MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1279 Wolf cavalry slaughter

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At dusk, a carriage bumped on the dirt road and passed through the slum outside the city.

"Get out, let go!"

The coachman snarled loudly, driving away the pedestrians on the road, watching the animal fur on the driver's body, and the scarred faces. The roadside people whispered:

"It’s another businessman in the War Marks..."

"The car tastes so heavy, should it be something like goat's milk?"

"They are all intruders. Why do you want to let the merchants come in?"

The wooden wheels ran over the yellow land and brought a lot of smoke. Under the cover of the darker days, the road people did not notice that something seems to be dripping down the carriage.

The wagons of the war-stricken merchants quickly passed through the slums, left the territory of the Flamewind City, and entered the mountains surrounded by mountains.

The coachman looked back and saw no one was tracking. He did not return to the territory of the Battle Mark City, but drove directly into a dark cave.

"Ready!" he shouted.

With the sound of the driver, several dozen pairs of green eyes were lit up in the cave. The snow wolves lurking in the dark, as well as the ferocious riders, bypassed the carriage and prepared to launch the charge again toward the flame city of the mountain.

Although the city of Yanfeng is protected by a tall city wall, in the slums outside the wall, there are also warehouses for storing grain and materials.

The goal of the warring wolf cavalry is one of those warehouses outside the city.

The "driver" who provided them with information, had found the weakest warehouse, and used the liquid dripping behind the carriage to mark the way forward for the snow wolves.

These wolves who live on the plateau are more sensitive than other wolves. The wolf cavalry do not need a light source at all. As long as they arrive at their destination by snow wolf, they can directly plunder!

The wolf cavalry pulled out the scimitar, and the curved blade flashed cold in the moonlight. After checking the weapons, they clenched the reins, the white-skinned wolves, and began to charge toward the mountain.

Their most familiar looting... started.

Following the traces of the scent left by the carriage, the wolf cavalry rushed forward under the cover of the night, rushing into the “urban poverty belt” of Yanfeng City.

The Snow Wolf slammed down in the night, and because of the high-speed looting, the Wolf Cavalry was only equipped with light leather armor and a short scimitar for close combat.

However, to get rid of the yellow-skinned guards in the warehouse, it is enough to rely on these weapons. As long as you sneak out before the arrival of the Flamewind Army, there is no need for other weapons at all -

The wind and the wind of the bow and arrow teared the quiet night. A wolf cavalry rushing in front fell from the wolf's back, and his body was stepped on by the companions who couldn't do so. After a crisp fracture, it became a "sludge" that could not be seen.

Seeing the companion dying, the wolf cavalry who were still charging immediately pulled their knives, widened their eyes under the dark sky, and tried hard to see the road ahead.

Then they caught their eyes on the soldiers who were tearing apart the black cloth and the deadly "guard belt" that was exposed from the black pegs and spliced ​​by wooden pickets.


As the captain made a command, the wolf cavalry immediately dispersed toward the roadblocks, but the two wolf cavalry rushing to the front had no time to dodge.

After the horrible flesh and blood rips, the sorrow of the snow wolf is followed. The snow wolf, whose body was nailed by a stake, struggled hard, but only made the wound deeper.

As for the rider on it, at this time it is a **** "human stick". The thick plasma spews out from the wound of the abdomen. The whole person can't even say a word, and it has already been neat and sloppy. hell.

At this point, the wolf cavalry are very clear that they must have been ambushed. But what makes them difficult to understand is: How did the Flamewind Army learn about this course of action?

Since the Lord took office, the pace has been slow, and there is no threat to the flames. At this time, it seems like a god, completely understand the action route of the warrior cavalry, and set up an ambush in advance.

But even so, the wolf cavalry did not retreat, still continue to move forward.

For these nomadic peoples living in the plateau, the option of “falling away from the wild” simply does not exist. Even if they know that the enemy has found themselves, the fanatical warriors will never retreat, but instead they will blow the buffalo horns. horn.

"Smash their skulls in the name of the wolf god!" The tall wolf cavalry captain barked.


He waved a scimitar to block an arrow coming in from the front, and the whole man suddenly "flyed" from the wolf's back, like a tiger, rushing to the front of the flames of the red armor.

At the same time, his snow wolf mount also speeded up, opened the mouth full of fangs, biting the enemy's head!

Unlike ordinary cavalry, even if only one person is left, the wolf cavalry is not alone. Their wolves are also fierce warriors. They can even complete the subtle cooperation with the master and instantly defeat more than three enemies!

Unfortunately, this time in front of the wolf cavalry, is not an ordinary warrior.

The Red Armor soldier stepped sideways, avoiding the snow wolf that was thrown, and then took a step forward in a moment, and slammed into the flank of the beast.


The scimitar in the captain's hand, squatting on the iron-gray square shield, made a dull bang. His body just landed, and several arrows flew past him, killing two other wolf cavalry from the rear.

- Is it an elite force?

Realizing that he was not facing ordinary soldiers, the cavalry captain slammed on the big shield and swooped forward again. The curved knife in his hand went straight to the rear of the shield, trying to open the other's throat.


His wrists were hot and the scimitars were released.

The cavalry captain jerked back his right hand, only to find that his hand had disappeared, leaving only a neat cut.

The voice of this mad warrior is like a wounded wolf. Even if one hand was cut off, he still didn't retreat. He didn't know when there was another scimitar in his left hand, and the speed of the charge was faster.

"Wolf God -"

The captain of the cavalry roared to express his beliefs, but the sound stopped with the movements of the body.

Under the gaze of the other wolf cavalry, the head of the brave man flew out and brought out a curved blood line that fell in the soil ten meters away.

A slim figure, slowly stepping out from behind the big shield, violently reaching out and tearing off the red cloak on his body.

Known as the "Flame Wind Slayer", the commander of the squadron, Silver Frost, fluttered in the night wind. The long knife in the hand that had just smashed the enemy's head did not have a trace of blood.

She raised her long knife with her right hand, and the tip of the knife was facing a wolf cavalry that was rushing, and some cheeks on her cheeks showed a scornful smile:

"To kill you, I am enough alone."

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