MTL - Wagging Your Tail In the Arms of President Iceberg-Chapter 114 The protagonist's story 2

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At 1:30 in the afternoon, the wedding car set off from outside the auditorium and drove all the way to the Naihetian Inn in Y city next door.

Ming Ying has been a little drowsy since she drank a glass of wine. While she was in a daze, she still remembered that she and Fu Anyu had a chat about wine. It is said that people with poor wine taste will make trouble when they are drunk, while people with good wine will be reticent or sleepy.

She felt that she should be a fox with a very good taste of wine. After using Fu Anyu's water spirit to relieve her strength, she also toasted each table of guests well. This wedding should go smoothly. .

Thinking like this, Mingying fell asleep next to Fu Anyu on the way to Y city.

When she woke up, she suddenly found herself in an unfamiliar environment.

The bed also has a carved outer frame and a gauze tent, and the air is filled with a touch of sandalwood.

At the table not far away, a candle was quietly lit, and Fu Anyu, who was sitting under the lamp, looked down at his mobile phone.

Ming Ying wasn't fully awake when she saw Fu Anyu put away her phone and turned around, got up and walked towards her.

"Is it still uncomfortable?" Sitting on the edge of the bed, Fu Anyu asked.

You should feel dizzy after feeling this..."

"When you were resting, I was bored and did something." Fu Anyu smiled lightly, "Have you found it yet?"

Ming Ying was stunned, and suddenly remembered that she was wearing a close-fitting wedding dress when she was in the car, but now her clothes are very loose...

She was startled, and hurriedly lifted the thin quilt over her body, and found that she was wearing the nightdress that she had packed in her suitcase last night, with five foxtails piled up safely, only then did she breathe a sigh of relief. It's funny how you do it subconsciously.

Today is the day she and Fu Anyu get married. As Fu Anyu's wife, she is still worried that the other party will be light on her when she doesn't know it.

This is obviously a reasonable and intimate interaction between wives and wives...

After realizing this, Mingying sighed in distress.

"I still seem to be afraid." She whispered to Fu Anyu, but leaned her body honestly in Fu Anyu's arms, "What are we going to do in the candle night..."

"It's four o'clock in the afternoon." Fu Anyu took her back and started the reporting process, "The dinner will start in two hours. After the dinner, we will take wedding photos in the inn. It is expected that the photo shoot will end at 10 p.m., and then it will be the candle night."

She paused, "You still have six hours of mental preparation time."

Ming Ying gave a "bang", and she was already panicking. After thinking about it, she raised her head and asked Fu Anyu: "Don't you humans have ... that kind of medicine? Is it too late to buy it now?"

"What are you buying for?" Fu Anyu asked rhetorically.

"I, I want to eat to strengthen my courage..." Ming Ying's voice trembled.

"Don't eat it." Fu Anyu refused, "It's not good for the body, and the effect is very poor."

"How do you know the effect is poor?" Mingying blurted out.

"I asked He Che for advice when I was writing a novel."

"But I'm afraid..." Ming Ying folded her fox ears.

In fact, she did not reject being bullied by Fu Anyu, she said "fear", but she was looking forward to it.

But fear still overwhelmed expectations, she even considered whether to drink more wine at the dinner party, she would not be afraid if she was confused.

Ming Ying didn't understand, her body was wrapped tightly by one hand, and the next second, she snuggled up on Fu Anyu.

"Trust me." The fragrance came over her face, and Fu Anyu's voice penetrated into her ears.

This remark made Mingying inexplicably at ease, and responded involuntarily: "Okay, I believe you."

Because the banquet was held out of town, there were many fewer guests than the luncheon. Ming Ying finished her makeup and put on a cheongsam wedding dress that is convenient for movement. When she followed Fu Anyu to toast, she felt more relaxed than noon. Not a lot.

In order to embolden Hua Zhu Ye, Ming Ying forced herself to take a big sip when toasting, instead of sipping it and finishing it. However, after a few tables of her respect, Fu Anyu discovered the little act of stealing a drink.

