MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1115 Eternal Armor

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"Win, win!"

Ice tea was ecstatic, hugging with the fragrance of rice flowers and purple moon.

Seven stars and Xiaofeng left the moon silent for a few people. This time s1 is a single-elimination elimination system. Once lost, it is out. However, the soul returning robe has entered the top four of the Chinese division, and has won the place in the international competition. This is a worthwhile trip.

Out of the game room, thunderous applause outside the field, this game can be described as endless twists and turns, from the beginning of Xueyue to the inferiority, and finally Ziyue equalized and the two-on-two against, and a group of sacred peak masters, The audience was full of eyes, especially the scene of iced tea on Qixing Lantern, which turned the world into a discoloration and was very gorgeous.

Of course, the layman watching the doorway and the layman watching the lively, strong to the shadow of the wind, a top level of dust, but the top master can see that the most exciting one is the last 2V2, the seven-star light and the Xiaofeng moonlight; the spiral tactics are fleeting , Very stunning, but it was also broken very simply.

As a result, a grain of dust sighed: "This spiral tactic can find people who are vulnerable and cracked so quickly. Looking at up to three people in the world can do it. Scholars are one of them."

Very cute and joking and asked: "How about you?"

"Reluctantly ..."

So Meng Meng laughed very sweetly, holding a dusty arm, full of honey.


The host Feier announced that Xueyue had entered the finals, and I also came to the player's bench with three mm of rice flowers, iced tea and Ziyue, and Ling Xue and Qin Yun offered tea with a smile.

In the next matchup, War Spirit Vs Dreams will return to Xueyue, and it will be another collision of powerful teams!

The two sides came out astute, five consecutive fierce battles, thunderous applause on the court, and finally won the victory and defeat-

Ice Escape 2: o Sword Fire Dragon Soul

Blooming fire 1: 2

Nangong Lexi 2: 1 Sword Fire Torture Day

Evening primrose o: 2

Frost of the Ice: 1: 2

With a big score of 2: 3, Menghui Xueyue succumbed to the hands of War Soul, and the final decisive battle was between Snow Moon's main league and War Soul, and she never expected this ending.

Qixing Lantern held his arm and said coldly: "The confrontation between us and Xueyue is simply a final preview!"

Xiaofeng Yueyue nodded: "Qi brother is right, if we encounter a battle spirit, they will not have the opportunity to enter the final, hum ..."


The captains of the two sides lined up for the battle, Lin Shuang and I looked face to face. There was too much grudge between Xueyue and the battle spirit for more than a year. Now they actually meet in the s1 finals.

Soon after, the two sides came out--

1V1: frivolous scholar 1V277Vs Lin Frost 1V262

1V1: Faint rice flower fragrance 1V274Vs sword fire torture day 1V274

1V1: Ice Tea 1V275Vs Sword Fire Dragon Soul 1V275

1V1: Purple Moon 1V272Vs Sword Fire Ghost Sunburn 1V274

2V2: light crazy student 1V277 ice tea 1V275Vs forest cream 1V262 sword fire ghost Sunburn 1V274


"Scholar, wait ..."

Lin Shuang stopped me and laughed, "Thank you, about the city of the teeth ..."

I shook my head and smiled: "You're welcome, we are allies."


Lin Shuang nodded, his eyes soft and full of gratitude.

The players from both sides entered the game room. Soon after, the soldiers met in the game!

When he was outside the game, Ice Tea asked, "Are you going to play?"

I shook my head: "No, the strength of the battle spirit is not even as good as the return of the soul, and this match is not bad. Do your best to fight, the champion is ours!"


Ice tea focused on the head, I pulled out the North Hades and entered the battlefield!

The first game, I will fight Lin Shuang!


Old map, Boulder Valley!

Lin Shuang smiled and held a sharp sword. The equipment on his body was very weird. The dancing helmet, guards, leggings, boots, and cape were lacking only a martial arts breastplate. To make up a set of armor.

It seems that the whole server has completed a total of God Dance, Xueyue has exclusive 6 sets, the remaining 4 sets do not know where, and Lin Shuang is a step slower, has never been able to make up the s6 set.

"Unfortunately, I almost set it up!" I said with a smile.

Lin Shuang also smiled: "Yeah, I hate it. The last one has been beaten. Forget it, it looks pretty good ..."

I held up the North Sword, and said, "Ready to start, I won't show mercy under the sword."

Lin Shuang chuckled: "Come on, I'm not a scoring point anyway."

While talking, the system starts in seconds—




As it concerns the domestic champion of s1, I naturally show no mercy.


He sprinted under his feet, turned into a ghost and rushed to Lin Shuang. He slammed into the transformation state on the way, and spread a pair of blood-red wings behind him. Lin Shuang was startled and opened his mouth.


For two consecutive swords, Lin Shuang's blood was gone, and he left with a smile, but there was no resistance at all.

Sure enough, Lin Shuang completely gave up the confrontation with me, just to send points. In fact, even if she confronted, there is a% infinite possibility that if she fights, she will be spiked. After all, my equipment is higher than her. Levels, add to carry the cyclone, the strength is too different.

For two consecutive games, Lin Shuang gave out a smile.

"It's so easy ..." I chuckled.

Ice tea gave me a white look and said: "Lin Shuang entered the game after half a year. It is not a skill to win her. It depends on how I do the sword and fire dragon soul ..."


