MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1286 Assassin of the Brotherhood

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Not long after the arrival of the Guard, the Flamewind Army, which was responsible for maintaining law and order, quickly blocked the area.

For the sake of safety, although Lin Chi wanted to stay outside to investigate, the result was forced to "escort" Shen Wenchong and several other guards back to the Flame Palace.

As for the results of the follow-up investigation, it was reported to him by the members of the Guard:

"Lord, we checked the belongings of these assassins and found nothing to prove their identity. But from the point of view of skin color, it should come from the deserted city."

"That is to say, the deserted city is also eyeing me." Lin Chi blinked.

"No, it's still not certain." The short **** of the gray coat said quickly: "The situation in the deserted city is rather special, and this may not be a sign of invasion."

"How to say?"

After Lin Chi’s question, the **** bowed his head: “The deserted city has a bad environment and can only allow a small number of people to survive. Therefore, many people are displaced from their homes and scattered in almost all territories.”

“Well, and there is an assassin there...” Shen Wenchong looked gloomy: “A large number of residents who came out of the deserted city became assassins. They heard that they have established dozens of assassins, and one of them is the most famous. The organization is called 'Brothers'."

"So, these assassins may also be hired by others to kill me." Lin Chi smiled.

"Yes, and this is very likely." The short guard nodded: "The assassins in the deserted city are notorious, but they have not invaded other territories for more than a decade. However, the previous lord once said: ' Beware of the kingdom in the desert...

"I think his ‘prevention’ should be something else.” Lin Chi said thoughtfully.

After listening to the report of the guard, leaning on the cold metal throne, Lin Chi grew a sigh of relief.

- Your own whereabouts should not be so easily leaked out. Since the assassins have found the position of the lord so easily, there must be a ghost inside the Flame Palace.

This time, the assassin must have been hired by "that person". However, the actions of the assassins are somewhat unnormal.

After the guards who reported the situation left, only Lin Chi and Shen Wenchong were left in the main hall. Looking at the loyal guards standing around, Lin Chi whispered:

"You don't think those assassins are weird?"

"There are few masters, and they are indeed aware of the anomalies." Shen Wenchong said: "As an assassin in the deserted city, they are too unprofessional."

"I think these people are just bait." Lin Chi said his own inference: "They are not so much to assassinate me, but rather release a signal: someone intends to assassinate the lord."

"You have been more careful recently." Shen Wenchong's expression is very serious: "The next day will protect you all day."

"Don't be too nervous, Shen Wenchong." Lin Chi smiled and said: "I am not so easy to die."

At present, the soldiers of the Flamewind Army are searching for "guests" in the city, regardless of what the assassins intend to do, they should start within a few days.

What I have to do now is to wait for the poisonous snake lurking in the dark to reveal the fangs, and then solve the other party simply and neatly.


"Okay, I am old, I can't live outside..."

Some blunt flames continue to reverberate in the dirty alley. A ragged, dark-skinned old lady kneels on the ground and prays for the soldiers to exalt their hands. Next to the **** bin next to it, there are half of the potatoes.

In the face of the old man who spent the past few years in the suburbs, the two soldiers also could not bear it, but since they received the order, they still have to do their due diligence.

"Stand up, Flamewind City is expelling outsiders, you must leave." Soldiers whispered.

They also just received instructions to expel all the residents from the deserted city. Although I don't know what happened, as a soldier, there is absolutely no need to ask the reasons for the order.

"I beg you..."

The old lady who scavenged the sorrow pleaded on the ground, and it should be that the position of the right foot was empty. Seeing that the other side was missing one foot, the two flames soldiers looked at each other and walked up and left, and put the old man up:

"We will send you out," said the soldier.

"I don't want to go..."

The old lady who lost her leg was still pleading. The two soldiers quickly realized that her body was extremely thin and only needed to be supported by one person.

Probably because of the long-term hunger, the old man's body is very "light", and the soldier can easily hold her upper arm with one hand. The two ignored the old man's words and continued to take the outsider and walked toward the city gate.

"I have been here for business for more than ten years. Why should I drive me away?"

A bronze-coloured woman on the street squatted with her arms around her, and three soldiers were around her, preparing to take enforcement measures. The city of Flamewind, which had just been quiet for two days, seems to be in chaos again.

While passing by a group of passers-by, the two soldiers who supported the old man heard the whispering voice of the crowd:

"Is it heard? The attack on the commercial street..."

"It seems that someone is going to assassinate the lord? It is an assassin who hired a deserted city."

"What a joke, how can the lord appear there? It must be in the Flame Palace."

After listening to the voices of these people, the old man was shaking his body and shaking even more. She coughed and questioned the two soldiers who were "festishing" themselves:

"Just because of this... I want to drive me away, do you think I am an assassin? Ah? Look at my hand, can you really hurt people?"

"I'm sorry." The soldier holding the old man's arm bowed his head: "This is the order."

"You can come back in a few days," said another soldier next to him.

That being said, the two soldiers are also very clear, what they said is nothing more than a statement to comfort the elderly. Now that the incident of assassination of the lord has been provoked, in order to guard against the assassination, the deserted city immigrants in the city should be permanently expelled.

"I want to... drink water." The old lady said twitchingly.

"Not at the moment." The soldier refused her request.

"I beg you to let me drink some water, I have to die of thirst..." The old man's weak body was slightly stunned, and his back coughed.


Seeing that the old man was dying, the two soldiers whispered a few words and came to the nearest wooden house and knocked on the wet wooden door.

"anyone there?"

After about five seconds, the wooden door opened to the inside, appearing in front of the three, is a very suspicious figure:

"Is there something..." There was a low male voice under the hood of the other person.

