MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1155 Battle of Daqingshan

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In the shadow effect, I activated my skills, and Beiming Sword began to groan, the world was dark, and another big move came!

Deep sea enchantment!

The surface on the mountainside cracked, the ground trembled in a large area, tsunami, landslides, volcanoes, lightning, etc. were intertwined, and the energy of a water dragon broke through the ground. The flame-carrying stone car was lifted to a high altitude and turned into a smash. The entire mountainside It seemed to be a **** on earth, and those players who were caught off guard hung up without a hum. URL

"Damn it, the attackers are here!"

Another sacred domain fighter, killed with a sharp axe, angrily shouted: "Don't run if you have a seed, I'll kill you, you jerk!"

My eyes were cold, and the North Sword came from the wind and swept across the army!

"Hmm ..."

The powerful cyclone surged, and suddenly, the confident sacred mad warrior was torn into pieces and turned back into the city with a little bit of starry revival.

I held my sword and sneered at the stunned dozen other players: "Do you think I would be afraid of you? Huh, what the hell!"

Behind the blood-red feathers opened, the whole person came like lightning, and the North Sword whistled and fluttered. Within a minute, dozens of remnants of the player were killed and cleaned up. After being raged by the deep sea enchantment on the open space in the mountains, The wolf of a place, many players burst out of materials and equipment, potions no one cares about.

The night knight is coming soon, I have already quietly left, and in shadow mode, they don't know my specific coordinates at all.

Between a few landings, I came to the other hill, and saw that seven flame trebuchets had been set up. The slinger's spoon was filled with hot fireballs and was ready to be released at any time.

A one-man squad is guarding here, all ordinary players at level 255. The best equipment is s2.

I glide down and yell, "I'll die!"

The long sword turned sharply, and the whirlwind exploded in the crowd. Four players who were caught off guard were instantly stunned. The other six were frightened and hurriedly screamed, "Here is here, this demon is here!"


The Beiming Sword penetrated two swordsmen, and the Dragon Dragon was exploded. The other three were also spiked, and one Assassin remained, which had been hidden.

I couldn't help laughing, the stars fell, and the assassin immediately disappeared, stepping forward with a sword spike!

Later, when I came to a trebuchet, the long sword fluttered, and the three swords chopped wood chips and steel flying around. The treble also quickly turned into a pile of waste copper and rotten iron.

Walking in the meantime, the soul of Beiming Sword +, the magic soldier of excellence +7 is full of glory, it is time to reflect the value, the sword swept, and crushed the stone carts.

In two minutes, seven flame trebuchets became a pile of waste, and not far away, the Dire Knight flew over.

I smiled a little, and the whole person entered the recluse mode lightly, slowly flying backwards.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Three consecutive night-night knights radiated in rapid succession, and one of them was full of rage: "c *, is it late? This **** bastard!"

The other said: "Captain, let everyone spread out, two night owl knights next to each slinger, so that they will not be hit by that kid."

"Well, just do it!"

Soon after, the Dire Knights dispersed, and every two guarded a trebuchet, hovering in the air.

I couldn't help but smile, slowly flying high, and chose a flame trebuchet near them. In order to maximize the efficiency of the trebuchet's attack, they extended the line, but this also completely became their fatal injury, like a fire. Chibi's warship chain is average, self-digging graves!

In the air, two night owl knights looked around, and one of them sneered: "Looking at how this kid can do it now, huh, I really don't know whether to live or die. Is anyone trying to challenge our beast soul city?"

"Yeah, this **** has ruined nearly a hundred of our flame trebuchets. We must kill him, it's awful!"

"Haha, he hasn't appeared yet, and finally knows that he's scared. In Chinese, it's 孬 孬 haha, haha ​​..."

"Ha, yes!"

The two nightingale knights were chatting cheerfully, but did not know that the crisis had quietly arrived.

There was a sudden chill in the air, and one of the night knights looked at his companion in amazement: "Hey, why isn't your kid talking?"

His companion narrowed his eyes, a blade of sword slowly came out of his chest, and blood-red cyclones swirled with blood, extraordinarily brilliant.


The torn knight's body was torn, and I rushed forward with another sword. Another knight was beaten with two swords. This knight is too bad, the attack and defense attributes are too bad, and it is unbearable!

After killing the two night owl knights, I landed and resolved the trebuchet, entered the shadow raft, and continued to find the next target.

For a while, the rear of the Indian Legion was in a mess, and the backyard caught fire. It must be uncomfortable.


At the same time, there is also movement in the direction of China. In the channel of Xueyue Guild——

The shadow followed the wind: "Be careful, there are two people in the sky to attack! By ... it is the barbaric throne and Optimus!"

Flurry Spring and Autumn: "For help, Ling Xue, iced tea come soon!"


Ten minutes later, I asked, "How's it going?"

