MTL - Wagging Your Tail In the Arms of President Iceberg-Chapter 38

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When Du Yunxin came back with a broom and dustpan, she felt that the atmosphere in the living room had changed again.

Although one person and one fox are doing their own things on the sofa without interfering with each other and without any physical contact, she just feels that something is wrong.

She put down her broom and dustpan in the eerie living room, feeling that she shouldn't stay for long, so she went straight to the backyard.

Ming Ying lays down in front of the tablet computer, taking pictures of the screen from time to time to turn pages. She is still making up for the "Monster Clan's Rules of Life". Before she can transform people and go home, she wants to integrate into the society of the human world as soon as possible, and it is best to make a little contribution to this small family.

She only recently learned that all the items in the shops on the street need to be paid to get them, and the money needs to be earned through work, and now she is really a pet for a long time - no need to make money, just Just open your mouth to eat.

Even though Fu Anyu now considers her family and allows her to call herself "sister", Mingying is not willing to take care of her in vain.

Her ability is limited now, so she can only avoid bothering Fu Anyu, Xiao Du and others with the trivial matters of life, and then find a way to repay her kindness.

Fu Anyu these two days are equivalent to vacations. Originally, the computer of the work page was turned on all day long, but at this time "Inuyasha" was playing.

She leaned on the sofa, relaxed, watching the animation calmly with her headphones on. Only when Mingying asked her a question, she would pause the playback and take off her headphones to answer.

Ming Ying can clearly feel that since she called Fu Anyu "sister", Fu Anyu's attitude towards herself has undergone subtle changes.

It seems that they are closer than before. Before that, they had always maintained a certain distance.

After discovering this, Mingying always called "sister" softly before asking a question. After trying twice, she found that Fu Anyu's voice seemed to be much gentler. When she was clearing her doubts, she was also patient, instead of asking her to find out the problem by herself as she thought the problem was simple as before.

Although Fu Anyu rarely speaks coldly to her now, she still wants to hear Fu Anyu respond to her with a more gentle voice.

...Is she addicted to Fu Anyu's gentle voice?

Tomorrow I will go to Y city next door. After dinner, Fu Anyu finished the entertainment and started to pack.

Ming Yingtuan was in a small nest not far from her, watching her skillfully fold her clothes, put them in a large box, dry some toiletries, put them in plastic bags and seal them , busy back and forth in the bedroom, couldn't help but ask: "Why don't you let Xiao Du help you clean up?"

"I'm used to it." Fu Anyu said while cleaning up, turning to see that the confusion in the fox's eyes had not dissipated, and then said, "I have nothing to do tonight, if it is very busy, I will still Ask her to come and clean up."

Ming Ying nodded and continued to look at the items she was going to pack one by one, and talked to her one by one.

"How do we get to Y city? Did Xiao Chen drive there?"


"Not far? I haven't been in the car for too long..."

"If it goes well, two hours. If there is a traffic jam on the highway, the slowest is three hours."

"You said before that you will come back after the meeting, which means that during the meeting, we are going to spend the night in City Y?"

"You have asked this question before." Fu Anyu took his mobile phone and called up the actual photo of the hotel room's interior, and said, "The hotel over there has beds for the undisguised demon clan, and there are also With a bed about the size of mine, you can sleep wherever you like."

Ming Ying looked at the photos of all the compartments, and put down the hanging heart, but she still asked worriedly: "But if there is no Shiba Inu pillow, I should sleep in bed at night. Unconsciously sticking to you, what should I do?"

She still hasn't figured out why she always approaches Fu Anyu unintentionally when she sleeps. It's summer now, so she doesn't need to approach to keep warm. Maybe it's Fu Anyu's spiritual power that is attracting her?

"If you want to sleep on the bed, I can hold you to sleep." Fu Anyu said, "The premise is that you have to cut your toenails too."

Ming Ying was instantly blinded by the straight ball "hold you to sleep", she didn't understand the second half of the sentence, and looked at Fu Anyu blankly.

She suddenly remembered that when she woke up this morning, Fu Anyu said that she hadn't moved at night, and now she offered to hold her to sleep, could it be possible...Fu Anyu has been "sticky" and clingy to her You know why?

This is too embarrassing for the fox! You must know that even if she sleeps on the bed, she tries to keep a distance from Fu Anyu. After all... being held to sleep is a very shameless thing in her opinion.

Fu Anyu was just about to pack up. She didn't hear any comments from Mingying, so she acquiesced, so she closed the suitcase and pulled it up, found the pet nail clippers, disinfected them, and went to the bathroom again He took a wet towel, sat down beside the nest, reached out and scooped up Mingying, ready to trim her nails.

Ming Ying was caught off guard, and when she saw the nail clippers, she snorted in surprise.

But she quickly remembered that she did not cut her toenails last time, so she obediently relaxed her body and collapsed in Fu Anyu's arms.

Fu Anyu first wiped both claws clean with a wet towel. When clipping her nails, she intentionally wrapped the fox tightly to prevent her from moving.

