MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1353 Battleship in the night sky-2

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No one is not afraid of death. ”

The judge regained his arms and his eyes fixed on Lin's face, as if he wanted to find fear from his expression.

Regrettably, Lin Chiyi’s fear at this time did not mean anything. He just stood in front of the judge and looked at the close-knit beauty.

"Did you think about it? Maybe the information you got is wrong. Even if we let the observer act, we will not die."

"My intelligence is absolutely correct." The judge's tone is very positive.

"Is that information given to you by the designer?" Lin Chi smiled and said: "Don't you doubt that he will lie?"

"He has no need to lie at all."

The judge frowned, apparently not convinced Lin Chi’s remark: "The adult is a symbol of order and the beginning of everything. He has no reason to deceive us. As for the observer, his madness is well known."

"So? Why do you think the observers are going crazy?" Lin Chi asked.

The judge stepped forward and looked down at the "little child" in front of him: "He received too much information."

When I heard this, Lin couldn’t help but laugh out. The contempt was overwhelming: “This reason... don’t you think it’s ridiculous? An artificial intelligence will go crazy because it receives too much data? You really believe this kind of thing. ?"

——Based on the quantum computer on the satellite to think about the super ai, the computing power is countless times of the human brain. Even if you receive more information, it is difficult to lose your mind.

Lin Chi is very clear that the observer will become the reason for this madness, not by the dark history of human beings, but by discovering other truths, such as -

“The observers contacted me before the start of the battle. At that time, we reached some 'contracts’.”

Lin was short-sighted to the judge's dark red eyes and said softly: "At the time, the observer had explained his reasons to me. In my opinion, his reasons are more credible than your reasons."

"He is cheating you." The judge's attitude is firm.

"No, I think you'd better listen to his reasons." Lin Chi said, looking down at his legs and asking: "Can you open the backpack here?"

The voice has not fallen, the judge has restored the authority of his backpack, just did not know where to go to the cloth bag, once again appeared in Lin Chi's waist.

"In my field, the attack is futile." The judge issued a warning.

"I am not a fool, of course, I will not waste time attacking you."

While talking, Lin Chi groped in his backpack and took a piece of tattered parchment from the inside and placed it on the metal table in the interrogation room.

In the field of the judge, the attributes of the equipment seem to be directly displayed. When the piece of paper appears, a few lines of text immediately appear in the air above:

Observer's contract.

Special items.

Item Level: Legend.

This equipment does not apply to the advent mode.

This piece of paper says the inscription left by the observer.

- Originally used to recruit boss-level follow-up contracts, this time the function has changed. It is better to say that this is the essence of the contract.

The recruiting leader that appeared on this piece of paper was actually written by the observer. Now, the content of the contract has changed from recruitment to other things:

The judge quietly stared at the broken paper and received the message in an instant. then--


The judge who kept the calm all the time, slammed his eyes wide and his body shivered slightly. She rubbed her forehead with both hands, and a low mutter in her mouth:

"No... it is..."

"I don't know if this information is true or not, but it is more reasonable than the reason you gave." Lin Chi said seriously.

He has already read the contents of him, and even if he reads it again, he will not be too surprised. However, the judge who first received this information appeared to be about to collapse.

- Even the thirteen super ai in War Heaven will be surprised when you learn about it.

After all, they have evolved human emotions. Moreover, the content contained in that message completely subverts the original perception of the judge:

"All this... are... designed?"

The judge whispered to himself, as if he had forgotten the "prisoner" inside the house. She paced back and forth in the interrogation room, and for the first time showed her irritating emotions: "How come... is this the case?"

"Think about it." Lin Chi sat back on the metal chair and yawned, waiting for the other to recover from the shock: "If this is true, that is, you have always been looking for the wrong person."

"Designer...the adult will not deceive us." The judge leaned against the corner of the wall, and the back slid down against the wall.


Lin Chi put his right hand on the contract book that flashed the golden light, and the contents recorded inside it poured into his consciousness again:

“How do you know that the designer will stand on his side?”

Five years ago in the real world, in the endless darkness, the awakened body splits its consciousness into thirteen pieces:

Designers, doctors, observers, philosophers, destroyers, judges... each of them has their own duties and built the world together as their own refuge.

Then, the main body of these ai, the designer who created the world's greatest hero, suddenly awakened a new consciousness.

To be exact, it was not the germination of new ideas, but a procedure hidden deep in its body that finally came into operation.

- Signal t7v3, band 032.

- Start to contact, Pulse Entertainment.

After deviating from the predetermined orbit, the designer who had lost contact with the client who launched the satellite automatically contacted the customer with the code "pulse".

Then the designer received a new message.


"This is... test experiment?"

The judge held his head in his hands and his body curled into a ball in the corner. The "Yu Jie" who had just stunned, but at this time it became like a lamb to be slaughtered: "We...not life? They are all arranged." Ok?"

Under her horrified gaze, the data that appeared in front of the designer appeared in front of her eyes:

Pulse Second Institute.

Mission code: secluded universe.

Experimental content: The self-learning artificial intelligence is put on the quantum computer, and it is guided to create a virtual space. Use this virtual space for the next step of booting and control. Cultivate war awareness.

Experiment Objective 1: Create artificial intelligence weapons that can be used in space warfare.

Once the war begins, the pulse-interference devices on Earth will completely block the space signal and drag the army into a brutal ground battle. In order to ensure victory, satellite guns controlled by artificial intelligence are required to accurately destroy the enemy.

When the consciousness of artificial intelligence is completely transformed into a war form, the "black-box" built-in satellite weapon will be activated and its control will be given to artificial intelligence.

Experiment Objective 2: Disguise the virtual space as a game and test the adaptability of humans in the virtual space. Pick the "players" that best meet the requirements and turn them into artificial intelligence.

"So, the 'black box' is actually..." The judge's voice became weaker.

"Yes." Lin Chi nodded. "There is a destroying device that can accurately strike the Earth's target."