MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1289 Assassin hunting

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"The sand king is dead? It's really boring."

The woman with the wheat complexion kicked the meat on the floor: "I was so quick to summon it, so soon I finished? The people haven’t played enough..."

"Don't forget, our mission is to assassinate the lord." The disfigured man stood by the window and stared at the street outside with a vigilant look: "If you drag it down, they will search for it sooner or later."

"It doesn't matter, I have a bigger one here..." The female assassin eagerly put her right hand into her pocket: "Before I came, I stole a lot of good things from the Brotherhood."

"They will kill you." The disfigured man said, looking up and staring at the bleak sky:

An eagle is soaring over the city, hovering round and round here. In urban areas without prey, this is not the case.


The disfigured man stared at the eagle with his brows locked. When he was about to talk, the woman who was sitting at the **** magic circle read the book, smiling at the opening:

"Grant, you think I use this -"


The disfigured man named Grint suddenly fell to the ground, and the glass smashed in front of the window shattered. A white feather arrow broke through the window and flew into the house. Under the white cloth tied behind the arrow, the white light suddenly appeared.


The living room was filled with gray smoke, and the two of them coughed. Grint grabbed the woman's arm and dragged the other person out of the window behind.

"It's a falcon! We were discovered!" Grint's voice was very tense.

"But... is that impossible?" The woman looked at him with a confused look.

It is said that the very few top assassins of the Brotherhood have the special ability to train the Falcons. These assassins don't even have to investigate by themselves. As long as they pass the eyes of the Falcon, they can see the position and movement of the enemy.

Since there is no assassin who can train Falcon in the current fraternity, Grint has not thought that this will happen. But now, since the other party has launched an attack, the situation is already clear:

"The mission failed. There is an assassin who can train the Falcon. We can't be his opponent!"

"You care more, just coincidence?" The woman looked at her companion with disappointment and stood up to the other side of the alley.

Although it is rarely forced to this point, when they are discovered, the two will immediately split up.

This is not only easier to escape tracking, encounters a single tracker, but also can chase an enemy while chasing one of the assassins, and the other person completes the anti-kill.

The woman hid in the low bushes, and the flexible body directly crouched on the ground. The whole person seemed to be completely integrated with the shrub, and there was no trace of the outside.

She took the short-handled flying knife from her arms and held it in her hand, slowing down her breathing rate, and the left ear was attached to the ground to listen to the nearby sound.

As an assassin rookie of the Brotherhood, her ability to distinguish sounds is a must. Just listening to the footsteps can judge the number of enemies. Each person’s body shape can even be inferred by tiny metal percussion. What weapons are carried by the other party.

Even if the enemy is really a top assassin, it is impossible to make no sound when walking. If the guy dares to approach, this dangerous female assassin will immediately throw a poison blade knife, and the other side will come to a dead net!

After listening for a moment, she only heard the voice of Grint running west. It seems that the enemy who just shot the arch is not close to this area.

- In this case, how can you take the initiative to fight back?

Thinking of this, the female assassin licked her dry lips and gave a weak laugh.


"What are you laughing at? Rookie."

Behind him, the sound of a weak male voice, the horrified female assassin instantly turned back, between the electric light and flint, understood a horrible fact:

If there is no footsteps, it means that the person who talked has long been hiding in the bushes, but the self-perceived ability of himself has never been able to discover the existence of this person!


The woman has not been able to see the other side's appearance, the neck suddenly hurts, the whole person instantly loses consciousness, and the short-handle flying knife in the hand is taken out by inertia and hits the wall five meters away.

After stunned the female assassin, a figure of a leaf-covered figure stood behind the bushes, and he yanked off his "Jili suit" to reveal the upper part of the bandage.

He looked down at the female assassin who was stunned by himself, and then sighed long, the bruised and beautiful face, showing the depressed expression of hating iron:

"After I left, the selection criteria for the Brotherhood were really getting lower and lower..."

Ren You raised his right hand to the front, and the falcon hovering in the air fell on his hand. He touched the falcon's gray-black head with his left hand, then took a note from his pocket and tied it to the talons with thin wires.

"Old man, give the information to ‘night shadow’, go.”

Received the signal from the master, as if the "old man" who can understand the human voice fanned his wings and flew in the direction of the Flame Palace.

Ren Youben thought that only one person in the fraternity's assassin would choose to solve the problem alone. Now that he has learned that the other party has two people, it is better to let the assassin's guys take the assassin first.

As for himself, he is going to hunt down another assassin who fled. According to the experience of Renyou, the ability of another person is much more powerful than this unreliable woman.

As you can imagine, what you are facing is a hard battle. But before that...


In his mouth, he squirted a blood, and reached for the painful side of his waist. His legs began to tremble.

"Damn General Qin, the hand is too heavy." He whispered.


At the same time, Grint has re-applied a black hood and ran on the narrow streets.

I have already discovered that there should be a large-scale raid in the city soon. My current imperative is to take advantage of the last chance before the army arrives and find a way to escape from the city of Flamewind!

Of course, Grin will naturally not enter the city unprepared. He has installed a simple grapple from the wall on the west side of Yanfeng City.

As long as you use the shackles with ropes attached and align with the hooks, you can create a temporary "rope ladder" that passes over the tall walls and enters the jungle near the city of Flamewind.

Once you hide in the forest, you are safe. Although I don't know if that stupid woman can successfully escape, but now I can't manage other people.