But she didn't have a good grasp of the strength, and Mingying was a little breathless by her embrace, she almost rolled her eyes, her mind flashed, thinking of the dream she had before, and hurriedly suggested: "Don't strangle me like this, Just lock me up with a spirit controller! Otherwise I'll scratch you."

Fu Anyu let go of her and was silent for two seconds before reminding: "Spiritual control is not used like this."

"I think it can be used like this." Ming Ying insisted, "I don't need a spirit control tool, if I'm itchy and want to move, then you can only release the spirit power to restrain me. But you didn't say Can you not use spiritual power?"

"No matter how scalable the spirit control tool is, it is still metal." Fu Anyu said seriously, "If you struggle, you will definitely be strangled."

Without waiting for Ming Ying to say more, she directly released her spiritual power and turned it into a rope shape, wrapping it around Ming Ying's limbs very gently.

The cold water spirit power made Mingying tremble. She felt more than once that Fu Anyu's spirit power was not actually water, but ice.

Wait for the water and spiritual power to be tied up, Mingying tried to move her limbs, and asked dubiously, "The binding is so loose, can it really work?"

Fu Anyu gave her a complicated look, grabbed her hind paws, and began to cut her nails.

When her paws were touched by Fu Anyu's fingers, Mingying consciously endured it, but her body was much more sensitive than she thought. Restricted, even if the physical response kicks, Fu Anyu will not be able to kick.

Feeling her writhing violently, Fu Anyu found a way and began to fight quickly.

After ten minutes, after making sure that the nails of both hind paws were cleaned, she carried the fox into the den and retrieved the spiritual power rope.

Ming Ying just finished her struggle and collapsed on the mat, gasping for breath.

Fu Anyu cleaned the cut nails and cleaned the nails. When she got her nails clipped and came back, seeing that Mingying's breathing had calmed down, she sat down beside her again and asked, "Where did you hear that a spirit control device can bind limbs?"

Ming Ying was silent, she couldn't say it was a dream, or she would be questioned about her dream.

She knows very well that although Fu Anyu can't solve her own nightmares and insomnia, she can solve problems for the little fox she just met.

What's more, it was really not a good dream, she was absolutely reluctant to say it.

So she started talking nonsense and pushed the pot to the novel: "There is a novel written with a similar magic tool. The heroine used the spirit control tool to successfully control the bewitched wife."

Feeling that Fu Anyu's eyes were not right, she quickly put on a natural tone: "So I think, I can use it too."

Fu Anyu thought about it and asked, "Since you think it can be used, do you want to try the restraining effect of the spirit control tool?"

Ming Ying thought that it shouldn't be a big deal, so she nodded and stood up from the nest to make it easier for her to adjust the spirit control device.

Fu Anyu didn't get started, but pinched his fingers to condense the spirit, and chanted a series of incantations on his lips.

Ming Ying only felt the bell rings on her limbs tighten suddenly, and before she could react, the two similar spirit controllers on her hind paws merged into one, making a "clanging" metal collision sound .

Ming Ying never imagined that she couldn't hold on for a few seconds, and she was forced into tears by the control device, and she cried out loudly in pain.

"I'm not going to try! I'm not going to try! Sister save me!" She just screamed, only to feel that the force that was holding her was loosened, and she looked up to see that Fu Anyu had finished her practice. mantra action.

"The spirit control tool can indeed restrain the bearer." Fu Anyu stretched out his hand and said, rubbing the painful part for her, "but its purpose is to punish."

She paused, as if to reassure Mingying, and added: "Of course, even if you do something again, I will never use it to punish you."

Ming Ying rubbed her hand and made a whining cry of grievance.

She really didn't expect the spirit control tool to be so powerful. If she had to choose between the spirit control tool and the iron cage, she would rather choose the iron cage.

When Fu Anyu rubbed the fox, her fingers unintentionally rang the bell on the spirit control device. The soft sound of "ding ding" made Mingying wake up, and she went to play the bell nearby.

As she was playing, she suddenly thought of a question.

When Fu Anyu took out the spirit control tool that day, she smelled Fu Anyu's scent on the whole set of spirit control tools, indicating that Fu Anyu used to wear the spirit control device from head to toe.

How did Fu Anyu live at that time? Have you ever been bullied and talked about by other people while wearing so many weird bell rings to school? If I accidentally make a mistake, will I be punished by kneeling, or by being charged with a spirit weapon?

Thinking of this, Ming Ying couldn't help but look at Fu Anyu with sympathy.

"You suffer," she said.

Just thinking about it, she felt that it was a very hard time, and she didn't know how long it lasted.

Fu Anyu raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked inexplicably, "What is suffering?"

"Just thinking about the days when you wore a spirit control tool, I feel a little distressed about you in the past." Mingying explained while touching the bell.

Fu Anyu chuckled, moved her ears, and said nothing.

The author has something to say:First update

Read The Duke's Passion
Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes