MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1103 Deep sea enchantment

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The dragon dragon chop full of realm power exploded in the crowd, the city bricks exploded, and more than a dozen players could not avoid falling into the pool of blood, and their bodies were torn apart fiercely.

The 244th-level Berserker was shocked and hurriedly said, "Yes ... is the guardian of the temple! Come on, archer, ready to attack! Stun arrows, shoot at random!"

Cold light flying shuttle, countless arrows came from the wind.

I smiled coldly, the inheritance cyclone wrapped around my body, and almost all the arrows were popped up almost instantly, let alone vertigo, even the damage was not much, and the slightly lower-level archers did not even hit. I don't have any hope to make a forced blood deduction of 1 point.

Sword swept, Whirlwind!


The light raged in a circle, more than a dozen soldiers were blocked and cut off, and the sharp edge of Beiming Sword was unstoppable.

I stepped on the aura of war, rushed towards the teleport manager, and whispered--

"Bad me!"

Many archers actually retreat unconsciously. This is no longer a peer-to-peer battle. Sanctuary players can hardly resist under my sword, and ordinary players are even more vulnerable. In the battle between mortals and celestial beings, many people cannot even cause the most basic injuries, and they have lost the meaning of participating in the war.


There was a flash of light in front of me, and the 244th-level sacred warrior blocked me in front of me, holding a large golden shield in my hand, and shouting, "I'm coming to defend and stop him, you stun the arrow with all your strength, and come with a corrupt arrow Hand, hurry up! "

The voice didn't fall, I had rushed forward, the North Sword flew past, and the mad soldier trembled. The Jin Chancan shield had been divided into two halves, and it was completely lost, and I could n’t defend it. Ling Lie sword penetrated his chest, and a large number of injuries flew up-4129487!


The Berserker knelt down to the ground, and I stepped on his body to approach the teleportation array. Beiming sword waved three times, and the management of the teleportation array fell to the ground. The destruction was successful!

Behind the scarlet wings spread, I have rushed to the sky, and a group of players on the ground roared: "Can't let him escape, hurry up, kill him!"

The arrows flew into the air, but they could only hit my afterimage. My speed at full speed was even faster than the speed of the arrows. How could the arrows chased from behind hit me?

He paused in the air, filled with blood, and rushed to the south gate.

Almost the same, although the players in the Holy Helm City and Wind Magic Altar at the South Gate were ready, they were still forced to kill the teleportation array administrator, without even a trace of temper.

The whole Qingfeng City was chaotically turned into a pot of porridge, and players rushed to run, fearing the legend: "The **** demon is here, the devil that destroyed the Stormwind city is here ..."

Scarred, this day is doomed to be full of killings!

After destroying four city gates in a row, the last one is left, which is the first one in the center of the city!

Hidden in the clouds, the eyes of the stars are turned on. When I saw this last teleportation array, I couldn't help but secretly startled. The teleportation array was almost wrapped by the inner three layers and the outer three layers, and all the first-class masters were guarding, at least Hundreds of sanctuary players stand by, and even dark roar, dark arbiter, lonely hero, glamorous, and Titanic are among them.

Dark roaring side, an assassin wearing exquisite leather armor faintly looked at the sky, it is Tianyi, the leader of the wind magic altar, the real first person in Japan. Around Tian Yi, the mountain eagle, snow sakura, wind soul, and sky forest, these first-class players in Japanese legend are among them. Obviously, they have desperately desperately want to hold here.

I breathed in the air, and I was secretly shocked. In this case, even if I am a Sky domain player, I may be killed in one blow. After all, these well-known people who have no one or two skills, as long as they are restrained , I obviously want to kill a small life here.

However, indecisiveness is not my style. I gritted my teeth and got in!

The body was shaking, entered the shadow mode, and flew over carefully. When the distance reached 100 yards, I immediately raised the Northern Underworld sword and started the stunt-Deep Sea Enchantment!

Dark Roar skill lock, he is also the center of this group of people!

A 10-second long prelude to the skill, but I was hidden in nothingness and they didn't see the clue.

At this time, the sky was snowing with snowflakes.

Japan's first archer, Snow Sakura opened her hand and smiled brightly: "It's snowing?"

Tianyi looked cold and shouted, "Be careful, there is a situation!"

"Mum ..."

Suddenly, a 5 cm wide trench was cracked on the ground surface. A huge bubbling bubble popped up, and the world became dark. The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped by nearly Baidu. Some ordinary players froze and snored. Sanctuary players opened the Sanctuary Cyclones one by one to resist the cold currents!

Deep sea enchantment, the space where pressure and cold coexist, will be their burial place!

High-ranking assassin, Tianlin looked around with a dagger, and said coldly, "What's the situation, why the weather environment suddenly changed, and Ling Ling system didn't notify it? Could it be a surprise to us ..."

