MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1130 Association finals

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In the s1 finals, four Chinese server teams were shortlisted, Xueyue, Soul Returning to the Battle Robe, Dreaming Back to Xueyue, and Soul of Fighting. The visas of a total of 37 participating players have been completely obtained. Today, the virtual sports exhibition is no longer a year. In the past, countries around the world have already regarded virtual sports as sports that compete with sports such as football and basketball, so visas will never happen again.

Thirty-seven players from all over China gathered in Shanghai and flew to South Korea's flight at two o'clock in the afternoon.

In fact, Korea was originally called "Seoul", but people thought that the name had a strong cultural flavor of others, so they changed the name to Seoul, and then plundered the cultural sovereignty of others as their own, preaching what "Confucius", "Lao Tzu" and "Chafer" are all Yunyun of South Korea.

I have never been to Korea, and the rest of the mm in the studio have never been to this magical country. From the old Warcraft 3 and Starcraft series, South Korea has always been the world dominator of virtual sports. This is beyond doubt, so, Many athletes are also full of fantasies here, because in Korea not only there are delicious pots and kimchi, but also the sister Smidda with **** and round hips, these are things that many people desire.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, boarding, this is a passenger plane chartered by Chinese cg1. Not only the staff, but also the crew of Competitive TV, Fei Er is the host, and there are many five big three In plain clothes, it is clear that these people are responsible for bodyguards. After all, the 37 players on this airliner are one of the few in China. Any one who comes out is a ruthless character. If something happens, you will lose the 37. Personally, then the blow to the comprehensive strength of Chinese servers is conceivable.

Ten thousand meters high in the air, Ling Xue sat next to me, crackled and pressed the button on the psp, and had a good time, Ling Yue pointed and drew on the side: "Hurry up, come over, dodge, hang up ... ... "

Ice tea and rice flower fragrantly chatted and chatted about something, falling rain silently, purple moon, summer three mm sitting together, excitedly looking at the clouds outside.

In the back, someone patted me on the shoulder and looked back. It was a Qixing lamp.

"Scholar, are you confident of winning the s1 championship?" Qixing Deng asked with a smile.

"I don't know." I told the truth.

Qixing Deng gave a laugh: "Yesterday I saw that your level fell to the level. It is very powerful. Almost everyone in the s1 offline tournament has reached the level of the sanctuary level. You can suffer a lot from this level. Repression will make you unbearable. "

I smiled: "It doesn't matter, I can handle it. Why, Lao Qi, you have a good idea. It seems that you have the ambition to mVp and the champion?"

The Qixing lamp shook his head and smiled humblely: "I will not talk about my ambition, but it will definitely surprise those foreign teams. Hey, I can reveal some to you. Going online in Korea this evening, the fourth sanctuary in China will appear. ! "

I couldn't help but wonder: "Did you get the Ascension Certificate?"


The Qixing Lamp smiled paradoxically and raised four fingers: "Forty thousand first-class masters, siege for a full three hours, finally dried up the level in the necropolis. Hey, good luck recently, Rp is also good, you know of!"

"Then why don't you take off in advance?"

"Don't worry, most people are not online tonight, I will soar again at night, and give them a surprise in tomorrow's game!" Qixing Lantern glanced at the iced tea next to me and said: "Xueyue has three heavens, enter The final is affirmative, so let's fight for the finals! "

I nodded, and iced tea shouted, "Even if someone ascends to the realm of sky, when they meet the team of the barbaric throne and Qingtian, they will have to hand over their guns, and they will be in the finals or whatever ..."

The muscles on Qixingdeng's face twitched a bit, apparently anxious to pinch the pretty girl, iced tea, but she didn't dare to do it in reality, but she might not be able to beat it in the game, but she could only bear it.

I shouted and leaned on the seat. Soon after, the stewardess told me that when I encountered the airflow layer, the airflow layer was the most annoying. The bumps were like a crash. Ice tea and Ling Xue were resting on my shoulders. However, the splendor of the two beautiful eyes did not know whether they were afraid or successful.

Not far away, a group of people in War Spirit was laughing and joking, but what surprised me was that Lin Shuang was probably too tired and actually fell asleep, and leaned his head on the shoulder of Dragon Spirit to sleep, and the airflow layer was bumpy. , Her face slipped into the arms of Dragon Soul, and as a result, the Dragon Soul was flushed, holding Lin Shuang, and holding Lin Shuang's shoulders in one hand, as happy as eating.

It seems that Lin Shuang is about to be conquered by the Dragon Soul, and I have nothing to say, except to bless this former brother.

Dreaming back to Xueyue a mm, all of them are Snowy Moon. Unfortunately, her brave heart was not selected. She took a few rookies with vanilla and ice in the qualifiers and returned to the battle robe. Although the brave heart scored two points , But still horrible, this is really distressing.

