MTL - Wagging Your Tail In the Arms of President Iceberg-Chapter 31

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Ming Ying obediently turned her two tails into spiritual power and put it into the spirit control tool.

The collision of spiritual power makes the bell on the spirit controller automatically and without wind, making a crisp sound.

"Actually, you are the first outsider to share the bed with me." Feeling that Fu Anyu won't be able to sleep for a while, Ming Ying ticked the bell on her bracelet and whispered.

"Then I should be honored?" Fu Anyu asked deliberately.

"No no no! That's not what I meant!" Ming Ying explained quickly, "I just want to say, I have no experience in this field, if I don't sleep well, must be in time Wake me up, don't hold back."

She paused, "Don't use your spiritual power to tie me up silently, it's really scary to wake up in the morning..."

"Yes." Fu Anyu agreed without hesitation.

"Are you really not going to work tomorrow?" Mingying asked.

"No." Fu Anyu said, "I rest at home before going to the next city."

"That's good." Ming Ying touched her wristband, somehow relieved.

It was different from the last time she shared the same bed. This time, Mingying kept her nerves tense. When she felt that she was about to fall asleep, she woke up suddenly. After observing the distance between herself and Fu Anyu, she thought about it. , or moved to the edge of the bed.

She was too afraid that after she fell asleep, the whole fox would stick to Fu Anyu like before. Moreover, her claws are still wrapped in medicine, and if she accidentally gets on Fu Anyu's clothes, it will also cause trouble.

In this way, after struggling with herself for an unknown time, Ming Ying fell into a drowsy sleep.

But she slept very lightly, and when she felt her body touch something, she immediately woke up and opened her eyes.

With the help of the weak light in the room, she saw that her uninjured front paws were resting on Fu Anyu's shoulders, and her manicured nails almost scratched Fu Anyu's skin.

However, Fu Anyu was still sleeping and did not wake up because of her touch.

Even so, Ming Ying moved away quickly.

She saw that Fu Anyu was sleeping soundly, and her brows did not seem to wrinkle. She must not need her company tonight, so she planned to go back to the guest room, so that Fu Anyu could have a good night's sleep, or Reassure yourself.

She quietly crawled out of the bed and released a little spiritual power to explore the way, so as not to step on the empty bed and alarm Fu Anyu, wait until she moved to the edge of the bed, and then use her spiritual power to hold herself down slowly.

After successfully standing on the ground, Mingying breathed a sigh of relief, raised her injured front paw, and walked out lightly.

Who knew that just as she walked to the door, she heard Fu Anyu's voice from behind: "Come back."

Ming Ying did not expect that she would wake up at this time, she shivered, one of them failed to keep her balance and fell to the ground.

The bedside lamp turned on instantly, Fu Anyu rolled over and got out of bed, rushed to Mingying's side in a few steps, and picked her up.

"Where do you want to go if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?" Fu Anyu's voice was hoarse, sounding like she was half asleep.

"I don't plan to go anywhere, I just want to go back to the guest room to rest!" Ming Ying shrank her paws and saw Fu Anyu's eyes narrowed, with an expression of disbelief, she hurriedly explained, "I'm not afraid of being disturbed. You sleep…"

"Don't disturb." Fu Anyu frowned and finished speaking, and fished out the fox's tail hanging from his belly.

Ming Ying trembled all over, and almost jumped out of her arms on the spot. But this time when her tail was touched, she didn't say anything, and let Fu Anyu carry her back without saying a word.

She knew that Fu Anyu was on vacation at home before the meeting, and it was rare to get a good night's sleep tonight, so she wanted her to sleep well and not wake up frequently because of herself, but Fu Anyu didn't seem to think so.

Sitting back on the bed, Fu Anyu placed the fox beside her and released her spiritual power around her limbs.

Ming Ying knew at a glance that she was going to tie herself up again, and hurriedly reminded: "If you agree not to tie me up, why don't you count?!"

Fu Anyu moved for a while, as if he had just recovered, and after dissipating his spiritual power, he closed his eyes and turned off the light.

Don't think about it, it's like entering meditation.

It was also after entering this state that Mingying realized that she could control her sleeping state by gathering spirits into meditation. After all, she had never moved around while gathering spirits.

After she made up her mind, she began to gather spirits. This time, just to take advantage of the state of the gathering, she tried to absorb the spiritual power as slow as possible, and reduced the frequency of breathing to the lowest level.

After that, her consciousness was completely immersed in the gathering of spirits, and everything around her receded like a tide, so quiet that only the perception of spiritual power flowing through the meridians remained.

Ming Ying has always been afraid of being alone in such a quiet place, but she quickly thought that this was for Fu Anyu to have a peaceful sleep, and gradually she was not afraid, not only not afraid , I'm also very relieved, I feel that I finally thought of a good way to control the sleeping phase, so I don't have to cause Fu Anyu any more trouble tonight.

But just half an hour after she settled in, she heard Fu Anyu calling her name in her ear, more anxious than ever.

Ming Ying had to end her meditation, opened her eyes in surprise and asked, "What's wrong?"

She found that the bedside lamp was turned on again, and Fu Anyu was sitting beside her with one hand near her nose, as if to probe her breath. Seeing her waking up, Fu Anyu put down her hand very naturally.

