MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1165 Yi Zhiqi

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"What, someone is looking for Lin Xiang?" I was a little surprised, Da Hua Xiang's family had been hanging up for almost a year, and they had been with me for more than a year. Who would find her?

Daohuaxiang looked at me with big watery eyes, full of doubts.

"Let's go and see!"

I put down the control board in my hand, and came out of the office with the fragrance of rice flowers.

In the meeting room of the technical department, the front desk mm was holding two cups of tea and it turned out that two people came.

Ice tea came with a stack of documents and asked, "Why go?"

"Someone is looking for Xiang Xiang."

"Oh?" Iced tea also knew Dao Huaxiang's life history, so he followed to see what happened.


"Click ..."

Pushing the door open, you can see a man and a woman sitting in the living room. The woman is an 18- and 9-year-old girl wearing a dark red windbreaker and looks good. The man is wearing a black suit and his head is chaotic There is a piece of green jade on the neck, a cynical look, and a look of a jerk.

I recognized them at a glance. These two were not others, but brothers and sisters Lin Ao and Lin Piaoyu!

Daohuaxiang is Lin Ao's distant sister who originally played for Ao Shi. Now she has become a veteran character in Xueyue. This time, Lin Ao obviously did nothing good.

Daohuaxiang opened her mouth and said, "Oh," obviously, I never thought that Lin Ao would be here.

Ice tea is holding documents, a brown uniform skirt, a high-necked shirt lined with temperament, that brown skirt tightly wrapped round hips, high heels knocked on the ground and stepped forward, pulling the center of the sitting room A chair.

I sat down indifferently, and said lightly, "Nothing will go to the Three Treasure Hall. Two people come to Blue Star. There must be something right?"

Lin Ao looked arrogant: "Less nonsense, we are looking for Lin Xiang, not you."

I frowned: "Speak carefully!"

Lin Piaoyu hurriedly stood up and said modestly, "Scholar, please don't care about your brother's tone. He ... he is used to this. We did come to Lin Xiang this time, no matter what she did. People of the Lin family, we ... we can't let her drift alone. "

I nodded: "Drifting outside? Oh, tell you, Lin Xiang is my family with me, do you think I will let her go back? Do n’t forget, Lin Ao, you hurt her, what are you I don't know, die this heart, don't try to take Lin Xiang away from me. "

Lin Ao was furious, and suddenly patted the table and yelled, "You surnamed Ding, you do n’t deceive people too much. Do n’t forget that this is the Blue Star, a Ling family property. What are you and why do you talk to Lao Tzu ? "

I was even more angry, and thumped the table with a punch, and said, "You **** little pretend to be a master in front of me, what!"

"Oh, don't get angry ..."

Iced tea slowly pressed a stack of documents in her arms on the table, with a sweet smile, and said softly to Lin Ao: "Don't be impulsive, this is indeed a Ling family property, but the person in front of you has more than 7% Shares, in fact, you ’re welcome. With his current strength, you can change your business in the Lin family with a hundred different methods, so you do n’t have to play with your temper. Here, you have everything. No, you know? "

Lin Ao opened his eyes, angry, but speechless. Ice tea is all about facts, but it is also a reality that Lin Ao is unwilling to admit. The poor boy he looked down on at first did rely on the talent of the game. This kind of hug thigh climbed to a position far superior to him.

At this time, Lin Piaoyu was a little bit angry: "Brother, let me talk this time, can't you stop talking? Do you want to disappoint Dad again? If so, Dad will consider The property is in my hands. "

Lin Ao froze, and said nothing.

In my eyes, I couldn't help but sigh. Although Lin Piaoyu is brother and sister to Lin Ao, the way of life between the two is very different. If I am Lin Ao's dad, I must give the company to Lin Piao Rain, in Lin Ao's hands, probably lost his fortune in a few years.

Lin Piaoyu pouted a smile, calmly said: "Student, ice tea, don't be angry. In fact, the reason we came to Lin Xiang this time was mainly to consider her relationship with the Lin family, even if Lin Xiang did not want to leave the scholar And everyone, but I ca n’t help but say something, after all, Lin Xiang ’s only relative in this world is us ... ”

I asked, "So what do you want?"

"I think ..." Lin Piaoyu bit his lip, and said, "Our ancestor of the Lin family was from Fujian. Three days later, the family sacrificed to the ancestors. Lin Xiang is an indispensable part. I hope you can agree, scholar, you will, scholar, are you? "

Iced tea sat down, and was a little silent, she didn't know if it should be agreed or not.

I asked, "Can't you go?"

"Probably ... no."

I turned to look at Daohuaxiang and asked, "Xiangxiang, do you want to go?"

Daohuaxiang bit her lip and said weakly, "I don't know, brother, please help me decide."

"That's not going to go ..." I waved my hand: "Anyway, the Lin family has the famous family of Master Lin Ao, and even if you go, it will be soy sauce, so why not ask for it?"