In the second game, on the rice flower, the opponent was Xing Tian.

Daohuaxiang is a delicate and beautiful young girl, singing blue jade and singing jade flute. On the other hand, Xing Tian is a strong man, carrying an artifact red blood battle axe, a s5 warframe, showing his fierce eyes, and smiling: "Sister Xiangxiang, I will not be merciful!"

Daohuaxiang nodded: "You lost ..."

Xingtian: "..."

In seconds, the battle begins!

Xingtian moved the charge for the first time. Is there any passive reason for Daohuaxiang? The little girl swayed slightly and flickered for a distance of less than 5 yards. However, she could avoid Xingtian's charge, and Xingtian was because of the inertia of the charge. Leaning forward, it was impossible to move without turning around, countless red tentacles stretched out from under the feet and wrapped Xingtian tightly.

It is the **** of the soul, Xing Tian has lost!

The next moment, the soul seal came, and after n consecutive soul tremors, even the blood cow couldn't be stopped by Xingtian, and howl flew out of the arena.

1: o, win a game!

Aside, Lin Shuang gave ideological education to Xing Tian, ​​threats such as "don't want to go to the bed of Cola mm next time he won't win," so Xing Tian was resolute, and vowed to win a touch of fragrant rice, because it is about the future Sexual blessings aren't working hard.

However, things were not as good as people expected. In the second round, Daohuaxiang again offered a trick, and the sudden soul **** in the soul star rain, which made Xing Tian, ​​a melee master, burst into tears. On the melee operation, he was far below the level of Xiaofeng Canyue. It was impossible to get close, and was abused by Dao Huaxiang again.

2: o, Xueyue has a big lead!

Game three, Ice Tea Vs Sword Fire Dragon Soul.

Ice tea is a fierce female hooligan, rare in the world. This is a well-known thing.

Dragon Soul is also a man of iron bones, saying that the Lord is the best.

Therefore, the confrontation between these two people is just head-to-head, whoever is the harder wins.

As a result, the iced tea slightly outperformed the Emperor Sword + s6, sending Dragon Soul out of the game for two consecutive games.

3: o!

All guesses, who has the champion of s1 China? Of course, only Xueyue can live!

In the case that the main battle general and the guardian of the temple Ling Xuemm did not participate in the battle, Xueyue still relied on her strong strength to win the s1 China Championship!

The remaining two games were no longer necessary. Lin Shuang announced his defeat and everyone walked out of the arena to shake hands.

Feier wore a short skirt, twisted her round hips, and announced with a smile: "After half a month of qualifiers and finals, today, I finally decided to win the second quarter of the s1 China Championship. She is-Xueyue ! "

Without too many surprises, ice tea and I were very calm, Xueyue won the championship, and it is deserved.

Next, it's time to present the awards. This is the most exciting moment!

The ninth to sixteenth teams came to the stage to draw prizes, and most of them took out the rewards of top grade fairyware and middle grade fairyware. In addition, each person's account will have extra bonuses. This is too affordable. Today's equipment is difficult to sell at sky-high prices. Unless it is an artifact, everything is a cloud. Game workers are getting harder and harder to make money. This s1 is indeed a shortcut to money.

Immediately afterwards, the fifth to eighth teams received the awards, and the rewards of the sacred worldly holy wares were added, and each one was happy.

The third and fourth teams, the soul returning to the battle robe and the dream to return to Xueyue, have very rich rewards, 10,000 RmB plus low-end artifacts, Nangong Lexi even extracted a 275-level high-level artifact bow, attacking Li Yuan is better than the original weapon, and jumped up on the stage with joy.

Under the stage, Ling Xue and I smiled a little, which is very good. Dreaming back to Xueyue is also Xueyue's team. I personally got 4 low-level artifacts, which greatly improved my personal strength, which is equivalent to improving Xueyue's overall strength. Already. The more the game gets late, the more prominent the role of high-end players. It is not uncommon for one person to fight a hundred people. You can be very polite to say that the top players in Xueyue gathered together. This hundred people group alone It is no exaggeration to be able to cause a ground-shaking offensive in the city of beast souls.

The runner-up group rewards: Dragon Soul, Xing Tian, ​​and Lin Shuang each received an earth artifact, and the remaining 7 people have three sacred sacred artifacts and four top-quality immortals, plus a reward of 10,000 RmB, which makes Xing Tian, ​​Dragon Soul and others Happy laughed into a flower.

In the end, the highlight was that the champion group came on stage to receive the award.

Seven people from Xueyue Studio came on stage together. When the reward was selected, Ziyue and Xia mm were both nervous and died ~ ~ The little hand shook the button.

"Ding Ding!"

Two consecutive sounds, Ziyue got an earth artifact necklace, added 55% agility, plus 7% blood-sucking effect, an absolute assassin artifact!

In summer, mm got a piece of earth artifact cloth armor, which was a little bit ribbed.

Iced tea pushed my arm: "Go, get the eternal breastplate!"

I couldn't help laughing and crying, and I pressed the lottery button at will.


The reward is fixed. A shiny armor appears on the big screen. The scale armor on the shoulder armor is like a blade, and the surface is covered with a faint luster. Anyone can see that this is a top quality!

Feier pouted and smiled, and said, "Look at the attributes?"

The armor attribute appeared, and that name surprised everyone-

Ancient artifact of eternal armor!

Read The Duke's Passion