MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1098 WSL again

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The onlookers around were stunned, and saw the blood-red wings and temple aura behind me, their mouths widened, and no decent notes could be made. Soon after, the crowd began to discuss--

"Yes ... it's a scholar ... it's China's heavenly power ..."

"Yeah, really a scholar, he killed the sneaky archer ..."

"The archer is so despicable, he actually took part in a fair duel!"

"That is, the archer is the unparalleled person in the world, it must be privately instructed, it is too shameful, this is the unparalleled behavior of the world."

"It seems that the world is unparalleled, but it is true that Zhongshan King Jing cheated to kill the barbaric throne may be true!"

"Yeah, it may be true, those 213 are actually vying to join the world unparalleled, so 2!"


Sure enough, the eyes of the masses were clear. As long as someone reminded them, they immediately saw through all the hypocrisy and falsehood.

"Hum, how despicable!"

The sad and breezy breeze released the tranquility, came over with a dagger, and compared the potion burst by the archer to the middle finger.

I pulled out the North Sword from the city wall, and the binding equipment could not be taken by others, but if I did n’t take it myself, it would be a big loss if I was swiped by the system.

Tranquility frowned, angrily, "Why let him do it?"

King Zhongshan of Jingshan said coldly: "I don't know, don't ask me, ask him yourself!"

With a quiet hum, he turned the crowd away and entered Baiyun City.

Sad and crisp breeze asked with a smile: "Scholar, you are here, thankfully you are here, otherwise I may have hit them with black hands. This World Warriors Association is really nothing, huh!"

"Isn't your girlfriend calling you? Don't hurry up ... endocrine disorders after a while ..."


The sad and clear breeze was silent, and said, "Then I'm gone, and you will also be in harmony with Ling Xue ..."

I shrugged and spread my hands: "It's always been inharmonious ..."


"Too difficult."

The sad and crisp breeze waved his hand, and retreated. When he entered the city, he went offline. When it was time for dinner, Ling Xue also sent me a message.

Things are almost sold out, offline.

In the studio, in the late autumn season, several MMs valued the time when they last wore skirts, one by one wearing short skirts, and the show was like picking up customers.

I asked, "Is there anything in the city of the beast souls?"


Ice Tea shook his head and said, "However, some people saw the Savage Throne taking people to S6. It is no surprise that S6 divine costume warriors will appear in India."

"Where is the Wind Altar?"

"This movement is relatively large. At the forum in Japan, Tianyi has officially returned, and players from the original Blast City are being stationed in the tragic city next to the tragic coast."

"Tragic city?"

"Yes." Ice tea chuckled: "Yes, the city of tragedy, a town about the county level, was secretly beaten down by the gods, and the organization of the wind magic altar was officially established, just yesterday, at least more than 500 Thousands of Japanese players entered the tragic coast, and there seems to be a resurgence of momentum. "

"Hey, tragedy coast, then long-distance raid to kill the past, let the wind magic altar officially tragedy!"

"No!" Ling Xue on the side rejected my idea and laughed: "The difficulty is too high. The tragedy coast is far north of the big map. We have to pass through Fire Dragon City, Triumph City, Flash City, Hero City and Beast Soul. The blockade of the city can only be reached. In fact, this is very difficult. Even if all the super guilds in Baiyun City are united, they may not be able to kill the blockade. "

"This way ..." I frowned. "Will Stormwind resurrect like this?"

Ling Xue smiled, holding my arm and said, "Relax, it's just a small county town. Although Japan is re-established, it poses no threat to us. Our biggest enemy now is the Holy Helmet and City of Beast Souls. "

"Well! In the coming days, try to build more S6 fighters!"



Time flies so fast that half a month passed.

The war in the borderlands continued, and a matchup erupted between the city of Beast Soul, Gold City, Tian Key City, and Silver Gun City. In the end, each had a victory and a defeat, but it was also difficult to move each other's roots. I had expected That ’s right. The Soul Returning Robe is indeed the second guild in China. Qixing Lan led Xiaofeng Canyue and others with the savage throne, a player of the heavens. Although they have won more and less defeated, they can still protect it. Silver Gun City is not lost.

In addition, following Ling Xue, ice tea, Nangong Lexi, Liunianhuahuo, Bingzhiyi, brave heart and other MMs have all replaced the S6 set. I and Ling Xue brought their brushes separately, plus our super lucky value. , 6 sets of 10 sets of S6 in the world have already settled in China.

As for the city of beast souls, it seems that the Barbarian Throne has also created two super S6 female warriors, but it has not been exposed, and it is temporarily unknown how the strength of the other party is, but it is clear that no matter how strong it is, it is not as strong as ice tea, Bing Zhiyi and other MMs, Bing Zhiyi relies on dragons, and ice tea relies on gas fields, which are all very invincible types.

On the other hand, due to the good offices of the CGL and the peaceful development of China, no major civil war broke out. This development opportunity was grasped by the world's peers. As a result, in a short period of half a month, the world's peers only had more than 20,000. The small guild of people has developed into a 100,000 elite elite guild, with 20 sub-confederations of super guilds, has entered the ranks of the top ten guilds in China, ranked sixth, still above the Wishing Pool and the Temple of Moon!

