MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1293 Professional hunter

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For the vast majority of men, "His is a slap" is totally unacceptable.

However, Lin Chi’s current situation is the opposite: he follows himself as the son of “countercurrent”.

Swallowing a bit of old blood pouring into his mouth, Lin Chi extended his right hand to Zhen.

But this time, he is not looking down on the other side, but standing on the same "horizontal line" as the other side.

"Come on, I will take you to my father." Lin Chi said.

Now, of course, you can explain it, but telling the truth in front of the guards is likely to cause unnecessary trouble. For Jane’s misunderstanding, he intends to solve it privately.


Looking at the friendlyness of the "Lord", Jane did not say anything, just nodded, ignored Lin Chi’s handshake, and turned to walk to the side:

"Lead the way."

Is this guy usually like this?

Looking at the "cold" teenager, Lin was almost laughing.

For a long time, he has been a life-saving person in the eyes of this child. He always shows very obedience. It can be said that he is responsive, and he does not see the qualities of the soldiers.

But now, when I misread my identity, the boy from the Soviet superpowers finally returned to the original normal form.

Lin Chi knows that what he sees now is not a loyal servant of the countercurrent, but a treasure of the military model.

However, in the current situation of the upcoming war, this state of Jane may be more useful.

The premise is that the personality of this boy has not changed again...

Only a few steps away, Jan suddenly sneezed, and the expression on the little face suddenly rose up, and made a confused voice with flames: "Where...what is it? I am hunting..."

"Oh, it's me." Lin Chi waved at the teenager who switched personality.

"But I don't know you?" The child scratched his head.

Hearing the inconsistency of the boy, Shen Wenchong, who did not know the truth, asked with a calm face: "Are you wearing garlic, kid?"

"Who are you?" Zhen stared at Shen Wenchong with a puzzled look, and looked down at his hand: "What about my bow?"

"You forgot, I invited you to come over." In the face of Jane, who was temporarily lost his memory, Lin Chi’s beginning of the road was sloppy: "I am a local lord. I also like hunting, usually collecting a lot of spoils, as well as bows and arrows. Sword, are you going to take a look?"

"Ah, you like this too!" The child with super powers, the green eyes really let out the light, scared the guards to jump.

"I really like to hunt in the forests of Siberia. I often meet bears and wolves..." Jane said with great enthusiasm.

The light in the eyes of the child kept flashing, making the guards next to them look silly. But he did not notice it at all, just staring at Lin Chi’s hand: "Your hand is too smooth, not like a hunter?"

"I usually send the men to hunt and wait for the spoils to be delivered to the door." Lin Chi smiled.

"It's so boring, is it better to hunt yourself? Feel the life of the prey disappearing with the blood flowing out, very happy!"

Jane’s expression looks innocent and ignorant. The words spoken in her mouth are very dangerous. Looking at the other person’s happy look, Lin Chi continued to play hot iron: “Let me go back and see?”

Although I don’t know the personality of this hunter, I have never encountered it before. But now Jane seems to be very easy to deceive. If he is brought back to the palace, there may be opportunities to directly receive the skills.

"Ah, good! Let's go!" The teenager waved a small fist.

Listening to the dialogue between the two people, the guards next to them can be described as collectively forced, and they do not know what the situation is. However, the orders given by the lords will still be implemented loyally.

Under the **** of the members of the Guard, the two quickly arrived at the Flame Palace. Looking at the flames of the soldiers standing on both sides of the road, as well as the weapons racks that can be seen everywhere in the front yard of the palace, the teenager’s eyes widened with envy:

"How handsome……"

Compared with Zhen’s protagonist, this personality seems to be more in line with the characteristics of ancient maps. His “personal design” should be a hunter active in the Siberian forest, and should be living in the jungle for a long time. The "real world" has been exchanged.

Realizing that he could easily fool the present Jane, Lin Chi took the child to the safe house behind the main hall and stood in front of the door and waved at Shen Wenchong:

"I have a little personal thing to say to him, you are waiting outside."