Nangong's joyful chat, Bing Zhiyi, and the flamboyant fireworks are very arrogant. The silver bell-like laughter echoed in the cabin, which also added a lot to this boring journey.

Qixing Lantern poked his head again, and said, "Scholar, Wu Fang's world is unparalleled. Do you know what happened last night?"

"whats the matter?"

I rubbed my temples and discussed the design process with several supervisors in the office last night. I didn't go home until three in the morning and went to the airport until noon. I didn't know what happened during the game.

Qixing Lantern smiled: "Fang Fang tried to attack Tian Key City again last night. It seemed to be addicted to the money of Dark Roar and the Barbarian Throne, but yesterday's unparalleled attack aborted."

"Oh? Why is there an abortion?"

"Internal strife!" Qixing Lan stared at me, looked at me, and asked with a smile: "Why aren't you surprised?"

"Get more help, lose help, and ancient Zhiheng also!" I smiled slightly. "The first time Wuxia in the world attacked Xueyue and the soul returning robes, and the party made a guise of resisting hegemony, just like the rebels. There was a mentality for everyone to fight for hegemony, so those people followed his party, but the second time, everyone knew that his party was treasonous. Who would help him do such a damaging thing? "

Qixing Deng nodded slightly, Zhenzhen said, "My eldest husband has something to do or not to do. I will rely on his fist for the hegemony of Qixing Deng, and he will never be as despicable as Li Fang!"

I nodded: "Yes, everyone should have their own guidelines and bottom line."

At this time, a female voice came from behind him: "Little Seven, come here!"

It was the voice of the sinking goose. The Qixing lamp brought the woman, too.

"Come here, what's up?"

The Qixing lamp turned his head, and then came the coquettish sound of the sinking goose, the echo of the kiss echoed in the cabin, extremely.

I was black and speechless.

Ice tea glanced at him and said, "Go, kiss Ling Xue, don't look at me!"

I turned my head, but now Ling Xue's beautiful face is flying on a touch of bright red, playing mini games is excited!


Arriving in Seoul, the organizers of s1 held a grand welcome party with hundreds of participants from 64 teams from all over the world.

The scale of s1 is getting larger and larger, which also reflects the amount of oil and water that Yueheng Co. has spent on this game.

Masters of the Barbarian Throne, Optima, Dark Roar, Snowy Night, Glamourous, Iron Sword King and other masters have arrived, and the situation will be met, and the host kid from South Korea has also appeared. The full moon dance music and the Phoenix come together, very Obviously, the full moon dance discarded his ex-girlfriend and fell down under the pomegranate skirt of Phoenix.

"Well, Phoenix seems to be more hot than last time ..." I commented.

Ling Xue Xunlei gave me a punch, and then looked at Phoenix's low-necked skirt. She couldn't help but said, "Hum, she has a different face than she saw last time."

Qin Yundu affirmed: "She is so rich, it must be plastic surgery."

"Yeah!" Ling Yue agreed.

I glanced again, and then looked back at me coldly, not others, but the barbaric throne that was repeatedly killed by me!

Although they are all players in the Sky domain, the equipment of the Barbaric Throne is inferior to me and the operation is slightly worse, so that they have not been able to take advantage of repeated battles. Of course, the biggest shame is the one in the Golden City last time. During the war, the Barbarian Throne teamed up with the top domestic celestial master Qingtian, but as a result, I was double-slapped in the Golden City, and that was a live video from both countries, which was a shame.


The barbarian throne could only hum and left with a woman next to him.

At the dinner, players from all over the world gathered together, but without the help of the game translator, one can only use poor English to talk. Among them, I listened carefully. The dialogue between Qixing Lantern and a Russian player is as follows ——

Qixing Lantern: "Hello, Crooked Mother Fu?"

Foreigner: "Ru Xin!"

Qixing Lantern: "Aha, Arak Ruxin, I stab my grandmother?"

Foreigner: "Zinia Coward!"

Seven-Star Light: "..."

Foreigner: "I stab my grandmother?"

Seven-Star Light: "Zinidayanov ..."


After one night ~ ~ the relationship between players around the world has greatly closed, and the banner of s1 also says: "I can't play a lifetime game, but I can be a lifetime friend".

Of course, everyone is here to grab the s1 championship. After all, the championship rewards are very generous, and can you still get a proof of Ascension of Heaven? Today, everyone has seen it. Who can ascend to Heaven, who can become a party Overlord, this absolute arrogance in strength makes all masters salivate.

In the evening, the group came out. Xueyue was in the lower half. 6 The first opponent was a team from the Netherlands. All the holy players in the holy land could gather 5 holy players in that small server. really not easy.

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