MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1272 Institutional armor

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The next morning, Lin Chi, who slept in the safe room, stretched out. Just right on the face of Shu Shu and Shu Yao.

Seeing that both the brother and the sister are staring at themselves, Lin Chi yawned and asked: "What?"

"Let's go out for activities, ‘Little Master?’” Shu Wei scratched his head impatiently: “We have been locked up here for two days! It’s really boring, saying good assassination of the general?”

"Don't say it's a general, and any of my commanders can easily kill you."

Speaking of this, Lin Chi appeared in front of the eyes of the nose and face, so he added another sentence: "Except for serious injuries."

After re-sitting the lord's seat, every day someone sends delicious meals to the room. Because Lin Chi did not need to eat at all, those "collector-level" dishes were solved by the brothers and sisters.

At the beginning, Lin Chi planned to train them as secret assassins before they accepted the two to be followers. As a result, the problem was solved very easily. It seems that these two children do not need to perform any tasks.

"Hey, let's go out and have fun!" He stayed in the house for a few days, sulking and sulking: "Otherwise I will kidnap you!"

"You can try it." Lin Chi lifted his right arm and showed the organ device on his arm.

"Less master, I also feel that I have been too boring in the house." Shu Yao stood aside and said softly.

"Wait a minute, I will say to the guards, they will protect your safety, remember not to stroll around the palace."

Lin Chizheng spoke and heard a soft knock on the door. He put on a gray robes and stood at the door and asked, "Who?"

"Less Lord, General Qin asked for it." The sound of Shen Wenchong sounded outside the door.

"Okay, I will be there soon." Lin Chi said to come to the mirror and combed his short hair.

As the lord of the Flame City, the basic grooming etiquette still has to be.

After washing, he returned to the main hall of the Flame Palace, and saw that General Qin had already waited in the hall in front of the throne.

"What's the matter?" Lin Chi asked casually.

Today's General Qin, still wearing the set of black armor with great pressure. After Lin Chi’s question, he immediately raised his head and looked at his lord with the black eyes exposed in the gap of the helmet:

"It is time to declare your identity to all the subjects of Yanfeng City, and the Lord."

"Oh, they still don't know that I am back." Lin Chi leaned on the cold metal throne.

"Yes, now your people think that the young master was killed by the criminals." General Qin nodded: "To avoid confusion, let them know that you have returned safely."

"This is also true." Lin Chi agreed.

While speaking, he launched the "Lord Mode" that can only be used when sitting on the throne, and checked the order of the city.

In the "Order Status" column, the "chaotic" red text is displayed. The reason for the confusion is also indicated by a small line:

“The loss of the lord, some residents in the city fell into panic.”

At this time, except for some residents outside the slums, most of the residents in the city of Flamewind did not know that the Lord had been resurrected. As the residents of the city do not usually go to dangerous slums, the news of the poor is difficult to pass in.

If there is no lord, some residents of Yanfeng City may rebel or flee to other territories.

But the current situation is not solved by just showing a face:

"General Qin, I have a problem."

"You please speak." General Qin bowed his head.

"My style is very bad in the residents of Yanfeng City. Is that true?"

Upon hearing this question, General Qin hesitated and slowly replied: "This is the case."

Lin Chi knew that the young master before being "attached" by himself was synonymous with waste wood. Although he inherited the status of the previous lord, he completely ignored the political affairs. He just went around every day to play with water or hide in the water. Sleeping in the bedroom.

It is precisely because the young master is a salted fish that there will be an assassin of Zhaoluo.

Obviously, if you still appear in the original appearance, even if you can convince the subjects through the efforts of the latter, they will still be questioned before they see the results.

In this case, what to do is already obvious.

"I need a set of armor, as well as a heavy-duty helmet, which can completely cover the face." Lin Chi put forward his own request to General Qin: "Similar to the armor you wear, should you find it in the arsenal?"

"There is there, but will you wear it too much?" asked General Qin.

"Did you not see my strength?" Lin Chi smiled: "No problem."

"Well, I immediately sent someone to take it." General Qin looked at the body of the young master and asked: "Do you have any specific needs? For example, colors and styles."

"Well, when it comes to this..."

Lin Chi thought about it and described his style of equipment. After getting the data, General Qin whispered a few words to the red guards around him, and the soldier immediately left the main hall.

"Please wait a moment, the things you want will arrive soon."

"Well, trouble you."

While Lin Chi spoke, another soldier came to the main hall and held a set of silver light armor in his hands. It was the set of armor of the assassin Zhao Luo who was killed yesterday.

As soon as he saw this armor, Shen Wenchong, who was very interested in ancient organs, immediately showed his eyes.

"Less Lord, this is the organ device that you wanted yesterday, and it has been washed." General Qin said: "But this set of body armor does not match your body shape."

"I know, but this set of clothes is suitable for my body shape, you say yes, Shen Wenchong?" Lin Chi looked at the white man on the right side of the throne.

"Ah...Yes." Shen Wenchong gave a subconscious answer, then suddenly opened his mouth:

"Do you want to give it to me?"

"Well, you saved my life, and rewards are justified."

Speaking of this, Lin Chi stared at the excited Shen Wenchong: "Would you be able to control the ancient armor?"

"Of course, there is a lot of research on organ surgery." Shen Wenchong forced the suppression of his inner excitement, and his body was slightly trembled, but still exposed his emotions.

"This armor is given to you, go find a place to change it." Lin Chi made a decision.

Shen Wenchong took the armor from the soldier with his trembling hands, then immediately turned and ran wildly and disappeared behind the hall.

Watching the guy leave, General Qin commented with a serious voice: "He is not suitable as a guard, less master."

"His character is not so ‘slow and calm,' but he saved my life.” Lin Chi smiled and said: “And his loyalty is unmatched, and it is suitable for my personal guard.”

As an old entourage that he had recruited before, Shen Wenchong naturally cannot betray. Lin Chi’s most trusted **** is also the “young man”.

- However, Mo Liya has not returned yet?

Lin Chi thought, and took a look at the main entrance of the palace.

Read The Duke's Passion