MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1122 Blood roar

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"grown ups……"

A dragon knight inspected the skull of the fire dragon, came to Bing Lan, respectfully said: "Elder Dragon Dan Jingyuan of the Holy Fire Dragon has been broken, he ... dead!"

Binglan nodded slightly, without a trace of emotion on the holy face: "Go ahead, I feel that the blood roar has tangled with the other six holy dragons. They have appeared to us, and this battle is inevitable."

Speaking, Binglan Jianfeng pointed directly at the East and ordered: "Qinglin, you lead the dragon knight of the headquarters to the forest ambush there, waiting to kill the fleeing Holy Dragon. You must not let them enter Hell's Castle, otherwise they will definitely It is a big enemy of Long Yu, we have lost too much ... "

The young dragon rider named "Qinglin" nodded, and said with a slap in the air: "Subordinates must complete their missions, sir, you must also be careful. The blood roar is not only the seven holy dragons, but also the giant dragon dragon giant. Dragons, they have lost their minds and turned into violent dark creatures. "

"Know, go!"

Binglan smiled slightly and turned to look into the distant dense forest. There was a thick black bird. There was a lot of movement in the forest. It must be the habitat of the evil dragons. Under the cover of Long Wei, the birds were not scared. It's strange to run away.


Suddenly, Bing Lan flew to the distance, and the other dragon knights flew up.

Entered into a combat state, the next must be a life-and-death battle in the chaos of the dragon realm, maybe some of us will be in the territory of this **** castle!


The Tyrannosaurus Rex turned into a blue dragon pattern and appeared on my shoulders. The blood-red wings spread behind him. The attributes increased sharply. He raised the Northern Sword and said, "Let's go, we must help, or Binglan will lose."

Ling Xue nodded, and also entered the hereditary transformation. The other five mm could not save the spiritual power. All of them entered the sanctuary transformation state. It is difficult to say whether the cyclone shield can block the dragon's breath, but there are always good. Not too much.

Ice tea rides the giant beast, holding the Emperor's Sword, and the whole body is surrounded by purple cyclones. The faint purple eyes are beautiful. She toured around Ling Yue, Qin Yun, Da Hua Xiang and silent rain, acting as Guard role.

In a blink of an eye, a terrifying roar came from the jungle, and countless dragons flew out and overwhelmed!

Luo Yu's silent and horrified face was pale: "Oh my God! How can you kill so many dragons? The lowest level is 275 levels of magic domain, and one head is enough for us to kill for a long time. This task is too tough. A little bit? "

Ice tea smiled: "Xiaoyu, come with me, you are dizzy, I'll cut it, two people solve a magic domain level is trivial!"


Lingyue rushed past with a bow and a smile: "Sister Yun, Xiang Xiang, the three of us are enough to kill a demon domain, go, we can't fall behind!"

"it is good!"

Three cloth armours ran along the mountain road. Soon after, they encountered the first dragon. The seal of the rice flower fragrance was extremely accurate. Between the jade flute and the light, the thunder dragon fell into the seal, and Ling Yue danced. The staff, the surrounding elements are frantic, and the ice storm is severely blown away. It takes away millions of points of blood from Thunder Dragon in just one blow. This hurts too much!

Ling Xue and I didn't dare to go far, staying in the air, Jianguang fluttering, and fighting the impacted dragon!


The Beiming sword was heavily bombarded on the forehead of a green dragon, and the huge impact force made it wailed and fell down, but the rear was suddenly heated, and I saw a demon-level fire dragon has poured a breath of water on me !!


Fortunately, the inherited cyclone offset most of the magic damage, otherwise I would be dropped two more times.

Turn around and whirlwind!

The Beiming sword slammed the fire dragon with a slamming blow, and I handed it a sacred dragon chop. It was blasted by the scaled armor with the wind dragon flying behind, and the blood was flying in the air.

Before breathing back, a bright dragon yin above, a black dragon roared down, and the scorching dragon's breath came in the air!

I yelled, "Get out!"

Fly a kick and kick strongly on the black dragon's jaw. Although the eternal boots are now only ghosts, they are far better than ordinary ghosts. The boots are elegantly patterned and scaled like blades. This kicking power comes with Countless cyclones, the black dragon "whine" wailed, and Linger flew down from the volley to penetrate his brain.

I just stayed in the sky above the mm and Lingguang, the sword light trembled in all directions, and screamed a common dragon like a fly, and obviously, the hidden attacks attached by the players of the heavens and the guardians of the temple were too powerful. Shock with these mighty dragons and never fall behind!

Not far away, Ling Xue waved the Shenwu Sword to fight the Quartet Dragons. The Shenwu Sword has a very high attack power. Almost every sword can bring up the blood of the Dragon. The defense of the ordinary dragon armor cannot stop the Shenwu at all. Sharp.


The divine healing fell, I had already pulled back half of my residual blood, and Ling Xue called for help in the team: "Sister Qin Yun, elegy one ..."