Ming Ying stayed for two seconds, then subconsciously asked: "Don't you think I..."

Before the word "dead" was spoken, Fu Anyu stopped him: "Can't sleep?"

"It's a bit..." Mingying admitted reluctantly.

Fu Anyu didn't ask the specific reason, just put down "wait", got out of bed and went out the door.

Ming Ying looked at the open door in confusion, not knowing what she was doing. But according to her experience, the only way to deal with insomnia is to incense and take medicine.

Thinking about it, Mingying is a little scared. She was afraid that Fu Anyu was going to fry sleeping pills for herself, so she hurriedly jumped out of bed and ran out the door, shouting, "Just draw me a sleeping talisman! I don't want to eat..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Fu Anyu walking out of the guest room, holding a very large puppet dog in her hands.

"Frequent use of sleeping charms is not good for health." Fu Anyu turned off the light in the guest room and came back with the puppet dog, "It's also good to take medicine."

Walking to Mingying's side, she bent down again to pick up the fox and put her and the puppet dog on the bed.

"You sleep a little differently, maybe you lack a sense of security." Fu Anyu explained, "Try sleeping with this Shiba Inu."

Ming Ying looked at the Shiba Inu that had been put on the bed, and the Shiba Inu was also looking at her with a smirk.

"This is... a pillow?" Ming Ying thought of something similar to the novel she read today.

Seeing Fu Anyu nodding, she looked at her injured paw and reminded worriedly: "But the medicated oil on my hand will seep out."

"It's not afraid of getting dirty." Fu Anyu said.

Ming Ying hugged her with confidence. The fluffy Shiba Inu is very soft, and when she pokes it with her paws, the "skin" that has been sunk in by the poke will quickly return to its original state.

This time, Fu Anyu turned off the lights again, and she felt a lot more natural. She even rolled her tail around the Shiba Inu without any scruples, and the whole fox was almost buried in the Shiba Inu's arms.

When Enron fell into a dream, Mingying thought to herself, now there is nothing to worry about.

Who knows when she wakes up early in the morning, she finds that not only has she left the Shiba Inu, but she is also curled up by Fu Anyu's pillow. As soon as she looks up, she can meet Fu Anyu's sleeping face.

She hurriedly raised her scalded paw to check the surroundings, making sure that the medicated oil had not been stained on the pillow, bedding and Fu Anyu's clothes, she was relieved, and hurriedly climbed back to the Shiba Inu, pretending to be okay occur.

Although Fu Anyu said before going to bed that this Shiba Inu pillow is not afraid of getting dirty, but in the past night, Mingying smelled the scent of medicated oil drifting from the Shiba Inu - I am afraid it is already a delicious Shiba Inu .

I don't know what I did to the Shiba Inu last night.

Ming Ying rubbed the Shiba Inu's fat paws and couldn't sleep again. Fortunately, she found out in time just now, otherwise she would have to lie on Fu Anyu like the first time and wake him up.

Why does she like to stick on Fu Anyu so much? Now it's not like there's nothing else to hold.

Fu Anyu hadn't woken up yet, Mingying pulled over the tablet computer on the bedside, looked at the time, felt it was still early, so she jumped out of bed and found the gathering spirit that Fu Anyu had drawn for herself. Array, start today's gathering homework.

Juling felt hungry, and Mingying ended the state of meditation. She opened her eyes and saw that it was almost 9:30 on the wall clock. She got up and was about to call Fu Anyu for breakfast, but the bed was empty. The Shiba Inu pillow, which had been folded and was pushed to the edge of the bed by her, was also put back next to the pillow.

"Fu Anyu?" Ming Ying ran out of the room and shouted.

"I'm here." Fu Anyu's voice came from downstairs, "Don't move, just wait there."

Ming Ying just squatted at the door and waited.

Fu Anyu has changed into home casual clothes and came to hold Mingying downstairs for dinner, Mingying only felt that the veil on her cuff was brushing against her ears from time to time, and it was so itchy that she couldn't help shaking her ears .

"After dinner, we're going to the hospital." Fu Anyu took her to the seat, and while serving her porridge, he said, "To be safe, don't use the magic, I'll feed you."

Ming Ying was embarrassed to let her feed, but she was also afraid that she would hurt herself again because she could not control the Dharma, so she still opened her mouth honestly, and slowly ate breakfast with Fu Anyu's actions .

Sunny morning with plenty of sunshine. When Mingying came to the door, she was stabbed in the eyes by the sun, narrowed her eyes and subconsciously shrank into Fu Anyu's arms.

Fu Anyu blocked the sun for her, walked a few steps to the side of the car, opened the door and sat in, instructing Chen Yanxuan to go to He's Hospital.

Seeing that Fu Anyu brought the patient over the next day as ordered by the doctor, Dr. He was very happy and greeted her warmly: "Bring your little fox again?"

Ming Ying pouted in Fu Anyu's arms, feeling that the word "you" is really spiritual.

The author has something to say:Yesterday, my aunt was very uncomfortable, and my condition was very poor, so I could only take a break orz

Today is better, let's see if I can make up for yesterday's update.

Before the next chapter update, all 2-point comments in this chapter will have a small red envelope.

Read The Duke's Passion