MTL - Wagging Your Tail In the Arms of President Iceberg-Chapter 73

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Ming Ying was all about Fu Anyu's state, but she forgot where she was rubbing.

When she found Fu Anyu blushing, she also asked with concern: "Should you lower the air conditioner? I see that your face is red from the heat."

Seeing that she was really going to turn on the air conditioner, Fu Anyu turned over and clasped her hand.

"I sometimes don't understand." Fu Anyu looked at the little fox quietly, "Do you really understand nothing?"

Ming Ying looked at her blankly.

Fu Anyu raised her hand and put it directly on her heart.

Ming Ying was startled by her, her ears were folded, but she did not avoid her.

Her heartbeat increased instantly, and she looked at Fu Anyu in confusion, but Fu Anyu didn't withdraw her hand for a long time.

But she also suddenly understood what Fu Anyu was referring to at this time, and suddenly her face became hot.

"I understand now." Looking at each other, Fu Anyu said again after a few seconds.

Ming Ying didn't wait for her next sentence, she saw her withdrew her hand, closed her eyes tiredly, and the blush on her face gradually faded.

Seeing this, Ming Ying couldn't help but feel a little regretful. She really just wanted to help Fu Anyu relieve herself just now. Who knows... Who knows, she will be frivolous!

I don't know what Fu Anyu will think of her at this moment, and will she think she is doing it on purpose.

She was busy tucking the quilt for Fu Anyu. After thinking about it, she still asked worriedly: "Do you still feel pain?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Fu Anyu said softly, "It's just a little boring, go do your own thing, and let me rest for a while."

"How can that be done!" Ming Ying bit her head and said, "You are so uncomfortable because of me, I won't go! I'll be able to take care of you if I stay, I, I won't make trouble with you of!"

Seeing her resolute attitude, Fu Anyu didn't force it, and used her spiritual power to relieve her physical discomfort.

After a few minutes, she heard Mingying calling her name very, very quietly.

"What's the matter?" she asked with her eyes closed.

"Then do you want to go back to the company in the afternoon?" Ming Ying still remembers what Chen Yan said before she left.

"I didn't plan to go back to the company in the afternoon." Fu Anyu said, "If Hu Xiuli dawdled, I will always be with you."

Ming Ying was stunned for a moment, then she reacted in the next second.

This matter has nothing to do with Hu Xiuli, Fu Anyu is just making an excuse for his behavior, the focus should be on the second half of the sentence—

"I will always be with you".

She hurriedly said "Thank you, sister", and she was so confused.


"You can't go." Ming Ying shook her head.

"I'm really fine." Fu Anyu smiled, "It's not as uncomfortable as when you took my spiritual power last time."

Ming Ying stopped talking, just looked at her resentfully, and after a few seconds said: "You are not allowed to coax me."

"I won't coax you." When Fu Anyu spoke, his eyes were still closed and his voice was still soft.

Seeing this, Ming Ying stopped disturbing her to rest and sat on the other side of the bed.

She has no experience in accompanying the bed. After Fu Anyu's breathing subsided, she pondered for a while, raised her hand and drew many small spirit gathering formations, making them levitate around Fu Anyu, and then placed her own Spiritual power enters each formation.

Wood spirit power has the effect of speeding up recovery, even if Mingying can't heal spells, her spirit power can play a role.

Continued to release spiritual power for about an hour, Ming Ying became sleepy because of the high consumption of spiritual power, waved her hand to disperse the spirit gathering array, and turned back to the fox lying beside Fu Anyu.

Her demon body is much more honest than her human body.

This time, she dreamed that she had made Fu Anyu light.

Fu Anyu in the dream was bound by her hands with vines, so she had to rest on her nine tails and looked at her in a panic.

"Let me go." Fu Anyu urged her, "Be good, listen to my sister."

But she held up Fu Anyu's chin arrogantly, rubbed against her face for a long time, and finally kissed her lips, and her tail wrapped her whole body, preventing her from moving.

Ming Ying felt that this must be the problem of the TV series she just watched today. She was taught badly by the TV series and dreamed of taking the initiative to invade Fu Anyu. If Du Yunxin knew this, she would definitely be amazed She is so brave.

After waking up, she could even clearly recall what it was like for Fu Anyu to struggle in her arms.

But she stared at Fu Anyu's sleeping face for a while, swallowed a little out of time, and then jumped to the ground as if to escape, dragging over the bed of the mat that she hadn't slept in for a long time, lying on the bed I thought about it inside.

Fu Anyu had a long dream.

She returned to the darkest period in her life, guarding the huge villa alone, and sealing all the colors of the past into the cabinet little by little.


She was busy removing the pillow and reaching out to pick up the little fox, when the little fox suddenly turned into a person in her arms, wearing a bright red costume, blinking a pair of bright eyes, said to her: "My benefactor, you saved me, and I should stay and repay my gratitude."

