MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1113 like you

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"The championship rewards the highest heavenly artifact, RmB is a little ..."

Immediately after the war, Xu Bing was still thinking about the rewards of the s1 China champion. Obviously, he couldn't forget about this generous reward.

The soul returns to the battle robe, Qixing lamp carrying the game equipment and Xiaofeng Canyue and other people came to the stage, Qi Yuxuan Ang, turned around and smirked, which made countless games mm chanting crazy.

I took the stage from the other side, ... and entered the player Id. With Feier's announcement, the two sides have already come out--

1V1: mad student 1V277Vs Snap rider 1V274

1V1: Faint rice flower fragrance 1V274Vs Xiaofeng residual moon 1V275

1V1: Ice Tea 1V275Vs Seven Star Light 1V275

1V1: Purple Moon 1V272Vs Xuan Paper Yellow 1V274

2V2: light crazy student 1V277 ice tea 1V275Vs Xiaofeng residual moon 1V275 seven star lamp 1V275


Qixing Deng smiled when he saw the game: "Student, don't keep your hands, despite abuse!"

I am silent. This match is very bad for Xueyue. Xiaoqi will obviously be taken away by me. 2V2 also has a great chance to win, but there are only three other games, Dahuaxiang Vs Xiaofeng. Ice tea is not necessarily the opponent of Qixing Lantern, but Ziyue is facing the peak of the fire master Xuan paper yellowing, which is even more difficult!

"Why, silent?" Xiaofeng Canyue laughed.

My eyes were cold, and he couldn't smile immediately. His smile was stiff on his face, and he was greeted by the Qixing lamp and entered the match room.

Iced tea said, "Work hard, it's still a bit ..."


I secretly regret that if Ling Xue also participated, it would be another stable scoring point. Xueyue won three points steadily, and there was no chance for the soul to return to the robe. Now, everything has become very suspended.

Enter the competition room, install equipment, and go to war!

The first map, Boulder Valley, opponent, Snap Rider.

Xiaoqi will be an eight hundred rider, but the guild wall will fall on both sides of the guild, and he will be taken over by the seven-star light repeatedly. This time, Snap ride will be able to enter the battle list of the soul returning robe It was enough to give him face, and it happened that I encountered him again, and got on and off, giving them a big advantage.

"Snap rider, Galle!" Qi Xingdeng laughed with a sword under the stage.

Xiao Qi will look back at Bai Meisheng with a smile: "It's all on me, lord!"

Then, with a few swords, Xiaoqi will end.

2: o, Xueyue scored first.

After winning a game, my mood is even more dignified. In the next few games, as long as we win another game, we may still have a chance ...

In the second game, Daohuaxiang Vs Xiaofeng remnant moon. URL

Xiaofeng Canyue is wearing a teal armor, and if not unexpectedly, it is a class-level artifact set. The top ten in the set list are powerful. The blades in his hands are also dazzling and sharp, which is obviously not ordinary. At first, the Seven Star Lanterns occupied the Tooth City for a period of time, and later moved to Silver Gun City. The oil and water were also harvested a lot. Naturally, the first general under his hands was fully armed.

Xiaofeng Canyue looked at Dao Huaxiang faintly, and said, "You are the younger sister of a frivolous scholar, so I will never show mercy."

Daohuaxiang looked at his opponent calmly without a word.

Xiaofeng Canyue didn't say anything, quietly waiting for the battle to begin.




The war has begun!

Xiaofeng moved the moon, and the speed was extremely fast. There was almost only a trace of residual image in the whole person. It was astounding that with such a strong degree, this uncle was still on the s line! This operation surprised the iced tea around me, and the apprentice really had a good hand!


The blue light flickered, Xiaofeng Yiyueyi tore off the kick of Cyclone Shield, and then burst into a fierce five-strike combo, and the Cyclone Shield of Daohua Fragment was only instantly destroyed!


Flashing into the distance, Daohuaxiang's face was full of surprise, and she had not yet turned around. Xiaofeng Canyue sword appeared behind her, and suddenly attacked her skills. Suddenly, Daohuaxiang was dizzy!

Spirit Breaker!

Death Blade!

Forcing a second combo, Daohuaxiang whined and was killed by a second!

Exclaimed in the audience, no one expected that Xueyue's first wizard would be sent out without even having a shot.

Daohuaxiang came to the sidelines with a look of grievance: "Brother, I'm sorry, I ..."

I quickly put my hands on her shoulders and laughed: "It doesn't matter, Xiaofeng's strength is so strong, even I have to be afraid of it. It is normal for Xiangxiang to lose. Don't worry, there is still a chance, let me say Even if you lose, what's next for iced tea? She will beat the Seven Star Lanterns hard ... "

Iced tea sits on the stone steps and spreads his hands, "Your words make my sister very stressed ..."

In the second game, Daohuaxiang entered the field again.

Xiaofeng Canyue's mouth had a faint smile, and she smiled very masterly: "Ms. Lin, the game was just given up. Everything is for victory. You can't blame me ..."

The fragrance of rice flowers continued to speak.

The battle begins immediately!

Daohuaxiang immediately activated the forbidden spell skill, the soul star rain, the huge red meteorite fell from the sky, not to target the opponent, but to center on himself!