"Follow the orders." Shen Wenchong looked at Jane with some worries, but did not ask.

The two entered the bedroom of the young master. When Jane stretched his hand to touch the wolf skin carpet on the ground, Lin Chi asked:

"Have you killed someone?"

If you want to send the current Jane to fight, you must first find out whether he can fight. According to Lin’s previous experience, some of the children’s personality did not even know that they had super powers, let alone fight.

What Lin wants to ask now is whether the child can kill. After he asked questions, Jane shook his long hair, and his face again showed a confused expression:

"Do you still need to ask?"


"Of course I have killed it, and there is more than one."

Speaking of this, Jane proudly put **** on the scissors hand: "To hunt in Siberia, killing is a must!"

"Is there a relationship between hunting and killing?" Lin Chi asked.

"Of course, there are a lot of exiles there, and there are **** poachers who are robbing me every day. At first I wanted to reason with them, but later I found that I used the knife faster!"

"You are too violent." Lin Chi smiled.

"Who is obstructing me, who am I going to kill? Isn't this the rule?" The long-haired teenager took a natural look and did not feel that he was wrong: "They want my life, everyone hurts each other, I only I won't be merciful."

"Well, this is very reasonable." Lin nodded and suddenly turned around: "Would you like to go hunting with me? I want to learn hunting skills with you."

In the information sent from the intelligence agencies, the gangsters wandering around the slums outside the Flamewind City were mentioned.

The gangsters have been robbing in the poverty zone outside the city. Shu Yu and Shu Yao seem to want to imitate the gangsters before they ambush outside the city and try to rob.

Now, although the soldiers in the group have helped to open the city outside, the gangsters can be said to be ghosts. They wanted to stop the gangsters by the way. After a few days, they didn’t even see a ghost shadow. They could only choose to give up.

However, in Lin Chi’s opinion, if you let the current cherished horses, you may be able to lead the snake out of the hole.

"Well, where are you going?" Jane nodded immediately.

"Outside the city is a natural hunting ground." Lin Chi looked at the teenager wearing a military coat, opened the lord mode and began to summon the commander:

"Don't wear this, I will prepare a set of armor for you before departure."

When people take off their military coats and put on a set of silver frivoles, the treasures at this time can be described as heroic and cool.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the boy who came out of the main room, Shen Wenchong’s eyes narrowed.

The silver armor of the boy was shining, and the recurve bow in his hand was black and shiny. At first glance, it was the fine wood. The long hair shook in the back, and the green eyes stared at the new line in his hand. Sighing voice:

"This is too strong? The lord is so powerful!"

The teenager who has been hunting with homemade bows and wooden knives for the first time, using such high-end equipment, was so excited that he began to stutter: "I... can I really use this? Can it!"

"Of course, this is a little bit of my intention to give the guests." Lin nodded.

These equipments were requested from General Qin, who were originally spare items belonging to the most elite soldiers in the group. Lin Chi can't guarantee that the equipment is of the best quality, but he can be sure that this set of equipment is definitely the most expensive thing in the flame arsenal.

At this time, he also put on the same silver frivolous, wearing a light helmet with his own double angle on his head. The golden lines of the flames, like the burning flame, extend from the shoulders to the ankles.

It is said that when the old lord was still alive, there was a general who was very "gorgeous". Although he was a man, his appearance was more glamorous than a woman.

The general did not wear armor on the battlefield, but wore a colorful thin coat similar to dancer costumes. After being scolded by the old lord, the general ordered the craftsmen to create extremely magnificent silver armor for the soldiers of their own units.

At this time, the armor of Lin Chi and Zhen was the "relics" of the general.

In fact, this line of work does not help hunting. However, in terms of attracting attention, this armor is definitely the strongest.

If you see two children in the city, they are wearing such luxurious equipment. Those lurking gangsters, I am afraid, will not be able to directly touch hands.