The man was wearing a black cloak with a strange mask on his face, revealing only a pair of bloodshot eyes.

"Are you uncomfortable?" a soldier asked confusedly.

"This is... my hobby, hehe." The guy smirked and seemed to be trying to cover it.

Seeing the occupants in the house is extremely strange, the two soldiers who wanted to find water for the old lady, put the old lady next to the door and let her body lean against the outer wall of the wooden house.

"Please take off your face and we have to check it out."

While speaking, the soldier pressed his right hand on the hilt of the dagger, and the other soldier next to him immediately stepped forward and strode into the living room of the house.

Compared with the suspicious homeowner, the layout of the house is normal, that is, ordinary wooden tables and chairs, and several porcelain bottles placed on the wooden table.

However, the vague smell of blood in the house still made the two soldiers feel a strange sight.

"Please come in and sit." The man with a hood smiled.

"Get the hood off immediately, hurry up." The soldier urged.

In the face of this strange homeowner, the two soldiers have begun to lose patience, and the two men draw swords at the same time, alertly watching the suspicious person's hand movements.

"Please calm down, I am really not a bad person!" The man hurriedly surrendered and said that he did not have a weapon in his hand: "I am just an ordinary resident, really."

"Less nonsense, hurry!"

A soldier finally lost his patience and reached out to remove the mask on his face.


A muffled sound came from behind, causing the two soldiers to suddenly turn back.

Then their eyes immediately slid round:

The old lady who lost her right leg, I don’t know when she has stood up, she is leaning against the door, full of wrinkled faces, showing a kind smile.

The two soldiers had no time to make other moves, and the neck suddenly became hot, the body suddenly lost strength, and the five senses began to disappear quickly.

At the last moment of the sensory remnant, they seemed to hear the voice of the "old man":

"The Flamewind Army is really..."

"too weak."

The old lady said that she raised her right hand and waved it into a young woman's appearance. The brown light leather armor wrapped around her body was a good figure.

Looking at the two soldiers who were pierced by the silver needle and fell to the ground. A scornful smile appeared on the face of her wheat complexion:

"Do they have any conscription? How can a woman who is such a woman be a soldier?"

"It is precisely because of this that our plan can be so smooth..."

The suspicious person in the hood said that he pulled off the mask on his face, revealing a bumpy face, like a pale face that had been soaked in strong acid:

“When is it done? The employer wants us to resolve it as soon as possible.”

"Before the next night, the head of the Flamewind City Lord moved." The young woman with four scorpions on her head laughed and kicked the two soldiers who kicked the coma.

"If it is not for you to increase the difficulty, you should have done it just now." The disfigured man sighed.

"The Flames are indeed waste, but their guards are not rookies. You see the action of the white man? We are not his opponents at all." The young woman shook her head: "Don’t worry, as long as the ceremony is completed, we You can get the chance."

"After the low-level assassins you hired, the guards around the lord must be more strict." The man stretched out his burnt right hand and touched the hole in his face: "It could have been solved with a lower tone, and it is necessary to increase the difficulty. ”

"Hah, this is the real ‘asserman’!”

The woman with wheat color laughed and looked at the two poor worms that fell to the ground: "No matter what you think, I want to be famous!"

"How many times have you said, the assassin wants to keep a low profile..." The man continued to sigh.

"Ordinary assassins need to be low-key, we are the assassins of the Brotherhood!"

Having said that, the young woman erected a finger with enthusiasm and began to teach history to her companions: "Do you know? According to my investigation, the original founder of the Brotherhood should be a name thousands of years ago. Called 'Bayek' man."

"You said it several times." The disfigured man can't help but support.

Ignoring the other's spit, the young woman continued: "But this Bayek is not an assassin. He is the 'guardian' of the country. The residents of the whole country know him. People give him various kinds of entrustment. He It is also fully accepted."

"So what do you want to say?" The disfigured man stared at his unreliable companion.

"The assassin doesn't have to be low-key, not to mention that low-key is not my acting style." The woman smiled slightly: "Think about it, if we can sneak into the heavily guarded Flame Palace, assassinate the young lord, then we will also Will become a legendary assassin who stays on the record of the Brotherhood, and can be buried in the tomb of the six legendary assassins after death!"

"I don't want to talk about things after death." The man raised his hand and interrupted the woman's long story: "Can you finish it soon? Don't make extra money."

"I know, I know……"

The woman irritated her hand, as if she was still not happy, she bent down and dragged the body of the two Flames soldiers to the center of the living room, then picked up a porcelain bottle on the table and took out a finely crafted sculpture from the inside. Knife:

"If you want to play, you will play big. The end of Flamewind City is coming soon!"

During the speech, the woman’s face once again showed a cheerful smile, and a crumpled yellow book was drawn from her arms. The cover was painted with a giant scorpion pattern, and a small line was written next to it:

"Sand King".

"Can these two sacrifices really summon the gods of the deserted city?" The disfigured man said with a dubious suspicion, focusing on the book in the woman's hand: "You should not be playing me." What?"

"Who said that it was two sacrifices, did the owner not be tied to the basement? Bring her up, we have three sacrifices."

"What is the difference between three and two?"

Although the man is still questioning, but seeing that the woman has begun to prepare, or walked into the back of the warehouse, opened the wooden board to the cellar.

The woman who curled up and lay on the ground kept whispering, her hair lumpy, and the blood ran down from the wound on her forehead, staining the original white skin.

Seeing the man’s disfigured horrible face, the original owner of the bundled house cried even more. Looking down at the woman’s miserable appearance, the man licked his broken lips:

"It's up to you, ma'am."

Read The Duke's Passion