Fu Anyu noticed that the little fox didn't like toasting at noon, so he planned to take her away after toasting as quickly as possible. At this time, he found that the little fox drank more, and I don't know if he felt Drinking too little will hold her back, so she can't help frowning.

She didn't say a word, just held Ming Ying's hand.

Ming Ying was just a little drunk when she felt a cold water spirit power pouring into her left hand. Before she could react, the water spirit power walked around her abdominal meridians and instantly relieved her alcoholism.

Ming Ying: ? ? ?

She didn't plan to tell Fu Anyu about drinking to strengthen her courage. Who knew that Fu Anyu did bad things with good intentions because she didn't know it.

Ming Ying held the wine glass and thought about it, she should reduce the amount of drinking, just like during the luncheon, and take a sip of meaning, anyway, she is now the wife of the president of Shengwei Group, and she With Fu Anyu by his side, no one dared to persuade him to drink.

Fu Anyu didn't know what the little fox was up to, but she just knew that she suddenly resumed drinking at the luncheon, and was relieved.

After toasting, she took Mingying to the small box to eat something, and then took Mingying to the dressing room of Naihetian Inn to find a makeup girl who specializes in ancient makeup in the inn.

The photographer and set designer who took the wedding photos were already in place. After Mingying finished her makeup, she went to the shooting venue.

Naihetian Inn has been in this business for a long time, many scenes are set by professionals, and the quality of the set materials is also high, so the scene looks quite realistic, even Mingying Even a real ancient person can't see the sense of disobedience.

Ming Ying put on her most familiar ancient clothes and walked to the steps of the palace scene hand in hand with Fu Anyu.

She was quite afraid of the camera before she went out in the morning, but after a whole day of shooting from multiple angles, she got used to it.

One person and one fox According to the photographer's arrangement, the standing and sitting positions with a sense of distance will be photographed first, and then the intimate interaction will be photographed.

Fu Anyu specially hired female photographers to ensure that they can interact without any scruples when shooting.

"It's okay to hug and kiss, just let it go!" At this point, the photographer gave instructions loudly.

Ming Ying looked at Fu Anyu, she actually thought about some poses, but she didn't know if Fu Anyu could accept it, or in other words, if she would allow such a photo to be taken.

Aware of her gaze, Fu Anyu also lowered her eyes to look down.

"What do you want to shoot?" Fu Anyu asked.

"I think...the nine-tailed demon is carrying you." Mingying whispered, "But I'm afraid of revealing my identity."

"Then only one tail will be shown, and the other eight will be handed over to the later stage." Fu Anyu also replied in a low voice, "As for your demon clan identity, everyone who participated in our wedding knows, don't worry. "

In the end, before she became huge, she was picked up by Fu Anyu and held in his arms.

"Let's take a picture like this." Fu Anyu said to the photographer.

"Haha okay, such a lady is so cute!" The photographer laughed and directed them to move.

Ming Ying was at a loss in Fu Anyu's arms. She suddenly remembered that when she first came to the Human World, she got along with Fu Anyu in this weakest state. At that time, she felt embarrassed.

However, she thought of it, and only listened to Fu Anyu's instructions: "Let all the demons be turned into nine tails in the later stage."

Hearing this, Mingying suddenly regained her happiness.

The photographer nodded in understanding.

After the scene of hugging the fox, Fu Anyu put the fox on the ground, and when it turned into a big fox as tall as a man, she couldn't help but reach out and hug the fox's head and move it.

Ming Ying was a little stunned by her, she stayed for more than ten seconds before reminding her: "Come up!"

"Okay." Fu Anyu jumped up with a smile, lifted her body with her spiritual power, let herself fall gently on the fox's back, and sat sideways.

Their images are fixed in one photo, both group photos and singles are available, and you can view the electronic version immediately after taking the photo.

Ming Ying couldn't wait to get a copy, she kept it in her mobile phone, swiped her fingertips on the screen, and looked intently, every one was very satisfied.