"I'm really sorry, I can't afford a fox." Seeing Mingying in her dream, Fu Anyu was very happy, but frowned and shook her head, and said in despair, "I even gave away my pet dog... "

"It's alright, I'm a nine-tailed demon, I don't eat the grains of the world!" The little fox put his hands behind his back, rubbed his tail happily, and stuck it on her face, "As long as Just give me a bed and a roll of bedding will be fine~"

So she took in the little fox and left the bedroom where she sealed her past to guard and live.

The little fox likes this room very much. He cleans it every three days and adds a lot of green plants.

When Fu Anyu dragged her tired body back from get off work, the door would always open by itself, and a little fox in full costume was waiting at the door, smiling brightly and saying: "Welcome home, dinner has been ordered, and then It will be delivered in five minutes~"

It was to endure the discomfort and let her move her tail to decompress.

A few months passed in the blink of an eye. On Fu Anyu's 23rd birthday, after Mingying celebrated her birthday, she reluctantly said, "I should go home, I don't know if I will be able to do so in the future. Can't meet again."

She looked at the little fox in amazement, and the little fox also lowered her ears and muttered: "I haven't repaid my gratitude yet, but... my stay in this world is almost up, if I don't go home, I will will disappear..."

"What should I do to keep you?" Fu Anyu asked hurriedly.

.But our relationship isn't over yet..."

Before she finished speaking, Fu Anyu took her into his arms and kissed her on the lips.

The little fox wagged its tail uneasily and beat her lightly, but let her possess himself.

"Our relationship is already worthy of this kiss." Moving her face away, Fu Anyu said softly, "Remember to come back to me."

But she woke up from the dream without waiting for the little fox's response.

When she opened her eyes, Fu Anyu still had some regrets in her heart, but this regret instantly turned into a panic when she found out that there was no Mingying on the bed or beside her.

"Mingying!" She hurriedly shouted, "Where are you?"

Ming Ying thought about herself, she was sleeping soundly in the nest under the bed, Fu Anyu even shouted a few times, but she didn't wake her up.

Fu Anyu subconsciously wanted to get out of bed to look for the fox, but only gave up when he found that his limbs were weak. He recited the meditation mantra to calm himself down, picked up the mobile phone beside the pillow, opened WeChat to find the little fox, and directly gave She sent a message.

Afterwards, she heard a loud fox call from under the bed on the other side, and hurriedly moved to the edge of the bed to look down.

A white fox with four tails is sleeping in the dog bed, the phone is placed on the cushion not far from her, the light of the screen has not gone out.

Fu Anyu looked at her phone subconsciously, so she saw the message she just sent to the little fox.

【Sister】Where are you?

The little fox did not give her any thought-provoking remarks, but just obediently remarked their current relationship.

After the screen went dark, Fu Anyu returned to the original position to lie down, retracted the message just now, stared at the ceiling, thinking about whether to bring the humanoid little fox to the Administration Bureau in advance, and make corrections relationship between them. for example…

But this flash of thought was quickly smothered by her.

She rubbed her eyebrows, feeling that she must have been affected by the dream just now.

Too absurd, let's wait until the little fox confirms that he wants to stay for a long time.

When Ming Ying woke up, it was already dark, and the smell of the food floated up from downstairs, arousing her appetite.

She stretched comfortably, turned into a human figure and put on pajamas, picked up the phone on the cushion, checked the time, and planned to wake Fu Anyu up for dinner.

She straightened up, only to find the bed empty.

Ming Ying turned on her phone in confusion, and walked out, thinking about sending a message to Fu Anyu to ask.

Who knew that the chat page showed "Sister retracted a message", the time was two hours ago.

Ming Ying was shocked and recalled that she was still in a dream at that time, and she didn't even hear the notification sound, she set the sound to be loud!

She was annoyed and ran downstairs with her mobile phone in her hand, shouting, "Sister! Are you downstairs!"

Fu Anyu just sorted out the tableware when he saw the little fox rushing down, his long hair in a mess.

She answered, put down the last dish, went to the bathroom downstairs to wash her hands, and took a comb to find Mingying.

"I'll help you comb your hair, and then you eat." Fu Anyu said.

Ming Ying didn't panic when she saw her, and obediently moved a stool and sat down.

Fu Anyu stood behind her, the comb just touched her hair, only to feel the phone in her pocket vibrate violently.

She frowned slightly, took out her mobile phone, and found that it was news from Hu Xiuli, and three messages came in a row.

[Hu Xiuli] checked it out, the location is not the entrance of the demon world.

【Hu Xiuli】The reason for the fluctuation of the demonic energy has also been found.

[Hu Xiuli] Just, we found a fox demon at the location, it is a white fox, female, and has only one tail, very badly injured, half of the body is covered in blood, He Che prepares Take her to the hospital for surgery.

The author has something to say:First update

Read The Duke's Passion