The light flew up, Ling Xue's blood was also full, and continued to fight!

On the ground, silent rain and iced tea singled out a green dragon, and Ling Yue, Qin Yun, and Dao Huaxiang joined forces to kill a thunder dragon, which is still safe, at least they can survive!

Not far away, the battle is more intense!

Hundreds of dragons attacked around the dragon knight team led by Binglan, and all the dragons breathed in the sky, like a firework.


A dragon knight strove to repel a dragon in front of him with a sword, but he could not prevent the blue light from flashing above his head, and a frosty dragon flew over. However, the dragon knight has been turned into a moraine by the breath of frost. Under the bite of the dragon, the dragon knight was divided into corpses without humming, and his body was sprinkled with numerous broken ice cubes.

Dragon Riding will continue to growl, wielding the Dragon Sword and chopping left and right, these former partners have now become dark slaves, and no one knows what kind of deception they have suffered, but it is necessary to kill them, because Kill these dragons, they will destroy the dragon domain.

In mid-air, the beautiful figure of Binglan stood proudly in the air, and the sword-sharp sword glowed sharply. With a gentle wave, the sword was swept away, and a wind dragon was torn into two halves instantly. The internal organs and blood spilled to the ground.

Binglan kept silent, like a hell-angel flying shuttle, the Dragon Sword became a veritable Dragon Sword. In less than ten minutes, at least more than one dragon died in the blade of Dragon Sword. Down.


The battle of rebellion lasted for more than an hour. We all sweated and blood-stained tabards, and the number of dragons became less and less. They seemed underestimated. I roughly counted them, at least more than the head. The dragons participated in the battle, because the dragons that I killed had at least more than one head, and the ice-sword of the Dragon Sword killed hundreds of dragons!

Ling Yue ran silently with rain, Qin Yun and the fragrance of rice flowers on the green mountains, and the ground was full of equipment. There were a lot of good things in these magic domains.

"Wow! Earth artifact ring! A 45% healing artifact ring, the best ..." Ling Yue smiled at Qin Yun, waving the ring in her hand.

Qin Yun reached out to take the ring, and took out a necklace with his backhand: "Well, I picked up a terrestrial artifact necklace, which doubles the magical attack power of ice and fire!"

Ling Yuexi is overwhelmed.

Daohuaxiang got an anti-magic ring, reduced magic attack damage by%, absolutely a good thing. Once confronted with a mage enemy, this superb equipment becomes a magic weapon for victory.

The silent falling rain also made some gains. I took a sacred artifact ring and a terrestrial artifact ring, which are all the best for increasing agility and long-range attack power. The equipment of the whole person has been greatly improved, and it has become an excellent archer.

Not only has the equipment gained a lot, but the experience has also been violent. I have even upgraded to level 278. Rarely, you can upgrade at this level!

"Scholar, when I saw you, the eternal suit lighted twice in succession, what happened?" Ling Xue flew to me and asked with a smile.

In the moonlight, the little girlfriend's beautiful face was very tempting.

I froze and looked at the equipment in a hurry, the whole person was shocked!


"What's wrong?" Ling Xue tilted her head and looked at me.

I was ecstatic: "The eternal suit has evolved twice in succession just before killing it, and it is now a sacred suit! Haha ..."

"Congratulations, what's going on, and why did it evolve?"

"Maybe it's the relationship that killing can get a lot of extra killing value!" I'm very certain that this must be the case, there is no other explanation.

After the evolution to the Worldly Sacred Artifact set, the overall body attributes have been greatly improved. The blood in the transformed state is already a bit, which is closer to the state before God ’s blessing. There is no doubt that this equipment can reach the previous level when it evolves to the Heavenly Artifact Set State, and evolved to an ancient artifact, it will be even more outrageous!


In the distance, Binglan hung a sharp sword, and the blood of dragons of various colors flowed in the elegant blood tank of the cutting dragon sword. Binglan sighed to heaven: "I kill too much, I am ashamed of the dragon domain, I am ashamed of the dragon **** ..."

Next to it, UU read a book A dragon rider will chant: "Master, there is no need to blame. These deceived dragons have become evil creatures. If you kill them, there will be more humans, The elves and dwarves were rescued. We are the guards of the Big Six. Killing is also the responsibility we must bear. You are the Dragon Whisperer, and your hands will inevitably be filled with evil blood. "

Binglan nodded, but suddenly looked sharp: "Here!"

After World War I, more than a hundred dragon knights lost nearly a third, and now there are only a few, all floating in the air, many people were injured, and some even lost their arms, one leg, and blood flowing. These mighty soldiers did not hum.

Bing Lan looked at the distance flatly and said lightly, "Blood roar, stay away for a few days, come out and tell?"


Suddenly, the voice of "quack" came, and a middle-aged warrior wearing blood-red dragon scale armor came out of the forest and yelled: "Binglan, how does it feel like killing each other like dragons? "

This man is the ten most powerful creatures-ranked ninth powerful existence-Blackwing Devourer? Blood Roar!