As soon as the words were spoken, a sudden “snack” made Tianlin unable to move. A huge ice cone was drilled from the ground to freeze Tianlin. He opened his eyes in horror, but was unable to perform any skills or actions.


Tianyi sighed and hurriedly said, "Everyone be careful, you will be invincible at once!"

But it's too late, the surrounding “嘭 嘭 嘭” drilled numerous ice cones from the ground, almost all of them were frozen in the ice, the icicles became peaks and peaks, and the entire central square of Qingfeng City became a deep sea. Hell in the middle, when the freezing is completed, the real killing finally comes!


With a roar, the city bricks shattered, and a sea monster broke out of the earth. It is an energy body that directly swallows and bites a group of people such as Tianlin, flying up huge numbers of damage, white light shuttle, and more The sea monsters protruded from the ground, completely forming a downside killing, and those players have become soulless without any resistance.

The eyes of Tianyi, Dark Roar, and Dark Judgment quickly turned on the invincible ability, looking towards the surroundings, but I couldn't see it anywhere. The deep sea enchantment was too dark, and their vision was only five meters. That's it, but as a caster, I see it very real!

Looking at the Beiming sword in his hand, the ghostly spirit is indeed an ancient artifact. This trick of the deep sea enchantment can even kill super-class masters such as lonely heroes and glamorous people, which is too shocking!

The administrator of the last teleportation team also died in the deep sea enchantment, and the destruction task was still completed.

Wait for thirty seconds, and the invincible effects of Dark Roar and Tianyi are over.

Start, kill!

I rushed down and rushed to Tianyi before the end of the deep sea enchantment. Tianyi was shocked and still felt the energy fluctuations. Then he turned quickly and a subtle S position hid behind the stone pillar of the teleportation altar!

"Go to death!"

I screamed, and the Beiming sword hole passed away. A "嘭" sound turned the stone pillars into stone powder. Tianyi had passed through the body before being able to dodge, and the dragon's power was exploded, and Tianyi's body was instantly torn. It's crushed!

Yes, it is very important to operate in the game, but is it still effective in the face of absolute power?

Tianyu players are so terrible, and I just dared to make a single shot in order to break through the breeze city by being a Tianyu player, and punished this group of enemies slightly. Before the three armies arrived, let the opponent ’s military heart cold first.

"This kid killed Tianyi!"

The dark roar snarled, and hurriedly said, "Rule, hurry up to heaven!"

The dark arbiter hurriedly drank the green dragon soaring, but before the ground left, a lightning and hurricane fell, and the dark arbiter could not walk away.

I flew forward and yelled, "Dead!"

The North Sword swept across, and five consecutive cyclone-like attacks bombarded the Dark Judge's chest!







Just one sweep of thousands of troops made the green dragon ride empty blood. How aggressive is this attack?

I felt like another sword breaking the shield, the green dragon riding the dark arbiter snorted, and even the human dragon was torn to pieces, and the North Ning Jianyu cut off from the dark arbiter's shoulder with the phantom and poured out. The long sword-mangling, tortured him even with a dragon, and then the cyclone was like a blade, strangling into pieces as many as possible. Such a shocking killing scene, only Yueheng Company dare to do it!

There was only one dark roar left, and his eyes were red with blood and hissing and screaming exhaustedly: "Student lightly, you wait, once I ascend to the realm of heaven, there must be blood-washed Baiyun City and Tian Key City!"

"Wait until you fly!"

I suddenly stepped forward, counted the sword in succession, and it was the first person in the United States to kneel like that!


Turn around and look around. The ground is full of equipment. How can the equipment burst out by a group of top experts make no sense?

So, the wings spread and swiveled around, and all the equipment above the fairy level was included in the bag. It was a surprise. There were actually four earth artifacts, a earth artifact dagger, a earth artifact sword, and two more. Earth artifact armor, the attributes of these equipment are very good ~ ~ The earth artifact dagger looks like it burst from the forest, excellent +7, 15-level strengthened stone, absolute best, put on auction Go buy it, at least 500W!

Rejoicing, looking back around, many players in the Wind Magic Altar and the Holy Helm City looked blankly, but gave up the attack.

Dark roar and Tianyi, this kind of top masters known as the God of War in China have been killed without a fight, let alone them?

Looking at the people who were afraid to face the challenge, I sneered and slowly pulled out the city scroll to leave, but no one dared to stop.


Back in the main city, I immediately rushed to the auction house and put dozens of loot on the shelves for sale. The conservative estimate is that the profit will be at least 10 million yuan. Strength to build a domestic army of RMB players.

Get everything done, teleport to Tianyao City, and enter the inheritance transformation state again.

Huh, Golden City, World's Best? !!

Let me meet you!