Daoxiang chuckled: "Yeah."


Lin Piaoyu was helpless and whispered: "Lin Xiang, you really decided not to go back to worship the ancestors? This ... this is a big filial affair ..."

Daohuaxiang gritted her teeth, gathered her courage, and looked at Lin Piaoyu and Lin Ao, and said, "Lin Ao let the proud bloodthirsty **** bully me. Is this the filial piety of the ancestors? I respect the ancestors. In my heart, rather than this simple form, each year's ancestor worship is like that. The comparison between several family branches is boring. I don't want to participate at all. It is better to be with the ice tea sisters. . "

"Then ... okay ..." Lin Piaoyu said after seeing Dao Huaxiang, and nodded: "Since this is the case, I'll take your original words back to the messenger, I hope the elders will not be angry."

I smiled lightly: "Who is angry if not angry? Where were these elders when Xiangxiang was bullied? Forget it, some things are too transparent to be interesting, Lin Piaoyu, you go back!"


Lin Piaoyu stood up, glanced at Lin Ao next to him, and shouted, "Brother, shall we go back?"

Lin Ao stood up, his eyes full of embarrassment, and gritted his teeth and said something vicious: "Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years, you with the surname Ding are waiting, there will always be the day when you eat ravioli."

Suddenly, I was covered with frost on my face: "Go!"


"Want me to ask the security director to come in and kick you ?!" I raised my eyebrows and was so imposing that I couldn't be soft with such a **** as Lin Ao.

Sure enough, my voice was slightly louder, and immediately a big man in a security uniform appeared, with a respectful look: "Manager, what is so angry?"

I had a smile on my face, Lin Ao couldn't help trembling, and immediately ran into the elevator with Lin Piaoyu, and disappeared as soon as he disappeared.

come back to the office.

Iced tea was sitting on the desk in front of me again, under the brown skirt, in front of a gorgeous pair of snow legs: "Scholar, would it be a bit wrong to reject Lin Ao and Lin Piaoyu like this? I'm afraid , They may be against us in the game, after all, a few of us don't have much time in the game now. "

"It's okay." I pushed the legs of iced tea to the side, opened the drawer, and found a pile of documents and threw it to her: "Go to the warehouse to apply for a new set of instruments, don't worry about things in the game too much, shadow With the wind and flurry spring and autumn, when they are sitting in town, Xueyue is sure to be foolproof. "


The iced tea picked up the document and signed a word. It fluttered away with grace and grace, leaving the company's employees with envious eyes.

Since Xueyueyun Chaxiang's beautiful women settled at the top of Blue Star, the quality of the beauty in this company has taken a huge leap forward, which has directly led to the enthusiasm of male employees for work. The growth rate of half-quarter performance reports is the same as that of flying.


It was more than six o'clock in the blink of an eye, and one hour had passed after work.

The three project leaders each sent me three technical erection plans. Bluestar's technology has always been like this. At least three plans have been adopted. This is the attitude of striving for quality. However, I am a complete rookie. The encyclopedia looks for keywords, and the whole person is so busy sweating.

I do n’t know when a scent of fragrance came out, and I did n’t even lift my head: “Xue Xue is here?”

"Oh, how's it, so busy today that you forgot to eat?"

Ling Xue, wearing a black uniform, smiled and said, "I called to order the meals, and I'll deliver them in a while. Let's have the two together? Sister took Qin Yun and iced tea to them."

"Oh, yes."

I typed my opinion in the headline of the proposal, and Ling Xue lay on my shoulder, and a stream of water fell down my shoulder.

"How is it? Is there pressure?" She asked.

"I should learn English ..."

Ling Xue smiled, "Well, if you don't understand anything, ask me."


I stepped back from the desk, stretched a little, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Reached out from behind to catch Ling Xue in front of him, drew into his arms, and smiled: "Ling Xue, I didn't come back last night, hurry up and say, did you miss me?"

"I miss you!"

Ling Xue looked around, with some concerns: "This is an office, don't be too publicistic ~ ~ Pay attention to the impact ..."

I couldn't help laughing, quickly kissed her on the snowy cheek: "You brought it to yourself, I can't pretend to be indifferent, right?"

Ling Xue smiled angrily: "Kissing the president in the office, even so straightforward, really despise you!"

As she said, she buried her face between my neck and the warm feeling, and a bright red lip was printed on her neck.

But at this moment, suddenly the office door opened, and a middle-aged woman was holding the documents in astonishment.

Ling Xue turned back, Qiao's face flew into a flash of blush, hurriedly stood up, tidy up her placket, and asked in earnest: "Assistant Zhu, what's the matter?"

The woman coughed and said, "Mr. Ling, the first list with Wanda, you need to sign a letter ... But if you are busy, tomorrow ..."

Ling Xue: "..."
