends. We in Baiyun City have friendly allies like France and Russia. "

Lin Shuang paused and laughed: "So, we must continue to work hard to win more allies, even if it is a small country or a small city."

Lonely grave said: "This, urgently needs a diplomat, and must be the commander of the party with wisdom, eloquence and prestige, everyone recommends such a talent!"

I patted the table and said, "Simple, Sister Lin Shuang is a ready-made candidate."

Qin Yun, who was next to me, nodded and laughed, "Well, Sister Frost knows a lot of foreign friends, such as Snowy Night in Russia, Tyrolean in France, etc., and Sister Frost is the leader of the war spirit. Should the leader of one of the guilds have enough prestige? "

The lone tomb could not help but smile and looked at me and said, "Scholar, if you have no opinion, then I have no opinion, but if you want to be a diplomatic envoy, you also have no opinion."

I could n’t help shaking my head: "Forget it, uncle, I also know how many pounds or two I am, let me charge and let me negotiate, and that is 100% to talk about collapse, my biggest hobby is to use weapons to negotiate, you Do you think the strong men of the Barbaric Throne and Dark Roar can be easily convinced? "

"What a war commander!"

The lone tomb couldn't help laughing: "Okay, so it was decided, Lin Shuang was appointed as a diplomat, and the scholar was the commander in chief of the highest war in Baiyun City in China. Do you have any opinions?"

At this time, Xiaofeng said: "Why can Xueyue and the soul of the war spirits come out? The seven-star lamp of our soul returning to the battle robes is also awe-inspiring. The war commander should be the seventh brother ..."

Hellfire coughed and laughed: "Don't let the Seven Star Lanterns repeatedly defeat, and finally let Xueyue come to clean up the mess ..."

The Qixing lamp was slightly angry, and shot at the crime. He drew his sword and shouted, "Hellfire, speak carefully!"

The lone tomb hurriedly stood up and said very calmly: "Be quiet, Qixing Lantern and the scholars will preside over the war together. Next, we have to discuss how to stabilize the situation."

Lin Shuang groaned and said, "I will negotiate with the relevant players in the UK, Canada, and the Netherlands. As for the three hard bones of the Holy Helm City, the City of the Beast Soul, and the City of Winds, I will not waste my words. They cannot be moved. "

"What then?" God asked, wishing.

Lin Shuang said: "Tentative!"

Ice tea startled: "What a heuristic?"

Lin Shuangxiaoxiao ~ ~ said: "What kind of thing is Windwind City? They have been killed by Xueyue once. This time, they must be courageous. It must be the Holy Helm City, such as protection Stormwind City is so cloudy, so this time we will use Stormwind City to send a division to attack Stormwind City, and then we will stand on the outskirts of Holy Helm City to attack it. Once Holy Helm City supports Stormwind City, we will immediately point out Holy Helmet to test the bottom line in the US and see if this cheap dad can keep his son. "

The lone tomb could not help but applaud: "Second! When will you act?"

Lin Shuang groaned and said, "Let's noon tomorrow! The scholar will arrange the strategy."

I nodded: "The soul returns to the battle robe, the Moon Alliance and the Temple of the Moon to guard the barren land to prevent the attack from the city of the beast soul, Snow Moon guards the barren fortress in case the Golden City comes, The four major guilds, the wishing pool, vanilla and ice Chen Bing in the Silver Fir Canyon, deterred the United States. "


Lin Shuang opened his mouth wide and asked, "This arrangement is true, but who is going to attack Stormwind?"