Luanchun Chunqiu laughed: "Qingtian was killed, the barbarian throne ran away with residual blood, huh, Ling Xue and iced tea are really powerful, Indian sky masters want to come down, and now shameful, haha! "

Xue Ling asked: "Scholar, how are you doing?"

"OK, how often do you arrive at Daqingshan?"

"The Yinxie Iron Rider has arrived, but did not attack, the follow-up team arrived about half an hour later."

"Well, then wait, wait for my news."

"it is good!"

Turning off the communicator, I continued to walk between the mountains. With the falling of the trebuchets, the grievances of Indian players became more and more serious.

The Dire Knight is no longer in trouble, three or five are not in my eyes at all, there are a large number, at least more than one can pose a little threat to me, and it is only a threat. In my Dragon Armor, Saint Under the treatment, these nighthawks were dying and organized a large siege, but I was killed by many nighthawks. I could n’t stop them at last, and I ran away. This group of people had no way to escape. Each one scolded his mother in the air.

I did not dare to let Lingyue Lingxue and the three of them come over. Although they are both sacred, Lingxue and iced tea are far less viable than mine, let alone Lingyue, as long as they have more than one night owl The Cavaliers attacked at the same time, I'm afraid Ling Xue and iced tea can't stop it.

In this way, flowers bloomed on the other side of the mountain. For more than an hour, the flame trebuchets destroyed under the North Sword had accounted for ten out of ten of the total, and the remaining one or two hundred could not complete the cluster shooting. , Basically will not cause much damage.

Flying back to the top of the mountain again, Beimingjian brushed away a group of Indian players who were setting up a rolling stone mine vehicle. Looking far ahead, there was a dense red ocean on the plain. The four major guilds in China arrived. Luna Temple, Wishing Pool and other guilds also came. Nearly tens of millions of players were killed. After I heard the news, the attack had begun!

The Qixing Lantern rode on the flame bone dragon and flew to the foot of the mountain. The sword edge lifted and yelled, "The soul returns to the battle robe! The yak iron rides out, strike me up the mountain and cut off their heads!"

With the rumbling hoof, the heavy yak iron rides on the charge, these behemoths destroyed the trees on the mountainside, and the ingenious knights wield their swords and spears. Suddenly, this is the power of the well-known guild soul returning shirt in China.

On the top of the mountain, a holy swordsman lifted his sword and shouted, "Thunder car, rolling stones, let me!"

The neat boulder rolled down, and the rumbling voice shook the earth!


Although the yak iron rider is a moving fortress, it still suffered a lot in frontal collisions. Many knights were hit by spitting blood, and the yak was also whine and smashed by the boulder.

More powerful is coming, Thunder Car, this is a defensive tool with lightning magic. A small car with a sharp knife inserted into the lightning energy at the front end is very sharp, and it will explode when encountering strong resistance !!

That's right, this is the magic of magic power!

"Puff puff……"

Blood splattered, dozens of yaks and iron riders hit together, the knight's body was pierced by a thunder car sharp knife, and the thunder car hit numerous people in the crowd of soul returning robes!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The explosion sounded one after another, and the camp of the soul returning to the battle robes was instantly created into several vacuum zones by the thunder vehicle. Countless players were blown apart by the thunder vehicle and the scene was unbearable.

Every human main city has a specialization. Baiyun City ’s specialization is training Griffin knights, Qingfeng City ’s specialization is the range of the archer, and Beast Soul City ’s specialization is the Thunder Car. The City of the Beast Soul can create such a thunder vehicle, which consumes a lot of resources, so this time, the City of the Beast Soul really took the bottom of the box to fight this national war.

The Qixing lamp looked furious, holding the sharp blade, turning the flame bone dragon into a flame rune and reflecting it into his arm, and then drank into the state of heaven transformation, opened the black wings behind him, and flew to death like a god. On the top of the mountain, the sword sharpened and the dark cross fell down!

"Get away!"

Vigorously chopped down ~ ~ A group of Indian players have turned into white light.

On the other side, Xiaofeng is riding the Tiger King on a battle horse, holding a sword, and walking along the zigzag line in the mountains, exquisitely avoiding one after another thunder cars and rolling stones, such a powerful degree and walking The Indian player on the top of the mountain was stunned. Finally, an archer couldn't help it, and shouted, "Shoot me, kill this Chinese!"

The arrows are all together, Xiaofeng raises the shield, and the shield is full of arrows in a blink of an eye.

"Haha, come on, Yue Yue!"

Xiaoqi will follow Xiaofeng Canyue, laughing and cheering for his companions.

It's a pity that a blue halo suddenly came!


Xiaofeng Yueyue was shocked and was dizzy.

On the top of the mountain, a 275-level archer opened his long bow and looked down at him with anger.

Read The Duke's Passion