What Lin Chi has to do is to attract those guys to hook up, and then directly hit them all!

"The two of us are going out to hunt." Lin Chi swayed the recurve bow in his hand to Shen Wenchong.

"The guards will be personally protected." Shen Wenchong's expression is very serious.

Although I don't know why the young master suddenly went hunting, the members of the Guards have long been accustomed to the mavericks of the Lord. There is no doubt about this action.

"Without personal protection, you should stay away from me and don't be found." Lin Chi issued a new order.

"But the slums are still very dangerous." Shen Wenchong said: "There seems to be gangsters there."

"I brought the organ device, no problem." Lin Chi smiled.


After the dressing was completed, Lin Chi and Jane and several guards set off for the city.

It is completely different from the dilapidated situation at the time of the arrival. As the lord ordered the construction of the slums, the poverty belt surrounding the city of Flamewind clearly showed some vitality.

Residents outside the city are still ragged, but they don't have to worry about starving at least: the large amount of food sent from the city's grain depot is distributed to them every day.

Lin Chi certainly knows that the current Yanfeng City can be said to be burning money to burn food, and if this continues, the economy will probably not take long to collapse.

However, in the situation of the war, there is no need to worry about the economy.

The army supply in the city is still very abundant, and the morale is much higher than before. As long as they can completely defeat the army of the Battle Mark City and occupy the territory, they will be able to obtain a large amount of grain and grass in the territory, as well as livestock raised by the war marks on the plateau.

It has always been the battle of the wolf cavalry in the plundering of the city of flames, and those guys should also taste the plunder. But before that...

"Is it here?"

Looking at the jungle in front, Jane once again shines: "I smell the prey..."

"Well, it is here." Lin Chi stared at the canopy that covered the sun, and the shadow behind it.

Of course, he would not choose to hide the forest of the ancient **** Ksuen as a hunting ground. The position of this forest is just in the opposite direction of the ancient gods. It is quite normal.

At the request of Lin Chi, Shen Wenchong and several other guards lurked in a place 100 meters away. Two children wearing luxurious silver armor slowly walked into the dark jungle.

Jane put the bow behind her, holding the short scimitar from the flame arsenal in her hand, and cutting off a rough bark next to it, and carefully looked at it:

"There are wild wolves here..." the boy whispered.

"I didn't see any paw prints." Lin Chi came up to look at the bark that the child was holding.

"It's not a paw print, it's the smell of fur, the sophisticated hunter can smell it!"

The young man stood up in his chest and began to educate the flames of his own lord in the tone of a person coming over: "You are still young..."

"Yes is." Lin Chi's perfunctory should be able to check the surrounding conditions through the limit state.

There is no ambush in the nearby woodland, it should be very safe. Moreover, since there is Jane around, there is nothing to worry about.

The petite "professional hunter" walked gently into the depths of the jungle, opened a pile of fallen leaves on the ground, and soon found the paw print on the mud.

"Look, I said there is a wolf." Jane turned back to Lin Chi’s blink of an eye, like a child who had a perfect score for waiting for praise.

"Hmm, it's amazing." Lin Chi continued to perfuse.

Then he suddenly noticed the anomaly next to it:

Since the game in the organ city, Lin Chi has been extremely sensitive to various organs and traps. An unnatural erected branch in the fallen leaf did not escape his eyes.

There are no human footprints here, and the trap should have been set a long time ago. Since the wolf passed by here, it did not trigger this trap. In other words...

"Don't move!" Lin Chi said sharply.

"What?" Jane, who was about to go forward, looked back at him: "There is no hunting beast trap here!"

"There is no trap for the beast." Lin Chi pointed to the fallen leaves: "But this trap is not for hunting animals, but for hunters."

"What hunter?" Jane looked at him in confusion.

"I mean: used to hunt humans." Lin Chi whispered: "For this trap, I should be more experienced than you."

Read The Duke's Passion