In the end, she picked a huge photo of herself carrying Fu Anyu on her back, used the photo editing software for a while, and used it as her desktop wallpaper.

These photos taken at the inn are only part of the wedding photos. When they return to H City, they will go to the photo studio to take wedding photos of modern clothes.

After the filming ended, Ming Ying left the filming location and asked Fu Anyu, "Can I drink some wine to strengthen my courage? If I don't say it, don't give me a hangover."

After asking, she was a little uneasy, and even began to think about what to do after Fu Anyu disagreed.

There’s sparkling wine, too, which tastes a bit like soda. And there are cocktails that are more fruity and less alcohol.”

"Then ask for a cocktail." Mingying said hurriedly.

There is also a bar similar to a clear bar in the inn. It is very quiet. The bartender is a girl in ancient clothes, but when Mingying enters the door, she can see that the other party is a demon.

The bartender was very patient, and also introduced Mingying to the various cocktails sold by the wine house. Mingying struggled for a long time, and finally asked Fu Anyu: "What kind of wine do you want me to drink?"

Fu Anyu thought about it, "Make a cup of 'Cinderella'."

This is a non-alcoholic cocktail made from lemon juice, orange juice, pineapple juice and other juices. Since the little fox asked her to choose, of course she will not pick the one that can get the little fox drunk liquor.

In the final analysis, the little fox wants to use alcohol to strengthen his courage, but it is only a psychological effect. Drinking and drinking juice is the same. As long as she doesn't say anything, the little fox will think that he is drinking wine.

Ming Ying didn't know anything about it. After she got the wine and drank it, she only felt sour, sweet and cold. It was the taste she would like, but she didn't taste the wine.

But she didn't think much about it, she drank half a glass slowly, afraid that she would be too drunk, so she subconsciously cast a glance at Fu Anyu.

Without waiting for her to speak, Fu Anyu took the glass and drank the rest of the cocktail.

Seeing her drink so refreshingly, Mingying felt a little stunned.

She didn't forget Fu Anyu's extremely poor drink and wine.

Leaving the wine room and returning to the room, Ming Ying was even more nervous.

Her tension was relieved from bathing until Fu Anyu held her in her arms and started rubbing her.

Ming Ying was both unfamiliar and sloppy when she started to do it last time. Later, she realized that there are other ways of pleasure between wives and wives, and they can please each other.

She won't, Fu Anyu will teach her one by one tonight.

The way Fu Anyu chose, Mingying didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but the excitement it brought was ten times stronger than that of having her tail moved.

She only felt that she quickly softened, and Fu Anyu, who was bullied, had a slightly warm breath and kissed her skin slowly with a little domineering.

The gentle touch made her feel that she was being plundered, but this plundering did not bring any pain, on the contrary, she was very happy to cater.

She is willing to dedicate all her territory to Fu Anyu. May she pay more attention to herself and pay more attention.

When the warm lips fell on her lips, she involuntarily wrapped her tail around Fu Anyu's wrist, but did nothing.

She gave up all resistance completely and let Fu Anyu seal her breath, only to feel that she wanted to contain herself.

I don't know how long it took before Ming Ying felt a slight tingling. But the little pain was quickly healed, and then she accepted Fu Anyu's increasingly tender love with tears in her eyes.

The candlelight flickered and the red curtains hung down, reflecting the warmth of the room.

In the middle of the night, Fu Anyu brought a damp cloth and wiped Mingying's face.

"Sorry, the first time I practiced, it still made you uncomfortable." She said apologetically.

The little fox still cried, for a long time, but silently, she had never seen such a little fox.

Ming Ying felt like she just got out of the bathtub, and her body was a little sour.

Even if she was not feeling well, she shook her head hurriedly when she heard the words, and grasped Fu Anyu's bullying hand.

“I won’t cry again next time,” she said.

Fu Anyu was startled, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Do you know what you are implying?"

"I don't know." Mingying looked at her seriously, "But I want to know."

They looked at each other and smiled.

"Sleep." Fu Anyu coaxed her softly, "I'll help you clean up."

Read The Duke's Passion