Xiaofeng Canyue saw the clues. As soon as he was close, he would have to be recruited. The soul star rain had a delaying effect. In this way, Daohuaxiang would have the opportunity to seal his opponent.

"No matter, come on!"

Xiaofeng's crescent moon came hard, but I heard a pleasant laugh, and the rhythmic gyration has moved!

The waning moon flew, Xiaofeng wanyue was shocked when he saw the situation, desperately approached, and yelled, "Barbaric collision!"


How can the little wizard's delicate body withstand the impact of powerful warriors, Daohuaxiang fell off and flew out, and Xiaofeng Canyue even caught up, Jian Feng flashed, and two fierce combos!

Blade of the Storm!

Total Annihilation!

The output was maximized. In a split second, the blood of Daohuaxiang was emptied and turned into a white light.

Sure enough, it is still too reluctant. The soul seal of Daohuaxiang needs to be guided for too long. It is no longer effective for the peak-level masters such as Xiaofeng Canyue.

1: 1, the score is temporarily tied!

The Qixing lantern smiled even more: "Zan Yue, good job!"

Xiaofeng Yueyue laughed and raised his sword: "The battle spirit is invincible!"


Daohuaxiang returned to the sidelines, apologetic and grieved, and her eyes were red, and she almost cried.

I couldn't help laughing, and reached out and hugged her: "It's okay, it's just a matter of losing. It's a common thing to win and lose. Didn't your brother have been killed by you to zero? That's all for now. under!"

Daohuaxiang couldn't help smiling: "Brother, are you still laughing at me?"

"No smile, let's see Xu Bing's swing!"


Iced tea carried the Emperor's sword, and looked back and smiled at me: "Don't blame me if you lose ..."

I can't wait to swallow her: "A little bit of ambition, the Qixing lamp is not Seoul, go up and do him!"

"Okay, I try my best!"

The iced tea disappeared and entered the site. On the other side, the Qixing lamp also appeared on the map of the grassland.

Qixing Deng dare not speak at all, because he has never taken advantage of talking to iced tea, and can only wait quietly for the game to begin.

With the end of the second, the two sides battled together!

The electric ball whistled, the blood was soaring into the sky, and the cyclones of the attributes of darkness and thunder hit each other in the air. Both of them are famous masters in Baiyun City. This is a fierce battle!


The Emperor's Sword shook on top of the opponent's sword, and the Qixing Lantern was difficult to be the edge of the ice tea and was forced to retreat.

Ice tea took advantage of a thunder, and the anger flooded the Qixing Lamp. Unfortunately, Qixing Lamp, a necrotic creature, has a strong ability to recover. In a blink of an eye, a death rescue saved nearly half of his blood.

The ice tea was angry, Qing Jian flew towards him, and Jian Guang struck across the army.


The Qixing lamp smiled slightly and hardened. The shield blocked the attack of iced tea, but a purple light ball was accumulated in the left hand. The light and flint pressed against the iced tea's shoulder!

Curse of fate!

Instantly, the overall attributes of iced tea were reduced by 75%. Sure enough, this little girl was a hit!

I secretly regretted that in the field, the sharp blade of the Seven Star Light reached the shield of iced tea and burst out the ghost sword spirit, but in one hit, the general blood of iced tea disappeared and flew out of the venue!

o: 1, disadvantage!

"T *!" The iced tea was stomping.

I said, "Be careful, don't get hit by the curse of fate anymore. That skill must be within 3 yards. You can win the Seven Star Light with a good grasp of the distance. His attributes are not as good without the flame bone dragon. Yours, don't forget that you are wearing a S6 suit. "


Iced tea gritted his teeth and killed the past again.

This time, the iced tea really paid attention to the positioning and killing process. The whole person was not too close to the Qixing lamp. It just flashed when the attack broke out instantly. Ben Lei cuts and swept thousands of soldiers, these two skills are played out consecutively, even if the seven-star lamp is half blood, it must die.

As a result, both sides were frightened, and began to fight in the field. At the same time, the life-recovering agent also played an important role, which was also the only way for ice tea to restore life.

"Hmm ..."

The thunder and lightning were full of light, the grass on the grass withered, and the attacking power of iced tea was so overbearing that the Qixing lamp was scattered on the edge of death.

Finally, Qixing Lantern gritted his teeth, and the sword came straight, and it was hard to fight!

The iced tea flew back, and at the same time wielded the Emperor's Sword to prepare for the thunder cut, the victory and defeat of the two sides was in one fell swoop.

Originally ~ ~ The movement of iced tea is very coherent, and it is about to finish double-clicking to kill the seven-star light. Stayed, just for a moment, let the Qixing lamp seize the opportunity in half a second, curse of fate + ghost sword spirit, end the battle!


Iced tea flew to the side of the field, stomped with anger, and stayed there with regret.

I stepped forward and asked, "Ice tea, what happened just now? You are too inferior. You can do this kind of peak time, really, I can't stand you ..."

Ice tea looked up at me without saying a word.

I felt strange and asked Qixing Lantern for a message: "mgB, what did you say to the iced tea that made her react like this? Xiaoqi, you are too despicable ..."

The Qixing Lamp laughed in the distance and responded to me with a message: "I told iced tea that the scholar liked you ..."

I couldn't help but hold on, looking at the iced tea, my heart felt infinite regret.

Qixing Deng won't be wronged. He knows everything about Xueyue Studio.