All major guilds are jealous of the world's unparalleled tigers. However, King Jing of Zhongshan is a wise man, acting low-key, but occupying an ordinary territory on the edge of Ice Wolf City, and acting as a **** to resist the Indian army in the city of Yan Yan. Everyone is also a bit relieved.

In addition, there is another big event, that is, the fourth person in the Ascension appeared. It was unexpected. It was actually the snowy night of the first Russian guild. This little woman has already settled in the Temple of the Sea and becomes the guardian of 17 temples in the world. One of them.

The aura of the Temple of the Sea is very overbearing. Within 1,000 yards, friendly players will recover 0.2% of the total vitality per second. This is definitely a super aura of protracted battle. There is no doubt that if Snow Night led the Iron Cavalry to smash, it would definitely not be disadvantageous. The role of a Celestial player is enough to reach a group of 10,000 divisions. This is a fact recognized by everyone. Therefore, masters around the world are desperately seeking opportunities to ascend the Celestial Territory. That's just a few people.

In Tian Key City, I was sitting on the steps of the palace. In front of me, a hundred horses were riding on the purple rider led by Reinhardt, and behind them were thousands of red lotus iron riders and tens of thousands. Swiftwind Iron Rider's camp, these are the secret army, I have resisted a few siege of Tianyao City and did not send out, because those attacks are not fatal.

By my side, Ling Xue leaned against my shoulder, holding a clover in her hand, shaking against the sky, and the fluorescence on the clover drifted slowly. Ling Xue giggle, straightened her legs, gorgeous and seductive. .


"The second WSL International League is about to start. Any thoughts?" Ling Xue asked with a smile.

"Any ideas for winning the championship?"

Ling Xue smiled: "I heard that the WSL rewards will be more generous this time. The championship award seems to have reached 10 million, and the Chinese championship is at least 5 million! The equipment award is likely to be an ancient artifact, eh , The game has developed to this point, it should be too ancient artifact! "

I flipped through the game forums. The second season of WSL is indeed coming. After 10 days, the domestic qualifiers began, and 4 teams participating in the international competition were decided.

10 days left! I hope to play the eternal armor in these 10 days. In this case, I will rely on the advantages of Ascension, Eternal Suit, and Northern Underworld Sword, which will basically be an absolute scoring point. In the individual competition, 1 point, 2V2 and 1 point. Snow Moon's entry into the final is definitely not a problem.

But at this moment, Ling Xue suddenly frowned.

"what happened?"

"My cell phone is ringing. Take a call offline!"

"Well, go back quickly, brush S6 again in a while, see if the water magical can burst out."

"it is good!"

After a short while, Ling Xue went online. When she saw me, she suddenly rushed into my arms and cried, "Scholar, go offline, go offline ..."

I hurriedly helped her: "What's wrong?"

"Dad can't do it anymore, Daddy has a heart attack, no more, let's go to Shanghai ..." Ling Xue cried with tears in her eyes, her eyes filled with despair.

It's the same as a clear sky. Ling Tian's body has always been good. Even when I came to Suzhou to see me and Ling Xue not long ago, why not say no?

I hurried off the assembly line, hurriedly got dressed and came to Ling Xue's room, only to find that she had put on a beige dress, grabbed my arm, and cried, "Come on, go on ..."

I nodded again and again: "Well, I'll drive and leave immediately ..."

I can't control anything. I took the card and went out. Icing tea chased out of the room and asked loudly, "Scholar, what's the matter?"

"Come back ... let's talk!"

I rushed out with Ling Xue, and the Passat was hitting the road.

This time, the car was extremely fast, not inferior to Ling Xue's speed, and Ling Xue was lying on the seat, crying with red eyes, while crying, "Hurry up, hurry up ... Dad, he ... "

"I know, Xiaoxue don't cry, nothing will happen."

My comfort seemed very weak, and obviously the doctor's statement on that call was certainly not optimistic.


At night, Shanghai XX Hospital, one of the best hospitals in the country.

Ling Xue and I rushed into the ward in a hurry. A gray-haired doctor stopped us and asked, "Are you Ling Tian's family?"

Ling Xue nodded hurriedly: "I'm his daughter, how is your father?"

The doctor sighed: "He's overdrafted too much ~ ~ The heart is depleted, go in and talk to him, right? I'm afraid he has less than 24 hours ..."

Ling Xue collapsed almost immediately. The whole person collapsed in my arms, almost fainted, took the doctor's sleeve, and cried, "Please save him, save him ..."

The doctor sighed: "Ling Tian is my friend, do you think I don't want to save him? For so many years, Ling Tian is my most admired person. In order to work, he gave up almost everything. one day……"

I nodded: "Thank you doctor!"

Said, lingering Ling Xue, said softly: "Xiao Xue, shall we go in and meet Uncle Ling Tian?"


Ling Xue cried and became tearful, opened her eyes with hazy eyes, and walked into the ward. When she saw Ling Tian lying on the bed with a bleak face, Ling Xue burst into tears and knelt down in front of the window.

"Dad ... dad ..."