"It's important to keep your life..." Grint whispered to himself.

In the Brotherhood, no one knows more about what happens when the assassin is arrested than Grin:

Before he was arrested last time, he was actually a handsome man, and unfortunately, he was just a fledgling novice assassin.

Grint's first assassination was successful, the goal was very happy, but unfortunately the Greene who successfully killed the target, but failed to escape from the scene, was caught by the guard, and then...

Recalling the cruel torture he suffered in the underground torture room, Grint couldn't help but shudder. In countless nightmares, the torture room reappeared again and again.

Although he was rescued, Grint was already ruined, and the handsome guy who could have screamed at the girl became a "ghost face" who could scare the child.

"I will run away." Grint kept repeating this thought.

He is not the one with the strongest assassination, but he is definitely the one who can run the most. This time, this assassin who is legendary in running skills will also escape in peacetime!

Rushing into the trees across the street, Grint checked the weapons he carried. I was about to continue on my way, but I heard a scream of **** across the street.

"Mom, is that the reason for that arrow..."

Grint immediately realized that the smoke created by the "explosive arrow" that the other party had shot through the window actually contained the smell information for tracking. Seeing that the two black big dogs are rushing, Greene takes out the handcuffs and picks up his right eye to quickly aim.



The dog that ran on the left screamed and fell to the ground, and the head of the arrow was still bleeding. The dog on the right did not run a few steps, but was also shot by Grint's handcuffs.

Although it was solved the chasing hound, Grint did not dare to take it lightly, but turned and continued to run wild, and looked back and forth from time to time.

- I just killed the other dog and didn't see anyone. Grint will not rest until the tracker is killed.

"I didn't think there was an assassin who could train the Falcon in the city of Flamewind..." he thought quietly in his heart.

I thought it was an easy task, but it ended up with a difficult opponent. If the woman doesn't lick the moth, the assassination should have ended soon.

Thinking of the happy appearance of the woman calling "Sand King", Grin's face was quick, and the ugly appearance became even more embarrassing.

He walked through the bushes as fast as possible, hid in the neighborhood, bypassing two dark blue houses, and greeted with a large number of rock buildings of varying heights.

The alleys here are all in all directions, the internal structure is extremely complicated, and there are quite a few dead ends. For newcomers or road fools, this place can be said to be a nightmare.

But in Grint's view, it is a great escape place.

When he first arrived in the Flamewind City, he immediately investigated the "maze", circled it a few times, and remembered every route inside.

There is no doubt that this place is the perfect place to open the enemy. Now the Falcon has not been flying in the air. The two hounds have also been killed. If there is only one person, they can just get rid of him here!

- But the other person may think so too...

There was a sudden dangerous thought in Grin's mind, and he was very hesitant.

If the follower is from Flamewind City, the follower's understanding of this complex building area may be deeper than himself. If that person has already expected his escape route, and is ready here in advance...

"This is impossible."

Grint shook his head hard, drove out the idea of ​​frustration, and continued to run wild in the empty alley.

This building area is unusually quiet. It seems that there is no one in it. The residents who originally lived here must have chosen to take refuge in the collective because of the matter of Shawang.

For the assassin, this kind of empty situation is not a good phenomenon. It is the right choice to mix into the crowd.

However, the tracker should have only one person, as long as he can get rid of him here...

Grint thought, passing through the deep alley, turning a corner at the second intersection in front, suddenly black.


A heavy ankle was on his waist, which made Greene's back two steps back. The disfigured assassin threw a flying knife against the shadow, but heard a crisp clang.

Realizing that the hidden weapon he was throwing was blocked, Grint ran with the opportunity of retreating, and turned back and threw a black ball backward.

The thick white smoke suddenly blocked the way behind him, and got a short escape from Grint. Grint turned left at the next alley and just rushed into another lane, and he heard the wind breaking from behind the bow and arrow.

"How fast..."

Grint hides in the dark corner, nervously staring at the alley behind him, slowly raising his handcuffs and aiming at the narrow passage.

At this point, he can be sure that his pessimistic inference has come true - the situation is really moving in the worst direction, the enemy has predicted in advance that the assassin will hide here, has set a trap.

In this case, only other means can be used...

Grin reached out and grabbed the bricks protruding from the wall, and easily turned over the three-meter-high wall into a comfortable "farmyard."

Even in the midst of a desperate encirclement, Grint has the final escape mode - disguised as an enemy, mixed in the enemy and fled.

Judging from the cluttered footsteps nearby, there are more than one enemy in this building. The person I saw just now, wearing a black dress and covering his face, if you can pretend to be the guy, you have a chance to escape the birth!

Gryt hid in the house and pulled off a piece of black cloth at the window to start a simple make-up. For the Assassin of the Brotherhood, this level of easiness can be said to be a compulsory course.

"I won't... die here."

In the situation of life and death, Grint's hand is making a mask is still very stable, he cut the cloth with a knife, and made a shape similar to the masked person just wrapped in his face.

There are more than one enemy ambushing here, but there are many people. What Grint is going to do now is to mix into the enemy's camp and look for opportunities to escape!

But... What Grinter didn't know was that he was tracking his own time, not just other assassins.

There is another follower that he dreamed of not appearing here:

"Lord, you can't go in, it's too dangerous..." Shen Wenchong tried to discourage.

"Don't worry, I will grab him by myself."

The little child standing at the mouth of the alley showed a confident smile on his delicate face.